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Update of Apple IOS 15 Beta5

Source: Internet | Editor: Internet | Time: 2021-08-13 15:29:29 | Reading: 0

What is the updated content of IOS 15 Beta5? What are the new features of Apple IOS 15 Beta5? For those who are not clear, here is a detailed introduction of the updated contents of Apple IOS 15 Beta5! If you are interested, don't miss it!

Update of Apple IOS 15 Beta5

1: Control Center icon update

Now the camera and voice recognition function icons in the control center have been updated, and this is the second time the camera icon has been updated in the beta version.

On the whole, it has become more concise. For example, the camera icon and shutter button have been deleted.

2: Weather app icon update

IOS15 itself has made a major update to the weather application. This time, Apple has updated the weather icon again, and the color has changed from the light color to the dark color.

It's hard to see if you don't look carefully. In addition, the background color inside the weather application has also deepened.

3: Remove Safari Fold Refresh

In the previous iOS15 beta version, Apple added a small refresh icon to the address bar fold page of Safari browser. In this version, Apple removed the small refresh icon.

However, there is still a refresh icon in the pop-up address bar, which simply cancels the refresh icon in the collapsed page, without affecting the use.

4: Shut down to find the new page

In the last version, Apple added a shutdown location function to the iPhone device. If this function is enabled, the system will pop up a window when the phone is shut down to remind that the phone can also be found when it is shut down.

And now the pop-up window also has a page for understanding functions, so that the power-off user can more carefully understand that iPhone power-off can also be located and retrieved.

5: Lock screen off white noise

In iOS15, Apple has added an interesting function to the iPhone. The background white noise function can be turned on in Settings - Auxiliary Functions - Audio and Visual - Background Sound, allowing you to focus more on your work.

This time, Apple has added an option to turn off the lock screen, but the function is still displayed in English.

6: New icon of shortcut command

An icon of a drink cup has been added to the shortcut command, which can be seen in the thumbnail settings.

7: Localization of watch unlocking function

Now the pop-up window that appears when you use iPhone to unlock the Apple Watch has been translated into Chinese, which was previously in English.

8: Test application shortcut

If you have installed Apple's official test application TestFlight on your phone, you can also see the version being tested in the app store and apply for a download experience.

9: New Start Page

Now, when you open photos, maps, homes, App Store and other applications for the first time, a brand new introduction card of new functions will appear.

10: Audio decoding supports WebM

Now Safari browser has supported WebM audio decoding. You can see the support of this function in the browser settings.

The above is all the updated content of Apple IOS 15 Beta5 compiled by 52z. I hope it can help you!

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