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You Are Here: home page Android standalone Strategic tower defense → Monster died in mobile version v1.0.6 Android version under this tower

 Monster died in the mobile version under this tower

Monster died in the mobile version under this tower

Application index: five branch

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The following important permissions need to be called

Allows applications to change the status of network connections.
Allow applications to view information about WLAN status.
Allow programs to access the network
Allows applications to view the status of all networks.
Allow applications to access the phone features of the device. Applications with this permission can determine the number and serial number of this phone, whether a call is in progress, and the number of the other party.
Allow applications to write to the SD card.
Allows applications to retrieve information about current and recently run tasks. Malicious applications can use this to discover confidential information about other applications.
Allow applications to prevent the phone from going to sleep.
Allows applications to move tasks to the front and back. Malicious applications can force their way into the front end without your control.
Allows the application to control the vibrator.

Related labels
The monster died under this tower Tower climbing game Strategy game
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Introduction to the game Screenshot of the game Related version Netizen comments Download address

  • Type: Domestic software strategy tower defense
  • edition: V1.0.6 Android
  • size: 22.0M
  • to update: 2023-03-10 13:54
  • Language: chinese
  • Grade:
  • Platform: Android
  • manufacturer: Nanjing Chaoya Network Technology Co., Ltd
  • Chinese name: The monster died under this tower

Monsters die under this tower It is an interesting and leisure theme tower climbing Challenge game In the game, players will experience the most exciting and interesting tower climbing duel. Different game levels are waiting for you to challenge. It's very exciting and fun. If you are interested in it, please don't miss it. Come and download it!

Monster died under this tower Mobile version features

·Challenge the core content of the game. This game is not difficult and requires good skills at all levels

·The props with various attributes will help you, upgrade them, and get twice the result with half the effort, which is perfect

·Kill all monsters, complete a series of tasks, collect various props and win rich rewards

 Monster died under this tower

Game content

·The combat skills designed in the game are also very unique, allowing the role's personal skills and attributes to be mutually constrained

·Before the placement of each role, you should carefully consider and formulate the next action to overcome the obstacles

·There are different weapons for you to use. Each is very powerful. A reasonable combination can give you more power

Game highlights

·After winning, increase the corresponding value to improve the character's strength, and then continue to move up or down

·Defeat the boss to collect all the treasures and become the best hero in climbing the tower. Different tastes

·It can improve the player's ability to count, kill all enemies, and enjoy different interests

Special instructions

Screenshot of the game

 Monsters die under this tower Mobile version v1.0.6 Android version 0 Monsters die under this tower Mobile version v1.0.6 Android version 1 Monsters die under this tower Mobile version v1.0.6 Android version 2

Related version

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      Monster died under this tower Mobile version v1.0.6 Android version

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    • MD5:1ecf3fb4d98ccca050e35b64bc178587

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    Monster died under this tower Mobile version v1.0.6 Android version