Mark Watermark Camera

Intelligent, simple and easy to use

Individual and team collaboration tools

 Real time and place watermark

Real time and place watermark

Efficient management team

 Artificial intelligence watermark

Artificial intelligence watermark

Simplify work and improve personal efficiency

 HD shooting restores the real scene

HD shooting restores the real scene

Automatically add professional work watermark

 Free cloud storage

cloud storage

Does not occupy the phone memory,
Automatic classification and storage of pictures, easy to find

Real time and place of high-definition watermark photo shooting

Real time and place
HD watermark photo shooting
Brand Watermark Customization

real Time and place watermark

Automatic calibration of time and place

Certification and authorization of National Time Service Center

AI AI New Mode of Efficiency Improvement

Intelligent recognition of license plate and one button moving

Count reinforcement, steel pipe, wood, etc

Intelligent attendance

 The real time and place watermark can be seen, the work progress of the work order system can be easily controlled, the intelligent patrol mark sticker, the patrol route can be uploaded in real time, the intelligent identification license plate can be moved by one button, the illegal parking vehicle can be solved by one button, the lightweight and intelligent property charging system can solve the problem of urging fees, and improve the charging rate

Industry use cases

  • Property
  • engineering
  • sale
  • Local promotion and part-time job

Customer Use Case

Services provided to the property industry

The real time and place watermark can be seen, the work progress of the work order system can be easily controlled, the intelligent patrol mark sticker, the patrol route can be uploaded in real time, the intelligent identification license plate can be moved by one button, the illegal parking vehicle can be solved by one button, the lightweight and intelligent property charging system can solve the problem of urging fees, and improve the charging rate

Cooperative institutions
Honors and qualifications
 Class III network security protection
 Copyright Registration Certificate of the National Copyright Administration
 Copyright Registration Certificate of the National Copyright Administration
 National Intellectual Property Trademark Certificate
 Copyright Registration Certificate of the National Copyright Administration
 Appearance design patent certificate
 patent for invention

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