The novel "General Cold's Rebirth Wife", a night string novel with cold worry and white moon, is free to read - IT House Blog

Cold Worry Moon White Night String Novel "Rebirth of Cold General

General Leng's rebirth wife, Leng Youyue's white night string

The complete version of the ancient romantic novel General Leng's Reborn Wife has been loved by many readers since its release. It can be seen that the quality of the work is high. The main character is Leng You, the moon and the night strings. It is also written by the author in early spring. The story outline: Leng You, who has lived for more than ten years, has always been
Wrap a healthy zongzi with happy zongzi leaves and happy rice grains, tie it with acacia rope, and send it to you by SMS, wishing you and your family "Happy Dragon Boat Festival".

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Cold Worry Moon White Night String Novels - Seemingly Merry

A friend who has a bear child at home knows that the remote control must be placed out of the bear child's reach, but even so, there will still be an emergency when the air conditioner cannot be found or the remote control cannot be started when there is no power. It is too hot in summer to wait. Today, I will teach you two tricks: the first way is to find the forced operation button of the air conditioner to open the air conditioner cover, There are two small concave grooves on both sides of the air conditioner cover. If you use your hands to pick it up, the air conditioner cover will

Teng sheng

What should I do if I lose the air conditioner remote control? I'll teach you a move. You can drive without remote control!

A friend who has a bear child at home knows that the remote control must be placed out of the bear child's reach, but even so, there will still be an emergency when the air conditioner cannot be found or the remote control cannot be started when there is no power. It is too hot in summer to wait. Today, I will teach you two tricks: the first way is to find the forced operation button of the air conditioner to open the air conditioner cover, There are two small concave grooves on both sides of the air conditioner cover. If you use your hands to pick it up, the air conditioner cover will


What does the title page mean (basic knowledge of book design)

Text layout design is the key point of book binding. The following points should be paid attention to in the design: the relationship between text font category, size, font spacing and line spacing; The font and size meet the requirements of people of different ages; Leave space around the text layout to make readers feel comfortable and beautiful when reading; The printing color of the text and the color of the paper should meet the needs of the reading function; The position of illustrations in the text and their relationship with the text and layout should be appropriate; Color illustrations and text wear

A decisive victory

The great king of art songs, Schubert's personal profile and summary of his deeds

Franz Schubert (1797-1828), an Austrian composer, was born in Vienna at the home of a primary school principal. He received music education from his father and church school when he was young. Due to his outstanding music talent, he did not become a teacher as his father expected, but chose an unstable and economically insecure career - composer. Back in church school band




Maple leaf panda

What you send is words, what you receive is happiness, what you see is messages, what you don't see is concerns, what you open is health, what you read is auspiciousness, and what you silently read is blessings. May parents be healthy and happy at the Dragon Boat Festival.

The novel "General Cold's Rebirth Wife", a night string novel with cold worry and white moon, is free to read - IT House Blog

 The novel "General Cold's Rebirth Wife", a night string novel with cold worry and white moon, is free to read - IT House Blog

 The novel "General Cold's Rebirth Wife", a night string novel with cold worry and white moon, is free to read - IT House Blog  The novel "General Cold's Rebirth Wife", a night string novel with cold worry and white moon, is free to read - IT House Blog
Cold worry moonlight: the most beautiful feeling