CNC Beginner to Proficient Complete Tutorial
common nine hundred and eight Subsections already existing four hundred and ninety-two thousand seven hundred and forty-three People have learned Launched in November 2016
Course summary
CNC theoretical knowledge (manual programming, mechanical drawing, etc.), CAD2012 practice (from drawing viewing to drawing to dimensioning, etc.), MC9.1 classic Chinese course (from installation to software use to drawing to programming to post-processing), UG10.0 classic course. Communication group: 57311110
Tutorial degree:
primary intermediate
Software version:

Foundation required:
AutoCAD Basics
Suitable for:
Programmer, mold design
Course materials
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 Duan Yuanqiang
Duan Yuanqiang
I want to be a senior lecturer of Self study Network
Course Introduction
Tutorials include CNC theoretical knowledge (manual programming, mechanical drawing, etc.), CAD2012 practice (from drawing viewing to drawing to dimensioning, etc.), MC9.1 classic Chinese tutorials (from installation to software use to drawing to programming to post-processing) UG10.0 classic tutorials (from installation to software use to part programming to mold programming to multi axis programming and post-processing programming) have the advantages of strong practicality, more experience sharing, systematic teaching, etc., and are the best choice for you to learn CNC technology.
Our road to success more Change
Member name: This is a student coming to * * *
We should never feel that it is useless to learn something, and never feel too late. As long as we start, we will stick to it, and there will be gains!
Member name: 51 * * * Daqi
Numerical control majors who have never been to college and studied in technical secondary schools had software courses in school, but they did not teach them (generally technical schools focus on making money, supplemented by education). After graduation, they found the importance of software, so they started the journey of self-study. At the beginning, the way of self-study was to go to the library to read books. It was not easy to chew words, and they had to face incomprehension
Member name: T99 * * * 3hy
In the short study, I deeply felt my lack of computer professional knowledge, and then found how little I knew, and really understood the meaning of endless learning. Thanks to all the teachers who I want to help us with the self-learning network, I hope that the self-learning network will become better and better, so that we beginners can
Member name: WXv * * * yah
Because my own level is limited, I only have a junior high school degree, and my heavy family burden dropped out of school early to come to Guangdong, a hot land for working. From the front line operators to CNC, they earned salaries by simple and repeated mechanical labor at the initial stage
Member name: P1 * * * 16
Nine years ago, when I was a migrant worker on a construction site, I knew that knowledge could change my destiny. So I said goodbye to dirty and tired physical labor and went to a technical secondary school to learn computer application technology. I cherish this learning opportunity, and it is needless to say that I study hard. After more than a year of study,
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