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Favor daily apps

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Allow applications to write to the SD card.
Allows the application to take pictures with the camera, so that the application can collect images entering the camera lens at any time.
Allow applications to access the recording path.
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Allows the application to control the flash.
Allows the application to control the vibrator.
Allows applications to view the status of all networks.
Allow applications to view information about WLAN status.
Allow the application to view the configuration of the local Bluetooth phone, and establish or accept the connection with the paired device.
Allow applications to prevent the phone from going to sleep.
Allows applications to modify audio settings for the entire system, such as volume and routing.
Allow applications to start automatically after the system finishes starting. This will extend the startup time of the phone, and if the application is running all the time, it will reduce the overall speed of the phone.
Allow applications to access the phone features of the device. Applications with this permission can determine the number and serial number of this phone, whether a call is in progress, and the number of the other party.
Allows applications to modify data on system settings. Malicious applications can use this to corrupt your system configuration.
Allows applications to retrieve information about current and recently run tasks. Malicious applications can use this to discover confidential information about other applications.
Allows the application to change the current configuration, such as language settings or overall font size.
Allows applications to move tasks to the front and back. Malicious applications can force their way into the front end without your control.

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Application Introduction Application screenshot Related version Netizen comments Download address

  • Type: Domestic software is practical
  • edition: V25.0.0 Android
  • size: 106.7M
  • to update: 2024-06-18 07:15
  • Language: chinese
  • Grade:
  • Platform: Android
  • manufacturer: Beijing Yepedestrian Technology Co., Ltd
  • Chinese name: Spoil daily life
  • Record No.: Jing ICP Bei No. 18028015 - 18A

Favor daily apps It is a very useful pet service software. There are a lot of pet service functions here, which can provide various services for your pets. Professional pet center, where you can find all kinds of relevant pet knowledge and purchase pet food, which is very convenient and easy to use. If you are interested, please download and try it!

Introduction to Daily Mobile Edition

Pet Daily App is a comprehensive pet platform for pet lovers and families with cats and dogs. It covers the tools commonly used in the daily life of the excrement collector Pet Mall The pet market, pet knowledge, and pet raising tools are all in one, which can meet the pet raising needs of the excrement shovel officials in an all-round way. It is a necessary one-stop pet feeding helper for the excrement shovel officials.

 Download and install daily mobile version

Features of daily Android version

The function of pet mall is added to facilitate users to purchase pet food, pet toys, pet supplies, etc

With the 2265 Pet Daily App, you can record bills to see how much you spend on your pet owners in a year. You can record dozens of daily expenditures, including pet food, pet toys, pet clothing, pet medical care, and so on. All kinds of summarized data, including weekly and monthly summaries, and the proportion of each expenditure, make your statement clear at a glance.

You can set a daily reminder plan, including dozens of pet common reminders, such as scraping feces for pets, injecting pet vaccines, pet anthelminting, pet bathing, pet nail cutting, etc. Of course, you can also customize the reminder content, which is very user-friendly.

Provide pet growth records, pet abnormalities, pet medical records, dog walking records, pet notes, etc. All the data and health status of your favorite can be seen in the app.

Software highlights

Scientific pampering It's easier to keep pets

Bookkeeping , record the expenditure on pet care

Peting records , record the life of pampering

Necessity of pampering , enjoy intimate care services

Science nourishes, Learn to pamper

software documentation

[Daily Behavior - Record]

Record daily pet meals, water, insect repellent, vaccines, weight, and customize daily behaviors. Visually view monthly and annual statistics of daily behaviors. Punch in by day, week, and month for behaviors!

Billing records

One click recording of pet bills can record multiple pet bills at the same time, and the system will automatically allocate bills for each pet. The cost of each pet can be visually viewed through the curve chart, pie chart, and bar chart. It supports viewing single (all) pet bills by week, month, and year. The pet cost is clear at a glance

[Daily Behavior - Reminder]

Reminders can be set for all daily behaviors, including single reminder, repeated reminder and circular reminder, so you don't have to worry about missing the vaccine for your pet anymore~!

Life Calendar

Periodically check the pet's daily behavior, daily expenses, and calendar. It also supports viewing future reminder events, and will never forget what to do for the pet

[Item Storage Assistant]

When will the canned freeze-dried snacks expire? Forget how much is left? Try out the item storage assistant to help you manage all pet items with one click, check the inventory at any time and anywhere, and also set the temporary reminder, expiration reminder, use record, and placement position, so you don't have to worry about where the snacks are no longer found~check how much the pet has eaten and used, and the chart display is clear at a glance~~~~

[Toolbox - can you eat/dry]

You can check whether vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry, eggs, milk and other foods in your life can be eaten. There are reminders at different stages of childhood, middle age, adulthood and old age. You can also query what pets can and cannot do at different stages.

[Toolbox - Expression Maker]

Do feces removal officials like cute facial expression packs? This function can add cute stickers and interesting words to their pets, so that they can send cute facial expression packs to their pets when talking with their friends in the future

[Toolbox - pet communicator]

Want cats and dogs to understand you? Want to understand what cats and dogs are saying? Then you must try this immortal function. One click can convert human voice into cat/dog voice, and also can convert cat/dog voice into adult voice

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Add free trial excrement shovel officer, and now you can try around pets for free


The new version is online!

Special instructions

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 Daily app v25.0.0 Android 0 Daily app v25.0.0 Android version 1 Daily app v25.0.0 Android 2 Daily app v25.0.0 Android 3

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      Daily app v25.0.0 Android

      Favorite daily app v24.5.0 iPhone mobile version

    • Package name: com.eveningperson.chongrichang
    • MD5:E08446747B20607836036048DBF39931

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