Sketch Master Video Tutorial
common one hundred and thirty-two Subsections already existing one million four hundred and eighty-two thousand five hundred and seventy-six People have learned Launched in May 2010
Course summary
Sketchup sketch master is a set of design tools directly oriented to the design scheme creation process. Its creation process can not only express the designer's ideas but also fully meet the needs of real-time communication with customers. Its modeling process is simple and clear: draw lines into surfaces, and then extrude them.
Tutorial degree:
Software version:
Sketch Master 6.0 and 7.0 Chinese Version [Download link]

Foundation required:
It is better to have 3ds max and CAD foundation
Suitable for:
Students interested in indoor and outdoor design
 Cheng Yongpeng
Cheng Yongpeng
Senior lecturer in interior design
Course Introduction
Sketchup master sketch video tutorial is another excellent tutorial produced by "I want to learn by myself". This tutorial is taught by Mr. Cheng Yongpeng who has rich practical and teaching experience. His simple expression, incisive insight, and explanation from shallow to deep are sure to give you a comprehensive and profound understanding of this software.
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Member name: Yang * * * yuan
I majored in mechatronics when I was in college. I graduated in 2009 and engaged in equipment maintenance for two years after graduation. As I learned to replace spare parts, I need to draw drawings and part structure drawings. My 3D drawing level is not very high, so I always ask others to draw for me
Member name: G * * *
I didn't buy a computer in my freshman year and learned some EXCEL intermittently at home during the winter vacation. Later, when I bought a computer in my sophomore year, I learned the basic word 2016 video tutorial taught by Mr. Huang Jianbin in my spare time after class. The teacher explained in detail and patiently, and each lesson was controlled at about 10 minutes
Member name: Feng * * * o
Since junior high school, I like computers very much, but no one knows me. My mother bought me a cheap computer for me. How long did she start to solve the computer problems by herself? Slowly, I learned the computer hardware and slowly began to learn
Member name: 0o * * * o0
The university was assigned to the major of textile technology. At that time, it was not interested in its own major. However, it seemed to be exposed to the new world when it came to PS as a substitute. It looked for tutorials everywhere on the Internet, and found all kinds of post bars and QQ groups. It was possible to learn a tool and how to cut layers, and make a little progress
Member name: jia * * * y11
For most ordinary people, learning all kinds of knowledge is an indispensable step for their own development. Although they graduated from college, they have no skills, no connections and no funds. What they learned in school can not be used as a job at all. They were really confused when they just graduated. They had entered a factory and worked as a handyman.
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