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 2024 Black Desert Tour National Clothing

2024 Black Desert Tour National Clothing

Application index: five branch

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Mmorpg mobile tour Black Desert Action hand swimming Adventure mobile travel
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Introduction to the game Screenshot of the game Related version Netizen comments Download address

  • Type: Online game role play
  • edition: V5.13.40 Android latest version
  • size: 241.1M
  • to update: 2024-08-28 10:54
  • Language: chinese
  • Grade:
  • Platform: Android
  • manufacturer: PEARLABYSS
  • Chinese name: Black Desert
  • Record No.: Yue B2-20090059-1907A

two thousand and twenty-four Black Desert Mobile travel national clothing It's a mmorpg Action hand swimming The game is transplanted from the end game of the same name, and adopts a grand world background and distinctive screen performance. Players can compete strategically in the game and feel the fun of adventure and free battle. Come to download and try it.

Official introduction of Black Desert Tour:

The black desert is composed of Korean Games Developed by Pearl Abyss Mmorpg mobile tour , the same worldview as the Black Desert online game, and will be presented in the form of RPG. In terms of image performance, the mobile version will also use the same engine as the terminal version. Although it will not completely restore the detailed vegetation performance of the terminal version, it is believed that the light and shadow effect and scene design will be faithfully reflected. Play with explore The expansion of lines and actions shows us a different desert wind and cloud, and there are more rich contents for you to experience.

black Desert Game Story background:

At the beginning of the story, there are four countries, namely, the Republic of Calpayne, Balenos, Silendia and Medea. The Republic of Kalpayne, Balenos and Silendia are close to the sea, with dense forests and mountains. The climate in the south is cold, the north is mild, and the east is desert. Kaplan, Beria and Hajder are the capitals of the above three countries respectively. These four countries trade with the Kingdom of Valencia. The origin of the problem lies in the businessmen from Valencia. It is the "Black Death", and businessmen from the Kingdom of Valencia are spreading this disease everywhere. Due to the outbreak of the "Black Death", royal families, nobles and civilians in various countries have all been infected and died. Both the dead and those suspected of being infected have been expelled or executed. In the end, the power of the royal family and the nobility was weakened, and the surviving nobility felt threatened, because in people's eyes they were no different from civilians. Therefore, the nobles decided to take the Kingdom of Valencia as the enemy to consolidate the order of the country. So the priest incited people to say that the outbreak of the Black Death in the four countries was because the alchemists of the Kingdom of Valencia were forging powerful "Blackstone". So four countries formed an alliance and declared war on the Kingdom of Valencia.

The Kingdom of Valencia is also known as the "Blood Red Desert" because of its blood dripping from the war. Later, the Kingdom of Valencia issued a statement saying that their citizens also died from the Black Death, and since then the alliance has been laughed at as a joke. The people who benefited most from it were Media. They realized the value of "Blackstone" earlier than other countries. Media bought a large number of stores in the "Black Desert" by the Alliance collect Instead of supplying goods and weapons to the Alliance. Other countries do not know the value of "Blackstone" for the time being, so they trade at a low price. Over the past three decades, Medea has accumulated wealth and strength through transactions with the Alliance and the Kingdom of Valencia. In the end, the war against the Kingdom of Valencia failed and ended in the 31st year. After the war, the financial situation of the other three governments of the Alliance was very poor, so they traded with the Kingdom of Valencia with the help of Medea. In the process of trade, they passed by Media and found that Media had become very powerful. Media was once a country mainly engaged in trade, but now it has high-tech weapons. They soon discovered that it was because of "Blackstone". Countries began to collect the "black stone", but the Republic of Kalpayne could not extract the ore of "black stone", so launching a war to plunder other countries' "black stone" became the only choice. On the day of chaos, the surviving adventurers began their adventures in the black desert.

 Official download and installation of Black Desert mobile game

Chinese version:

Combat mode

Compared with gorgeous skill effects, the Black Desert pays more attention to the practicality of skills. The so-called no lock combat mode is that there is a circle shaped collimation center in the middle of the picture to aim. The skill effect is lifelike. During the battle, the monster physical collision effect is obvious. The monster will be knocked back and knocked down! The skill effect is also gorgeous.

Urban Warfare System

On the eve of the fortress battle, the guild leader needs to invest time and money in the territory he wants to capture to build a stronghold. When there are more than 2 fortresses, the battle for fortresses will start. There is no time limit for the battle. As long as there is one fortress left in the area, it will end. The victorious guild will get the privilege of collecting taxes. The siege war is a way for other guilds to build command posts around the city wall and participate in the siege time. Individual units can also participate in the siege battle, and the siege area will be designated as the PvP area. If you die while attacking a city, you will be punished, for example, the items in the package will fall or experience points will be lost. The contribution in the second CBT can be recovered. The contribution degree used to be a consumption concept will become recyclable or reusable in the second test. The penalty design of contribution degree recovery will take into account the balance of time or money.

Mount system

Black Desert adopts seamless map. When players need to move a long distance, it will be more convenient and fast to have mounts. However, mounts are expensive. For example, a donkey costs about 30000 gold, which is equivalent to the price of two villas in the game. However, there will be opportunities to obtain mounts when completing novice tasks. Mounts cannot be summoned or carried. They need to be collected and stored in the nearby stables. Mounts have the ability to attack and can be attacked. They have blood tanks and physical strength, can wear equipment, and their movement speed will change with different equipment. When the mount moves, it needs to consume physical strength, which can be supplemented by feeding carrots. A carrot costs 300 gold (about 3000 gold for level 10 players). Because the donkey's physical energy consumption is quite fast, just like a sports car's fuel consumption, the donkey is also known as the "Lamborgee donkey". When the player is far away from the mount, the mount recall button will appear in the upper left corner of the screen, through which you can recall the mount.

NPC intimacy system

The NPC intimate system of Black Desert is a value-added service for players. Players need a lot of interaction between players and NPC in Black Desert, so the interaction with NPC becomes very important. Players can use the conversation surplus value to communicate with NPC. If they continuously chat with NPC about something they are interested in during the communication, their goodwill with NPC will be greatly improved. By talking with NPC, you can complete the specified requirements to improve the closeness with NPC. When the closeness increases, you can open mysterious stores and receive special tasks. You can also hire close NPC to help with production activities. In addition, the increased intimacy with NPC will also gain additional BUFF, such as automatic blood regeneration within 300 seconds.

Game review

The Black Desert was created by Duanyou's original factory PEARL ABYSS Open World MMORPG mobile game, the game has high art quality, cool and gorgeous combat special effects, free and adventurous open world play.

Novice Tutorial

What if livestock houses cannot be placed in the territory?

The adventurer needs to manually adjust the layout of the territory

You can try the following methods:

1. Expand territory and unlock more territory space

2. Click the cross at the lower right corner of the territory to edit the mode and adjust the placement of buildings in the territory. There are two recommended placement methods:

1) Squeeze the small buildings around and put the command post in the lower right corner. Leave the middle space free for the barn.

2) Concentrate the small buildings on one side, and place the livestock houses on the other side.

Q: The territory has place How can I get new food when I get a barn?

A: Players who have placed livestock sheds in their territories can unlock new cuisines by recycling the livestock sheds and placing them again. We will fix this problem in subsequent updates to optimize your game experience

What are the battle marks? What is the meaning of "the time to find trace types decreases"?

What does "battle trace" mean?

"Battle trace" is a treasure box dropped in the field battle. You can get equipment, skill books and other gifts by clocking in.

You can pick it up manually or let Pets Help pick up the treasure box automatically (Reminder: when the pet is in red hunger, you can't help the adventurer pick up the treasure box. Remember to feed the pet)

What is the meaning of the skill "trace type discovery time reduced"?

Answer: "The discovery time of trace types is reduced", which means that the cooldown time of treasure boxes dropped during combat is reduced. The shorter the time is, the greater the probability and the more opportunities will be. (The CD is shortened, and a large number of treasure boxes are coming to the bowl soon~(^ o ^)/)

Answering questions: guild related questions

Q: What is the reward for stronghold warfare?

Answer: After participating in the stronghold war and winning, you can get the "tax" of the stronghold. The company president can choose to pay silver coins to members. The size of the bonus varies according to the level of the stronghold. Of course, it will be relatively difficult to occupy high-level strongholds with high bonus scale!

Q: When is the stronghold war open?

A: The stronghold warfare is open five days a week, and it will be open on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Please make reasonable arrangements for adventurers and get ready in advance!

Q: How to sign up for the siege?

A: If you have reached a guild level of 5 or above, hold a stronghold of more than 2 stages, and have more than 10 guild members, you can apply for a siege by the guild president or vice president.

Each server can have up to 3 guilds to participate. You can use guild funds to bid, and the priority of selection can be determined according to the amount of bidding.

More than 10 guild members are required to participate in the siege war. If more than 10 guild members do not participate, they will not be able to bid for strongholds/siege within one week from the end of the siege.

Q: How to apply for guild stronghold war?

A: The following conditions need to be met to apply for a stronghold war:

1. The guild has reached level 3 and more than 10 guild members;

2. The application shall be made by the president or vice president of the guild;

3. A deposit is required to apply for a stronghold in wartime, and the minimum tender fee paid varies according to the stage of the stronghold.

Angel tips: adventurers can only participate in the stronghold war 7 days after joining the guild~

Q: How can stronghold warfare be regarded as victory?

Within one hour of the limited time of the stronghold war, if our sacred objects are not destroyed, we can win by destroying all the sacred objects of the hostile guild. Guilds whose sacred objects are destroyed by the enemy will automatically leave the battlefield. (Guard the holy things and stick to the end!)

How to play in the black desert

Here we will give you a detailed explanation of how to play the interface icon. How to use the icon function properly is also a necessary skill for Blacksand adventurers to become gods. Follow me to learn.

chat System

 How to play in Black Desert Introduction

After you choose your favorite character to enter the game, you can see a series of icons. The transparent box at the top left corner is the chat function. There are also different channels in the chat function, such as the trade union channel and the whisper channel. Adventurers who want to make friends or form teams can speak freely in all channels.

[Activity and reward icon]

 How to play in Black Desert Introduction

The gift box icon on the right side of the chat system is [Activity and Reward Icon], where adventurers can receive rich daily rewards, and novice adventurers can also receive novice rewards. In addition, all kinds of daily preferential items can be purchased here, and will be refreshed at 12:00 every day. The preferential items are different every day, isn't it exciting? Sometimes there will be some new promotional activities here, and you can take part in receiving super value gift bags, so adventurers should always pay attention to here.

[Clock icon]

 How to play in Black Desert Introduction

The clock icon on the right is also a reward system. The difference is that this icon is a timing reward system. When the accumulated game time reaches a certain level, you can receive the corresponding reward.

[House icon]

 How to play in Black Desert Introduction

The house icon below the gift box icon is the location record The system can save multiple locations and find paths automatically. Adventurers who want to move quickly can use this function.

[Paper pen icon]

 How to play in Black Desert Introduction

On the right side of the clock icon is a piece of paper and a feather pen shaped icon, which is the task system. Daily tasks and weekly tasks are here. In addition, there are challenge tasks. You can complete other tasks by the way.

[Feather icon]

 How to play in Black Desert Introduction

Below the task icon is the story system, where adventurers can accept a series of tasks and experience a series of stories

[Yellow store icon]

 How to play in Black Desert Introduction

The yellow store icon on the right side of the game interface is the pearl store, where you can buy props and fine clothes.

[Shield icon]

 How to play in Black Desert Introduction

The shield icon on the right side of the yellow store icon is the guild system. Adventurers who want to create or join a guild should not go wrong.

[backpack icon]

 How to play in Black Desert Introduction

The backpack is equivalent to a quick warehouse, which displays all kinds of weapons, clothing and other items you own. In addition, you can also view your role consultation. If you want to view it, open the backpack icon.

[Bell icon]

 How to play in Black Desert Introduction

The bell icon is a new notification item, and new notifications will be prompted.

[Three horizontal lines icon]

 How to play in Black Desert Introduction

The three horizontal line icons are located at the top right corner of the interface and are the summary system of the remaining function systems. Open the three horizontal line icons to see the remaining functions, including tasks, skills, exchanges, rankings, friends, and so on.

Recommended Black Desert Tour Profession

1. Soldier
Representative weapon: sword/shield
Combat form: close range
The warrior is a close up character who can skillfully use the long sword to attack and match with the shield for precise defense. With a sword in one hand, you can quickly rush to the front to suppress the enemy, give full play to your strong physical strength to run, and use various skills such as the auxiliary defense of the shield to have an absolute advantage in battle. Familiarize yourself with the magnificent and changeable fighting skills of soldiers, and you will become stronger in close combat.

 Recommended Introduction to Black Desert Tour Profession

2. Witch
Representative weapon: staff/dagger
Combat form: Long distance
A girl who has been proficient in magic since childhood can use fire, hail, hurricane, lightning, earth and stone and other natural elements as weapons in the distance to burn, freeze and disintegrate the enemy. No one can resist the sudden strong fire. It not only has a wide attack range, but also can improve the physical strength and defense of teammates through the use of magic energy. The witch with considerable ability is an indispensable role in the battlefield.

 Recommended Introduction to Black Desert Tour Profession

3. Female martial god
Representative weapon: sword/shield
Combat form: close range
The paladin inherited the holy power of the original female warrior god Ensla, wielding a longer sword with stronger attack power and a stronger shield. The holy power of the paladin was transformed into a hard shield and a sharp sword to pierce the enemy.

 Recommended Introduction to Black Desert Tour Profession

4. Berserker
Representative weapon: axe/decorative knot
Combat form: close range
General crazy soldiers hold double axes and violently crush all enemies. They are monsters. Compared with one-on-one fighting, he is better at using range damage skills, and can deal with all the opponents around at the same time. Use an axe to chop, hammer, hit the ground, etc. You can use multiple strikes to knock down the enemy. There is also a powerful skill that can gather and jump to directly cut down the enemy. Although it moves slowly, it is always very pleasant to kill a large number of enemies.

 Recommended Introduction to Black Desert Tour Profession

5. Ranger
Representative weapon: long bow/dagger
Combat form: Long distance
The agile marksman can use the bow and arrow to give the target a fatal strike from a long distance, and can also use the kick and jump quickly when the enemy approaches. When using skills, you must maintain a distance from the enemy, or use powerful skills to temporarily limit the enemy's movement. But the attack broke out in a small area, which also tested the player's skills when surrounded by the enemy.

 Recommended Introduction to Black Desert Tour Profession

6. Traveler
Representative weapon: stick/gourd bottle
Battle form: long/medium range
The walker can use the staff as a weapon to show the martial arts skills based on the agile body method. When using the staff, the staff can be extended at will. Taking the cloud can fly to a favorable highland in an instant, while the split body technique can catch the enemy's weakness. These skills can easily suppress the enemy.

 Recommended Introduction to Black Desert Tour Profession

Update log


Optimize the game experience


1. New Events

2. More experience content optimization


1. New World Trade: Business Group Carriage

2. New occupation: overlord


1. Road to glory Season 6

2. New Nest: Tus Nest


1. New Chaotic Cracking 2

2. New occupation: Meihu

3. More experience content optimization


1. Gold smelting stone: expand the level and add archaic gold smelting stone

2. Tertiary crystal: expand the level and add archaic crystal


1. Expedited acquisition of crusade knowledge

2. World King: newly added Dukalu Reinton


1. Unlock Advanced Light Stone Enhancement

2. New Ancient Relics: Ancient Prophet


1. Open a higher level of territory

2. The Medea region is open to world trade


1. Optimize the design of weekly tasks;

2. Continue to optimize the balance of the desert, and improve the rewards of the desert monsters and temples;

3. More game experience optimization.


1. Open Orn Store.

2. Game experience optimization, such as the optimization of entry conditions in the brave place.

3. Open 8 generations of horses.


Optimized the experience details for you.


1. Open new system: cultural relics awakening/pattern engraving

2. Spring Festival Festival Activities Launch

3. New career online: the first Luoli career [Shayi]

4. New play method online: Hutton crusade; [PVP] Black sun


1. Fixed the abnormal phenomenon in the team list and the number of defeated monsters when entering the Brave Place again immediately after completing the Brave Place.

2. The activities of poke music and luxury resource card are back online.

3. Fix other known problems.


More stable and high-quality, we invite you to experience together.


1. Increase the selling price of silver coins of some booty

2. Some system functions are optimized to greatly improve convenience

3. New forgotten ancient maze activities

4. Increase the jump button of the world king's debut animation, and increase the reward drop of the world king


1. Delete the pass task of each region. After completing the regional task, you can go directly to the next region

2. Add the awakening function of mythical equipment. After awakening, the maximum enhancement level will be raised from+40 to+60. Come wake up and improve your combat effectiveness

3. New dispatch area can obtain black powder. Black powder can be used to synthesize black stone. Send your character quickly

4. Fixed and optimized multiple known bugs


1. New growth buff effect function for novices/returning players

2. New class Dark Knight goes online

3. Open the field of Hedun

-New Hedun growth task

-Open the "Hedun Field" ruled by the Dark God "Hedun"

-Newly added Hedun field atlas


1. New professional traveler

2. Optimize game stability

3. New daily gift package

Special instructions

Mobile game screenshot

 2024 Black Desert Tour National Service v5.13.40 Android latest version 0 2024 Black Desert Tour National Service v5.13.40 Android latest version 1 2024 Black Desert Tour National Service v5.13.40 Android latest version 2 2024 Black Desert Tour National Service v5.13.40 Android latest version 3

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    • Version No.: ISBN 978-7-498-09267-0
    • Document No.: GXCS [2021] No. 1210
    • Package name: com.tencent.hssm
    • MD5:EAD42FDEBB9A55058F0F917B4C678D6E
    • Published by: Shenzhen Chuangmengtiandi Technology Co., Ltd
    • Operating unit: Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd

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