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List of Sources/Meanings of Hot Words on the Internet: "What Liquid Did You Infuse? The Night You Miss"

Source: Internet | Editor: Internet | Time: 2021-06-16 09:25:33 | Reading: 16777215

What kind of liquid did you lose? What's the trouble of missing you? What's the meaning of "What kind of liquid is transfused? The night when I miss you"? Little friends who are still not clear, here is a detailed introduction of the source/meaning of Sun Yining's golden phrase "What liquid did you lose? The night you missed"! If you are interested, don't miss it!

List of Sources/Meanings of Hot Words on the Internet: "What Liquid Did You Infuse? The Night You Miss"

"What liquid did you lose? The night you missed" was one of Wang Sicong's classic quotations in the event of Wang Sicong and Sun Yining yesterday. After being exposed, it was hindered by netizens' crazy play.

Wang Sicong: Bao, I went to infusion today. What kind of fluid did I lose

The following is a case study by netizens:

Bao, I went to infusion today. What kind of fluid did I miss you

Bao, I went to plant the land today. What kind of land did I plant

Bao, I went to have noodles today. What noodles did I eat? I suddenly want to see you

Bao, I went fishing today. What fish did I catch? I love you until I die

Treasure, I made nucleic acid today. What's so sour that I can't get your heartache

Bao, what kind of vaccine did I get today? I love you every second

Bao, I went to dinner today. What kind of food did I want you to obey me

Bao, I went to work today. What shift did I take? I love you very much

Bao, I ate melon seeds today. What is your son

Bao, I went to exercise today. What kind of movement is moving you every time

Bao, I'm lying flat today. What can I do without you

Bao, I walked around the street today. What way did I walk

Bao, I'm going to take medicine today. What kind of medicine do you take is the most important

Bao, I bought a box today. What box did I buy? Our perfect match

Bao, I saw something wrong today. What did I see? I love you more every day

The above is all the contents of the list of sources/meanings of online hot words "What kind of liquid did you lose? The night you miss" compiled by 52z. I hope it can help you!

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