
What are the rhyming slogans of the high school entrance exam

Senior High School Entrance Examination

Be willing to learn and practice, challenge the high school entrance exam, be diligent and progressive, and achieve yourself. This article collates the 16 character slogan of the high school entrance exam. Welcome to read it. 116 character cheer

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Do the least like

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What are the inspirational rhyming slogans for the high school entrance examination? (16 words are full of arrogance)

 What are the rhymed slogans for the high school entrance exam? (16 words are full of arrogance)  What are the inspirational rhyming slogans for the high school entrance examination? (16 words are full of arrogance)
"I did poorly in the exam today." "Why?" "Because no matter what problems I encounter, my answer will be you."
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