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 Hot blooded memory game

Hot blooded memory game

Application index: five branch

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The following important permissions need to be called

Access to accurate location sources, such as the GPS (if any) on the mobile phone. Malicious applications may use this to determine where you are and may consume additional battery power.
Allows applications to view the status of all networks.
Allow applications to connect to and disconnect from WLAN access points, and make changes to the configured WLAN network.
Allow programs to access the network
Allow applications to access the phone features of the device. Applications with this permission can determine the number and serial number of this phone, whether a call is in progress, and the number of the other party.
Allow applications to view information about WLAN status.
Allow applications to write to the SD card.
Allow applications to prevent the phone from going to sleep.
Allow applications to access the recording path.
File systems that allow applications to mount and unmount removable storage.
Allows applications to retrieve information about current and recently run tasks. Malicious applications can use this to discover confidential information about other applications.
Access additional location information provider commands. Malicious applications can use this to interfere with the normal operation of GPS or other location sources.
Obtain the longitude and latitude information of the user's error through WiFi or mobile base station, and the positioning accuracy is about 30~1500m.
Allows applications to change the status of network connections.
Allows applications to move tasks to the front and back. Malicious applications can force their way into the front end without your control.
Allows the application to control the vibrator.

Related labels
Hot blooded memory Strategy game Place Game Nurturance game
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Introduction to the game Screenshot of the game Related version Netizen comments Download address

  • Type: Domestic software role play
  • edition: V1.7.58 Android
  • size: 116.1M
  • to update: 2023-03-10 14:18
  • Language: chinese
  • Grade:
  • Platform: Android
  • manufacturer: A decade of hot blood
  • Chinese name: Hot blooded memory

warm blood Memory game It's a very interesting Strategy placement games The game is very simple to play, and can also be hung up. You need to cultivate the game characters in the game. There are many map copies to challenge in the game. It's very good to play. Come and download them to experience!

Introduction to the latest edition of Hot Blood Memory

This is a placement Rpg games The game is simple and perfect. The game inherits the excellent features of placement, fragmented time, and relaxed. No matter where you are, you can experience the most enjoyable game experience, which makes it easy for you to kill the whole audience without doing anything. It is called an unprecedented hero.

 Hot blooded memory mobile version download

Features of Android version

1. Glorious battle, classic and legendary mobile game;

2. For ingenious works, you can get luxurious gifts when you log in;

3. Team work, call friends, win the championship!

4. Mercenary fighting, you are not fighting alone;

Game highlights

Cool combat special effects, enjoy the sense of chopping brought by hundreds of people on the same screen releasing the big move at the same time;

Friend teaming system allows players to quickly gather and play legend happily.

Super retro style, players can enjoy the fun of adventure.

The details of the game are very good, and the texture of the screen is also very advanced!

Game description

1. Gone are the boring days of manual crackdowns. You can constantly acquire experience gold equipment even offline.

2. Guilds, group wars, and various wonderful activities are all available.

3. Swordsman, bowman and doctor, you can choose from three professions.

4. Equipment, skills, partners, and competitive games are waiting for you to play.

Special instructions

Screenshot of the game

 Hot blooded memory game v1.7.58 Android 0 Hot blooded memory game v1.7.58 Android version 1 Hot blooded memory game v1.7.58 Android version 2

Related version

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    • Android

      Hot blooded memory game v1.7.58 for Android

    • Package name: ah.yx.jiyi
    • MD5:6b0a8ab50ef777690e111d6323787016

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    Hot blooded memory game v1.7.58 for Android