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List of Sources/Meanings of Online Hot Words of "Human High Quality Male"

Source: Internet | Editor: Internet | Time: 2021-07-27 09:50:09 | Reading: 16777215

What is the reason of "human high-quality men"? Where does "human high-quality men" come from? Little friends who are still not clear, here is a detailed introduction of the source/meaning of "human high-quality male" online hot words! If you are interested, don't miss it!

List of Sources/Meanings of Online Hot Words of "Human High Quality Male"

The human high-quality male stems from an INS video called Xu Qingen. At the beginning, Xu Qingen published a video of online courtship on his INS. He said that he is a high-quality male of human beings. He not only knows English, but also has a lot of money. He can meet women's needs in all aspects, and praised many of his advantages, I hope interested female friends can talk with him in detail.

Originally, a simple courtship video should not burst into flames, but in Xu Qingen's courtship video, it is very funny. His unique coquettish style makes people look bright, even if he is greasy, he is confident to pose as handsome as he thinks. In addition, it is probably because I have been abroad for a long time and have been used to the English environment. When I introduced myself in Chinese, I said haltingly, which made me laugh.

In addition, Xu Qingen said that he was a man of high quality, so the word "human" seemed very deliberate, which made many netizens laugh that his body was taken away, and there was a strong suspicion that he was controlled by aliens.

However, after a closer look, Xu Qingen is not really ugly. If he dresses normally, he should be good. Some netizens picked up Xu Qingen's personal information. At present, they don't know whether it is true or not. Some critics said Xu Qingen is 185, 29 years old, polite and cultivated. He graduated from Tsinghua University, has a double master's degree in Oxford Primpton, and is a senior manager in finance. His monthly income is seven figures, I live in Tomson, one product and two sets, drive Rolls Royce, Bentley, and own private aircraft. You laugh at Big Brother's cosmetics, and Big Brother laughs at your hard life. In addition, he has tens of thousands of glasses.

At present, there is an account called canxu2020 and an account called Mr. Xu 1991 on station B. Although Xu Qingen's video has been uploaded, many people also think that it is the number of his own station and station B, but I made a statement on INS that I only have accounts of INS, Zhihu, Weibo and Xiaohongshu at present.

Therefore, the accounts on Diaoyin and Station B are fake and impersonated, but it is likely to open my own account in the future.

The above is all the contents about the list of sources/meanings of "human high-quality men" online hot words compiled by 52z. I hope it can help you!

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