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Long short game - trend tool resonance


The investment value of stocks depends on the future supply and demand relationship. Speculation is a game between long and short parties to gain profits. Whether you are an investor or a speculator, you can only win in the financial market stability if you grasp the general direction. The so-called trend means that the market trend is up, down or concussion. When judging that the future trend is going up as a whole through corresponding means, carry out stock investment to obtain more stable investment profits.

1. Practical role: Be a trend trader, follow the trend, actively operate in the rising trend, take a break in the falling trend, and make profits in the market continuously and steadily.

2. Usage:

  ①  First, use the polar reverse channel to see the current position and direction;

  ②  Heaven and earth K Line, multi air front, energy trading and other judgments;

  ③  If multiple tools indicate a steady trend, resonance will be formed, and the operation will follow the trend; On the contrary, reduce the position accordingly.

three Recommended tools: Polar anti channel, Ganen multi air front, Qiankun K line, energy trading, etc.

4. Practical cases:

As shown in the figure, 000758 NFC shares, at the high point of 10.96, the extreme reverse channel just runs to the band pressure of the red outer track, and the upward trend should be mainly sold if blocked; At the same time, Gan En's multi empty presentation tool fell below the short-term multi head line, and the trend became weaker; Look at the energy trading below. The red column shortens and a sell signal appears. three All trend tools are displayed ten point nine six At the end of the rising trend, short positions are dominant and should be sold; At present, the extreme reverse channel retreats to the lifeline support, the multi air battle line retreats to the support of the purple multi head line, while the green column of energy trading is shortened, and the trend is showing good, so buy in batches.

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