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 Screen capture tool app

Screen capture tool app

Application index: five branch

jurisdiction: see
The following important permissions need to be called

Allow programs to access the network
Allow applications to prevent the phone from going to sleep.
Allow applications to write to the SD card.
Allow applications to access the recording path.
Allows applications to view the status of all networks.
Allow applications to access the phone features of the device. Applications with this permission can determine the number and serial number of this phone, whether a call is in progress, and the number of the other party.
Allow applications to view information about WLAN status.
Allows the application to control the vibrator.
Allows applications to change the status of network connections.
Obtain the longitude and latitude information of the user's error through WiFi or mobile base station, and the positioning accuracy is about 30~1500m.
Allows applications to move tasks to the front and back. Malicious applications can force their way into the front end without your control.
Allows the application to set the system wallpaper.
Allows applications to modify data on system settings. Malicious applications can use this to corrupt your system configuration.
Allows the application to display the system alert window. Malicious applications can take control of the entire phone screen.
Allows the application to expand or collapse the status bar.
Allow applications to connect to and disconnect from WLAN access points, and make changes to the configured WLAN network.
Allow the application to send obstinate broadcasts that will remain after the end. Malicious applications may use this to consume too much memory on the phone, thus reducing its speed or stability.

Related labels
Screen capture capture tool Screenshot app Record video app
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Application Introduction Application screenshot Related version Netizen comments Download address

  • Type: Common software tools
  • edition: V1.2 Android
  • size: 112.8M
  • to update: 2024-05-15 00:37
  • Language: chinese
  • Grade:
  • Platform: Android
  • manufacturer: Hefei Huangbo Information Technology Co., Ltd
  • Chinese name: Screen capture capture tool
  • Record No.: Wan ICP Bei No. 2024032663-9A

Screen capture tool app It is a software for fast screenshots. It can also record videos and experience a variety of tools. Pictures can be cut freely, which can be used to make long pictures. It can also modify text and add some decorations. It is also very practical for videos. It combines multiple tool editing operations.

Introduction to the official version of screen capture tool

The latest version of the screen capture tool has a rolling long screen capture tool, after which you can also freely splice and make posters. The screen recording function supports horizontal and vertical screen free recording, clear recording without jamming in the whole process, and sound and picture synchronization. One click screenshots are highly efficient, and quick screenshots are taken in the way of floating window screenshots. Efficient operation brings you unprecedented experience.

 Screen capture screenshot tool download and install the latest mobile version

Software features of screen capture tool

Picture Editor

Flexible frame selection and cutting, simple operation, easy to use

[Long screenshot of suspension]

Start long screenshots to obtain floating permission, and long screenshots are seamlessly spliced

[Video Editing]

The recorded screen can be edited and spliced for secondary processing.

Application function

Cut length graph

Web page, record long screen content with one click

Edit Tools

One click editing of pictures and videos

Adobe Captivate

One click to start recording video

Textured wallpaper

A large number of beautiful wallpapers can be switched at will

Special instructions

Application screenshot

 Screen capture tool app v1.2 Android 0 Screen capture tool app v1.2 Android version 1 Screen capture tool app v1.2 Android 2 Screen capture tool app v1.2 Android 3

Related version

    Multi platform download

    • Android

      Screen capture tool app v1.2 Android

    • Package name: hde.eru.shu
    • MD5:A01BE1ACCBAF1204E9A70B423239A407

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    Screen capture tool app v1.2 Android