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Game of LOL Cloud Top: Neon Night Deacon Draven's lineup matching strategy

Source: Internet | Editor: Internet | Time: 2022-02-21 10:57:22 | Reading: 0

How to match the lineup of Deacon Draven of the Neon Night of LOL Cloud Top? Many players don't know yet. The following 52z Flying Download Editor is for you Game of LOL Cloud Top: Neon Night Deacon Draven's lineup matching strategy Let's have a look.

How to match the lineup of Deacon Draven at the Night of Neon Rainbow

1、 Lineup collocation

Team composition: Camille, Cindela, Leona, Sena, Draven, Bloem, Renata, Oriana

Lineup constraints: 3 deacons, 2 bodyguards, 2 challenges, 2 precision, 2 white demons, 2 scholars, 1 celebrity

Heix Enhancement (must take): very noble, deacon's shackles reduced by 25% (forgot what to call it)

Hicks enhancement (secondary selection): emergency props, soaring, binary

Analysis: VIP Draven does not have very high requirements for the Heikes enhancement. As long as the Heikes enhancement can increase the real-time combat effectiveness, it is a good choice.

2、 Equipment recommendation

Lord C Draven: Sheep Blade (necessary)+Blood Drinking/Justice/Massacre/Endless/Mercury/Killing Sword (choose one of four)

Deputy C Renata: Green Dragon Blade+Ghost Book (required)+French Explosion/Hat/Archangel

Tank Leona: maniac+anti armour+stone statue ghost plate armour/dragon tooth

Equipment analysis: Draven's core equipment is the sheep knife. Although there are two challenges, Draven can't hack at the end of the battle without output. Drinking blood can increase Draven's blood return, increase justice and stability, and bring endless damage. Mercury free control is a good choice.

Renata ghost book is necessary, and the lineup lacks serious injuries. The Green Dragon Blade can increase the output frequency. These two equipment have priority over others.

The core equipment of Leona is fanatics+anti armour, which is the key to openness. The last piece of equipment gives priority to the stone statue ghost plate armour. If AP damage is more, use dragon teeth.

3、 Operation strategy

Operation idea: 2-1 pull 4 population, 2-5 pull 5 population, 3-2 pull 6 population, 4-1 pull 7 population. This lineup is a set of operation lineup. 4-6/4-7 pull 8 population to find Draven's VIP as soon as possible. Draven without VIP attribute bonus is a very younger brother.

Equipment selection

Hayes' choice: the lineup does not have high requirements for Hayes' reinforcement, and priority is given to Hayes' reinforcement with special effects of deacons, but deacons should not be transferred. The lineup only needs to open 3 deacons, and opening 5 deacons will reduce combat effectiveness. In addition, you can choose non binding type of Hicks reinforcement, such as golden gifts.

Early lineup: The early lineup builds a lineup around the shackles of three inventors, and five people can gather three Ming Ming, two Geek and two Precision. The equipment should be given directly in the early stage as far as possible, and it is generally not recommended to leave three spare parts. The early working equipment can be directly made into sheep knives for EZ to work, maniacs, and ghost books for Camille.

Medium term lineup: 3-2 pull 6 people, 4-1 pull 7 people small D20-30 gold coins, mainly find one Draven to transition to the middle term. However, it is necessary to make use of 3 deacons, 2 bodyguards and 2 challenges. It doesn't matter if Draven doesn't find 2 stars. Generally, the VIP probability of 8 people out of Draven will increase significantly. And the lineup must open three deacons. Although the deacons' shackles do not add much, it is crucial to improve the probability of VIP appearance.

Later lineup: add Sena to the 8 population, and then go to find the VIP deacon Draven. Once again, I would like to emphasize that as long as VIP Deacon Draven comes, even if VIP Deacon Zeli doesn't want to take it, which doesn't have much effect on this lineup. However, if you have Nicole, you can choose to play Zeli with Nicole 2 stars directly. But don't be fooled without Nicole.

4、 Interpretation of lineup

VIP Deacon De Levin Don't Drive 5 Deacons

Deacons' shackle effect is to increase HP and spell strength, but it should be noted here that VIP does not increase physical attack power, and does not increase attack power, but it is basically useless for Draven to increase HP, so we only need 3 deacons to activate Draven VIP, and the special bonus of VIP deacons is the core necessity of our lineup.

The value of VIP deacon's bonus is that Draven can obtain unlimited attack distance, which is the effect of the artillery before. Without VIP deacon, Draven's attack distance is 3. Only when he holds the artillery can he stand in the last row and output stably. For Draven, a stable output environment is the most critical.

However, VIP Draven can obtain unlimited attack distance, and can stand in the corner of the last row to attack indefinitely. The next damage can cause a percentage of armor that ignores the target, which is basically equivalent to a gun+armor breaking bow. Therefore, it is not recommended to play this lineup without a VIP.

The key to the VIP Draven lineup is not only Draven, but also the quality of the front row. Draven is a hero who fights single damage, and does not have AOE damage of range star.

Therefore, this lineup cannot directly eliminate the heroes in the front row at the beginning. Without enough candor in the front row, Levin cannot stand at all. Once again, in addition to the equipment of Draven, the front row openness is very important, very important!

The above is what 52z Flying Download Editor brings to you Game of LOL Cloud Top: Neon Night Deacon Draven's lineup matching strategy Everything! Don't miss friends in need!

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