tel Handle 400 telephone service hotline

Today's special

The daily preferential number is earned!
  • 400-*55- one thousand two hundred and thirty-one
  • 400-*12- eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight
  • 400-*32- six thousand six hundred and sixty-eight
  • 400-*61- three thousand three hundred and thirty-eight
  • 400-*73- eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight
  • 400-*59- nine thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight
  • 400-*63- six thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight
  • 400-*97- seven thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight
  • 400-*51- three thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight
  • 400-*32- two thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight
  • 400-*55- one thousand one hundred and eighty-eight
  • 400-*69- seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight
  • 400-*97- 0988
  • 400-*52- five thousand two hundred and eighty-eight
  • 400-*92- one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight

400 Telephone Introduction

400 telephone handling, enterprise's voice business card
 400 Telephone Introduction

The 400 phone service is a service of shared payment between the caller and the receiver, that is, the 400 phone fee is shared between the caller and the receiver, and the caller only pays the city phone fee. The 400 phone is an upgraded version of the 800 phone service. It perfectly combines traditional telecommunications resources with modern CTI technology to help enterprises quickly establish their own call centers. It aims to enhance the service brand image of enterprises, thus improving market competitiveness, and is widely used in pre-sales and after-sales service consulting for enterprises. Details>>>

400 phone number recommendation

Boutique 400 phone number, high cost performance, improve corporate image
Shop level number
400-*80-6066 400*-618-699 400-*78-7077 400*-600-799 400*-158-168
400-*80-8666 400-*91-9666 400-*99-1666 400-*08-6688 400-*80-8686
Free customization of 400 opening scheme
Enterprise class name
400-*80-7888 400-*69-1888 400-*08-5888 400-*08-1999 400-*97-6999
400-*02-9199 400-*65-1966 400-*55-6188 400-*58-5699 400-*98-6696
Free customization of 400 opening scheme
Group level celebrity
400-*68-6666 400-*70-6666 400-*66-7777 400-*78-7777 400-*82-8888
400-*80-8888 400-*26-9999 400-*61-9999 400-*28-6789 400*-586-586
Free customization of 400 opening scheme

Selected 400 phone package

400 phone service, good gift for number opening, full set of 400 phone functions
Startup package
Individual industrial and commercial users, with less investment, pursue low prices
Send 1 item
Value added function
Shipping number example: More cool numbers>
400-*81-5811 400*-180-168 400-*90-6990
400-*60-0968 400-*81-5919 400-*80-0765
eighty-eight RMB/month
Contract term: 3 years
Courteous consultation
Development oriented enterprise package
Quickly realize business growth and improve enterprise competitiveness
Send 5 items
Value added function
Shipping number example: More cool numbers>
400-*96-1188 400-*69-1919 400-*60-5588
400-*60-8880 400-*66-7878 400*-966-788
two hundred and ninety-eight RMB/month
Contract term: 3 years
Courteous consultation
Group enterprise package
Maintain the leading position in the industry, establish and improve the customer service system
Send 6 items
Value added function
Shipping number example: More cool numbers>
400-*18-6888 400-*60-6999 400-*60-1888
400-*58-5666 400-*58-6999 400-*98-5666
nine hundred and ninety-eight RMB/month
Contract term: 3 years
Courteous consultation

400 phone activation process

400 phone service, good gift for number opening, full set of 400 phone functions
Step 1: Select a satisfied number and package
Contact the customer service, and select the 400 phone number you are satisfied with and the tariff package that meets the enterprise communication needs according to your needs.
Step 2: Submit application materials
Submit the relevant review certificates of the enterprise required for 400 phone application, such as business license, organization code certificate, identity certificate, power of attorney, etc.
Step 3: Data review and opening
The relevant data submitted by the operator shall be submitted to the customer service personnel for verification. After the verification is passed, both parties sign the contract, and then open the 400 phone.

Benefits of handling 400 calls

The enterprise handles 400 calls, improves the corporate image, and demonstrates the strength of the enterprise
400 phone is easier for customers to remember
The use of a unified number throughout the country, customers remember the 400 number is equivalent to remember the company, increasing customer call opportunities.
400 calls to improve the corporate service image
When an enterprise handles 400 calls, it can answer the phone like a bank or a telecommunications company. Customers feel that the enterprise is large and formal, increasing customer trust.
400 calls to avoid loss of customer resources
The 400 phone is powerful and never busy, reducing the waiting time of customers. Enterprises do not need to change their numbers when moving, and customers do not lose.
400 telephone saves communication cost for enterprises
At the same time, it helps enterprises to prevent unwanted calls or malicious harassment.
400 calls help enterprises improve sales performance
Automatically record the business opportunities of every 400 calls, refine the sales process management, from clues to cash, get through multiple sales links, and improve team efficiency and performance.
400 phones help enterprises improve office efficiency
Handle 400 telephone evacuation enterprise OA/IM, realize enterprise internal approval, announcement, attendance, collaboration and other functions, and improve enterprise office efficiency.

400 telephone core functions

The 400 phone function is free of charge, facilitating the establishment of your own call center
 Welcome message (RBT) Welcome message (RBT)
The company's voice business card uses personalized voice instead of monotonous ring tones to convey the company's true information to customers and increase trust during the waiting time for connection.
User selection rate
Consulting experience
 Multi line 1 Multi line 1
The 400 number can be bound to multiple mobile phones and landlines, which can be accessed by multiple customers at the same time. The system automatically selects idle lines for access, and no business opportunity will be lost.
User selection rate
Consulting experience
 Call recording Call recording
The whole process recording of every 400 phone calls helps enterprises supervise the quality of customer service, and also provides evidence for handling customer disputes and complaints.
User selection rate
Consulting experience
 IVR intelligent voice navigation IVR intelligent voice navigation
Automatically provide corresponding service support for customers according to the key selection of 400 calls to improve service efficiency.
User selection rate
Consulting experience

Reasons for choosing us to handle 400 calls

400 phone is easy to handle, providing high-quality after-sales technical services
Large scale and powerful
7 × 24 hours response to customer inquiries, professional communication consultants provide you with a full range of one-on-one intimate services such as purchase consultation/configuration recommendation/price scheme!
Stable and reliable platform
The extremely stable communication lines of telecom operators ensure the security and privacy of customer information at all times.
Stable and reliable platform
The extremely stable communication lines of telecom operators ensure the security and privacy of customer information at all times.

National 400 Telephone Application Center