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 Car condition detection master app

Car condition detection master app

Application index: five branch

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The following important permissions need to be called

Allows applications to modify data on system settings. Malicious applications can use this to corrupt your system configuration.
Access additional location information provider commands. Malicious applications can use this to interfere with the normal operation of GPS or other location sources.
Allow applications to get a list of accounts known to the phone.
Allows applications to request authentication tokens.
Allows applications to add, delete accounts, and delete their passwords.
Allow applications to use the account authenticator function of AccountManager, including creating accounts and obtaining and setting their passwords.
Allows applications to read desktop settings, configuration information, and obtain program shortcuts added to the desktop.
Allow the application to send obstinate broadcasts that will remain after the end. Malicious applications may use this to consume too much memory on the phone, thus reducing its speed or stability.
Allows applications to modify audio settings for the entire system, such as volume and routing.
Allows the application to display the system alert window. Malicious applications can take control of the entire phone screen.
Obtain the longitude and latitude information of the user's error through WiFi or mobile base station, and the positioning accuracy is about 30~1500m.
Allow programs to access the network
Allow applications to view information about WLAN status.
Allow applications to connect to and disconnect from WLAN access points, and make changes to the configured WLAN network.
Allows applications to view the status of all networks.
Allows the application to control the vibrator.
Allow applications to write to the SD card.
Allows applications to add program shortcut icons to the home page.
Access to accurate location sources, such as the GPS (if any) on the mobile phone. Malicious applications may use this to determine where you are and may consume additional battery power.
Allows the application to take pictures with the camera, so that the application can collect images entering the camera lens at any time.
Allows applications to configure local Bluetooth phones and discover and pair remote devices.
Allow the application to view the configuration of the local Bluetooth phone, and establish or accept the connection with the paired device.
Allow applications to prevent the phone from going to sleep.
Allows applications to change the status of network connections.
Allow applications to access the recording path.
The application is allowed to end the background process of other applications regardless of whether the memory resources are tight.
Allows applications to move tasks to the front and back. Malicious applications can force their way into the front end without your control.
Allow applications to access the phone features of the device. Applications with this permission can determine the number and serial number of this phone, whether a call is in progress, and the number of the other party.
Allows the application to take pictures with the camera, so that the application can collect images entering the camera lens at any time.
Allows applications to retrieve information about current and recently run tasks. Malicious applications can use this to discover confidential information about other applications.

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Vehicle condition inspection master Auto service app Vehicle inspection app
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Application Introduction Application screenshot Related version Netizen comments Download address

  • Type: Domestic software is practical
  • edition: V13.3.2 Latest Android version
  • size: 111.3M
  • to update: 2024-05-16 04:54
  • Language: chinese
  • Grade:
  • Platform: Android
  • manufacturer: Beijing Mingdao Tongtu Technology Co., Ltd
  • Chinese name: Vehicle condition inspection master

Car condition detection master app mobile version It is a vehicle condition detection adapter MOBD Mobile applications , so that you can grasp the all-round situation of your car in real time, ensure your travel safety, and provide comprehensive services for the owners. Come and download experience k to have a look!

Introduction to the free version of the vehicle condition detection master

"Vehicle condition detection master" is an application software for vehicle owners. It can be used together with the "vehicle condition detection adapter MOBD" to provide more comprehensive services for vehicle owners.

It is the exclusive tool for 2265 users

Create exclusive HUD head up display and instrument panel

 Download and install mobile version for free

Unlimited expansion of detection scheme and early warning scheme

Time and space statistics to display driving data in an all-round way

Trend analysis, summary statistics, map analysis, everything

Support firmware upgrade and constantly innovate play methods

Features of official version of vehicle condition detection master

Provide security for you and your car

Self diagnosis of vehicle fault, professional fault diagnosis instrument

Comprehensive vehicle safety scanning, user-friendly fault interpretation

Automatic recording of vehicle data, easy to find hidden problems

Timely warning of vehicle abnormalities. The warning scheme supports expansion

Independent operation mode is supported, and security can be guaranteed without connecting to mobile phones

Prompt bad driving habits to save energy and fuel:

Vehicle fuel consumption assessment

Instantaneous fuel consumption, average fuel consumption and fuel consumption are clear at a glance

The fuel consumption map gives you a different display of fuel usage

Driving behavior analysis of sudden acceleration and braking

Prompt bad driving habits

Software highlights

·Intelligent voice control, more convenient and safer driving experience

·Perfect combination of vehicle condition data and track data to reproduce the data changes of each sensor in the journey

·Fully adapt to Android device display of all sizes, and support horizontal and vertical display of Android phones and tablets

·Support Android car navigation, intelligent cloud mirror car mode, and intelligent HUD display projected to the front window

·Self diagnosis of vehicle fault, professional fault diagnosis instrument carried with you, omni-directional scanning, user-friendly fault interpretation

·Driving navigation, real-time road conditions, journey data can be viewed at any time, navigation instruments can be customized, and parking positions can be obtained

Update log


-The newly added function of safely clearing fault codes can visually compare the data changes before and after code clearing

-Some models are solved because Bluetooth Permission cannot be connected

-Optimize background running white list setting guidance

-Fix the problem that the weather forecast cannot be broadcast

-Fix some other bugs


-Optimize startup speed

-Resolve the flash back problem of some models after logging in for the first time

-Solve the problem that the front and rear cameras of some models cannot be opened at the same time in the video recording of racing and journey


-Adapt to Android 13

-Resolve the WeChat login flash back problem for some models

-Optimize dashboard theme download

V11.2.1 Version

-Solve the problem of battery detection failure in some models

-Solve the flash back problem of some locomotives during the second startup


-Fuzzy/precise mode is supported in the maintenance guide and fault code search

-New local abnormal data reset function (for the problem that the file is damaged and cannot be started after abnormal exit due to power failure of the car engine)


-Resolve the problem of stuck display in the notification bar

-Solve the problem of blank report after noise monitoring

-Solve the problem of repeated prompts to improve vehicle information

-Fix the startup flash back problem of some models

V10.6.3 Update

-Fix the login crash of individual models


-Resolve the flash back problem of some mobile phones when opening the dashboard

-Solved some known problems and improved stability and user experience

-"Diagnostic Readiness Status Monitoring" and "Fault Code Change Monitoring" functions are added in the annual inspection

V10.3 Updates:

1. Fix some other bugs

2. Add "public status" modification to race evaluation to optimize display of avatar and nickname

3. Resolve the trip report flash back problem

4. Fix the problem that the travel path playback cannot reach the end point

5. Fix the problem that the travel record cannot be searched for an address

6. Newly added fault review function to trace historical fault code changes


·Optimize weather forecast broadcast

·Optimize the long picture sharing of racing report

·Racing report - add data display of selected points in the graph

·Fixed the flash back problem of some mobile phones when they were started (the proportion of mobile phones of the opo brand was high)


1. Increase the extreme speed mode of sound waves, improve the experience of simulated sound waves, double the data acquisition speed, and reduce the delay

2. Simulated sound wave adds models

3. New ranking list for Q&A

4. Fix some bugs

V9.3.1 Version

1. New travel review function

2. Fixed the problem of not displaying traffic restrictions in some areas

3. Optimize the deformation of the current trip full screen display instrument

4. Fix the problem that the trip file system fails to start due to abnormal exit


·New auxiliary hardware "smart point" support, one key to open voice command, double click different play methods, mobile phone and smart point two-way loss prevention

·Fix bugs

·Adjust the discovery interface adaptation;

·Adjust the horizontal screen adaptation of the map interface;

Special instructions

Application screenshot

 Car condition detection master app v13.3.2 Android latest version 0 Car condition detection master app v13.3.2 Android latest version 1 Car condition detection master app v13.3.2 Android latest version 2 Car condition detection master app v13.3.2 Android latest version 3

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    • Package name:
    • MD5:0B817ADD39401C9828D4E073D605757A

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