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 Bomao Cute Pet Client

Bomao Cute Pet Client

Application index: five branch

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The following important permissions need to be called

Allow programs to access the network
Allow applications to write to the SD card.
Allow applications to view information about WLAN status.
Allows applications to view the status of all networks.
Allow applications to connect to and disconnect from WLAN access points, and make changes to the configured WLAN network.
Allow applications to access the phone features of the device. Applications with this permission can determine the number and serial number of this phone, whether a call is in progress, and the number of the other party.
Allows the application to control the vibrator.
Allow applications to prevent the phone from going to sleep.
Allows applications to modify data on system settings. Malicious applications can use this to corrupt your system configuration.
Allow applications to start automatically after the system finishes starting. This will extend the startup time of the phone, and if the application is running all the time, it will reduce the overall speed of the phone.
File systems that allow applications to mount and unmount removable storage.
Allows the application to display the system alert window. Malicious applications can take control of the entire phone screen.
Obtain the longitude and latitude information of the user's error through WiFi or mobile base station, and the positioning accuracy is about 30~1500m.
Access to accurate location sources, such as the GPS (if any) on the mobile phone. Malicious applications may use this to determine where you are and may consume additional battery power.
Access additional location information provider commands. Malicious applications can use this to interfere with the normal operation of GPS or other location sources.
Allows applications to change the status of network connections.

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Bomao Cat app Pet app
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  • Type: Domestic software is practical
  • edition: V1.0.1 Android latest version
  • size: 15.0M
  • to update: 2023-05-19 10:49
  • Language: chinese
  • Grade:
  • Platform: Android

Bomao app It is a cute pet life service platform specially built for friends who like to keep cats. This platform gathers a wealth of cat encyclopedia knowledge, which is convenient for everyone to raise their own pets more scientifically, accompany their pets to grow happily, and record the wonderful daily life of you and pets at any time. If you need it, please download it and try it!

Introduction to Bomao Cute Pet Client

The platform provides encyclopedic knowledge about cats and brings the latest knowledge about cats. Everyone can learn more about cats, share their pets, socialize with pets, and prevent pets from losing. All kinds of pet information can be queried on the platform, providing Pet Mall , you can also consult and purchase the goods you want to buy for pets.

 Bomao app download

Bomao Android features

1. Provide you with all kinds of knowledge about cats and pets in an all-round way, so you will not be confused when encountering pet problems

2. Encyclopedia of cats, dogs, reptiles, aquarium, pets, plants, etc

3. It can help you understand all kinds of pets and choose your favorite pets, ranging from pet breeds to appearance characteristics and feeding environment

4. Let you feel the cute moment of pets, at the same time, you can understand all kinds of pet shapes, and identify pets more intuitively

Software highlights

1. Cat language translation, accurate human cat translation, no longer afraid of difficulties in communicating with cats

2. You can record the cat's daily activities in words, pictures and texts

3. The daily life of the excrement shovel officer covers the tools commonly used by the excrement shovel officer in his daily life

4. The training, breeding and health related information of all kinds of pet cats make it so easy to raise cats

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Application screenshot

 Bomao Cute Client v1.0.1 Android latest version 0 Bomao Cute Pet Client v1.0.1 Android Latest Version 1 Bomao Cute Pet Client v1.0.1 Android Latest Version 2 Bomao Cute Pet Client v1.0.1 Android Latest Version 3

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    • Android

      Bomao Cute Pet Client v1.0.1 Android Latest Version

    • Package name: com.bomaoapp.aty
    • MD5:d85a2a34c3abb789a0465e9c9cc1b1e3

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    Bomao Cute Pet Client v1.0.1 Android Latest Version