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What is "semi permanent fat"? What is the meaning of "semi permanent fat"

Source: Internet | Editor: Internet | Time: 2018-08-30 17:44:40 | Reading: 16777215

What stalk is semi permanent fat? What does semi permanent fat mean? Many kids don't know it yet, so let's take a look at it together with 52z Flying Download.

What does semi permanent fat mean

It means that the cheeks, stomach, upper thighs and other parts are always in a plump state, and can resist the fat of different weight loss methods.

This kind of fat will disappear due to lovelorn, hard work, pressure from leaders, staying up late and other factors, but it will always come back. It is very stubborn, you can't reduce it, it can't go.

Look at your own flesh. Is it the same symptom? You are immune to all weight loss methods. You are very stubborn. You will revive if you kill it,

Regular comments on semi permanent fat

1. Oh, my face should also have semi permanent acne

2. I'm not losing. I'm not losing

3. Ah, I have been pregnant for a hundred times. I am edema or fat

4. The face is semi permanent, can it be transplanted to the chest

5. Only it really loves me

6. It never shows signs of disappearance due to the pressure of lovelorn and poor leaders, and always sticks to its position

7. Eating will not make me fat, exercising will not make me thin, and my calories will not burn

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