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Power consumption analysis of Apple iOS 15 official version

Source: Internet | Editor: Internet | Time: 2021-09-22 13:38:09 | Reading: 16777215

Does Apple iOS 15 consume power after the official version is updated? Many kids don't know yet. The following 52z Flying Downloads are compiled for you Power consumption analysis of Apple iOS 15 official version Let's have a look.

Does Apple iOS 15 consume power after the official version is updated

IOS challenges the battery life: the battery life of the two iPhones on hand has declined to varying degrees after updating iOS15. Fortunately, they did not go out on the Mid Autumn Festival, so they were all plugged in. Heating and endurance are old problems. Every new generation of operating system has such problems at the beginning. Maybe after a few days, people will get used to it. They think Apple has patched it.

In addition, I don't know whether it is because of the longer model. The unlocking speed of iPhonex and SE II has become slower. What's more, SE II basically needs several attempts to unlock successfully.

At present, I have two mobile phones, one iPhone X, which has been updated. The fever is very serious, and basically can't hold it. After the fever, the system card drops; An iPhone SE II, originally used as a standby machine, uses A13 chip, which has been updated and can basically use most of the ios functions.

New features of the official version of ios15

1. Drag text and pictures across apps

a. Drag text across apps, long press the selected text or recognized text, and drag it to other apps. (Global app available)

b. Drag the image across the app, long press the selected image, and drag it to the system's own APP for reference. (Not all apps are available)

2. Fast camera

In the video recording mode, slide up for fast video recording, and it can be doubled. Slide right to start fast video recording.

3. Live Text

a. There are text recognition functions in photos, screenshots, cameras, and web images, which can be directly copied or translated.

The identified phone and address can be related to the system phone, map, etc.

b. "Text recognition" can be used not only in the memo, but also in the global input box after the official version.

4. Add video effect and audio effect.

In any online video or audio, you can adjust some effects of video portrait and audio at the system level.

5. Focus mode

a. The previous Do Not Disturb mode has been extended to driving, fitness, games, sleep, personal, work or custom modes.

6. Search function enhancement (You can search for words or things recognized in pictures) Global search supports image search

7. Upgrade and function of Safari

The upgrade of Safari is mainly reflected in the change of the interface, the new label bar design, and the addition of third-party plug-in extension functions. The home page can set the background map, slide the address bar to switch pages, etc.

The above is what 52z Flying Download Editor brings to you Power consumption analysis of Apple iOS 15 official version Everything! Don't miss those in need!

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