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 Genuine edition of nationwide assault

Genuine edition of nationwide assault

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Nationwide assault 3D shooting Competitive mobile games
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  • Type: Online game flight shooting
  • edition: V4.28.0 Official Android
  • size: 629.0M
  • to update: 2024-08-30 17:36
  • Language: chinese
  • Grade:
  • Platform: Android
  • manufacturer: Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd
  • Chinese name: Nationwide assault
  • Record No.: Yue B2-20090059-1904A

Nationwide assault Latest version 2024 It is a mobile game of shooting and fighting. The exquisite design effect of the National Assault Mobile Tour is perfect, allowing you to experience a different feeling of gunfight. The National Assault Mobile Tour also has a unique museum of military goods, to meet your collection heart. Download it if you like.

Introduction to the official edition of the nationwide assault

The Nationwide Strike is brand new Gunshot god The version of the contest is shocking. Come and join your friends in the "Gun God Qualifying Competition" to win the exclusive Gun God award! "National Shock" is Tencent's first 3D mobile game of gunfight. Full 3D gorgeous pictures create a movie level visual feast; Classic famous guns, cool chariots, build a museum of military fans; The strongest mercenary regiment cultivation system promotes all-around commander; Pass through mode, endless mode, reappear the real battlefield; Real time combat, no longer alone shooting! Join the "National Assault" to experience the excitement of gunfight and exciting fighting!

 Download and install the latest version of Nationwide Strike 2024

Background of the official version of the national assault

The first 3D FPS gunfight mobile game of Nationwide Assault has optimized the operation, targeting and movement of the game on the basis of following the classic FPS playing method, allowing players to focus more on shooting pleasure. At present, the game supports multiple game modes, such as pass through mode, challenge mode, PVP combat, etc. The 3D visual effect and picture production are excellent, and the weapons, auxiliary social contact And other elements are also quite rich. In the game, players will play a role of Falcon, a global anti-terrorism organization, and accept the task of eliminating the terrorist organization Cobra. The new team PK version is coming. Come and PK with your friends! Full 3D gorgeous pictures create a movie level visual feast; Classic famous guns, cool chariots, build a museum of military fans; The strongest mercenary regiment cultivation system promotes all-around commander; Pass through mode, endless mode, reappear the real battlefield; Real time combat, no longer alone shooting! Join the "National Assault" to experience the excitement of gunfight and exciting fighting!

Game features

--Super realistic art style

The overall picture style of the game is realistic, continuing the style of end game gunfight, making players feel more natural and friendly.

The screen style of the game can support the integration of any theme and background into the game background, greatly enriching the number of game maps.

--Multi dimensional growth system

The Nationwide Assault contains multiple growth lines, and players can upgrade the main characters, guns, mercenaries, and vehicles in multiple dimensions. Players can choose different guns and mercenaries to match each battle, so that there is more room for players to grow.

collect The most powerful firearms, upgrade and upgrade firearms! Combine the most powerful mercenaries to make them your most reliable assistants! Form your own strongest fighting team!

--The richest shooting mode

The Nationwide Assault has the most abundant gunfight modes at present, including four main modes: "PK Mode", "Pass through Mode", "Challenge Mode" and "Cooperation Mode", striving to meet the needs of various gunfight players. Each mode also has a variety of levels and play methods, such as the biochemical level in the challenge mode, the hostage level in the breakthrough mode, etc., so that players are always full of new feelings!

--Intense real-time PK

National Assault attaches great importance to the battle between players, and introduces two PVP real-time battle operation modes: position mode, free movement mode; In the position mode, the bunker operations of the breakthrough mode and challenge mode are continued. The free mobile mode perfectly realizes the PC terminal Shooting game The operating experience of. So that players can enjoy the fun of fighting among players according to their own operating preferences.

--Smooth social relationship chain

Introduction of QQ WeChat In addition to giving physical strength to friends and helping them fight. In the PVP, "Invite friends to fight in real-time 1V1", "Invite friends to team up in 2V2, 4V4 and 5V5" and "Invite friends to team up in multi person PVE" are set. You can also directly create a room to fight with friends. The real-time PVE and PVP of gunfight are connected with the social relationship chain, which greatly enhances the sociability of the game.

How to play in the nationwide assault mercenary battle

Position shooting is a technical competition of real weapons and real guns. Mercenary battle is more like a training area of position shooting. If you are beaten to the battlefield by others and your mood is affected, the pleasant atmosphere of mercenary battle can definitely help you to relieve your depressed mood.

1. Mercenary firearms selection:

First of all, we want to play with mercenaries with high combat power. We don't care what kind of weapon is linked to combat power and blood. Of course, it's OK to choose mercenaries who are suitable for their own use of guns. Here we recommend machine gun soldiers and sniper guns. We can kill people by breaking walls. We regard the strongest guns as the second hand guns, and each mercenary can use them most profitably.

 Small routine of nationwide assault mercenary

2. How to suppress the opponent?

If the opponent likes to use sniper guns, we can directly choose the position where we can attack the opponent, and stand with assault rifles and machine guns. The full level weapon sniper gun was killed without the chance to shoot a second shot. When the opponent dies, take the opportunity to destroy the bunker for the next attack.

 Small routine of nationwide assault mercenary

3. Mercenary skill harasses the opponent Output:

If we are at a disadvantage in the fight against guns, we can use mercenary skills such as snow fox, crazy sword and mechanical war police to harass the opponent's output. When the opponent flees, we can take the opportunity to kill the opponent or use props.

 Small routine of nationwide assault mercenary

4. Use time of props:

If the opponent is hiding behind the blood return bunker and we don't have machine guns to break the wall, we use props to force the opponent out of the bunker and shoot or sniper the enemy with rifles. This routine is the same as position shooting, but it depends on the situation of your mercenaries and guns at that time.

 Small routine of nationwide assault mercenary

Mode Introduction

+Pk mode

I open the era of mobile sports by playing the game anytime and anywhere! 1V1 fights like a man, 2V2 fights with brothers!

+Challenge mode

The challenge mode is endless. Go beyond the limit and climb the peak! With guns in hand, there is no end to fighting. Men should go forward bravely and face all challenges!

+Pass through mode

Vehicles, aircraft and missiles, terrorists, zombies, hundreds of special checkpoints are waiting for you to fight. Let's enter the world of bullets anytime, anywhere!

Combination recommendation

Ability, resistance and combination

Ryan+Dark Night Mad Blade+Snow Fox

The main output point of this combination is crazy sabre. Snow fox is responsible for adding damage and blood. Ryan needs a person to carry the meat shield in front of him. Whether a shotgun soldier is suitable to face the challenge of the new version remains to be tested, but as far as the output is concerned, crazy sabre and snow fox's active skills can compensate for damage, and full level Ryan can withstand great damage, This combination is quite good when the enemy's strength cannot beat Ryan.

Meat shield combination

Ryan+Qianniao+Snow Fox:

The advantage of this combination is that it has a higher ability to fight. In this combination class, we often just replace the junior sister with a snow fox. Although the amount of blood returned is not as exaggerated as 60% of junior sister's, we return blood manually. Compared with automatic blood return and manual blood return, the advantage is that we don't need to look at the face of the cooling CD. We can use it if we want, and with Qianniao's active skill, the damage can also be greatly increased.

Thunderbolt fire+mechanical war police+snow fox:

This is a very novel combination. First of all, Thunderbolt Fire belongs to the offensive shotgun soldiers, while the mechanical combat police belong to the defensive machine gun soldiers, while the Snow Fox can provide additional blood and long-distance strike. First of all, the mechanical combat police can provide us with good protection. Snow fox can restore our HP manually. Thunderbolt fire can cooperate with us to hit instant damage, but the use effect should not be as effective as double shotguns.

Poisoned milk combination

Qianniao/Ryan+Junior Sister+Snow Fox:

The "milk volume" of this combination is amazing. Of course, it is impossible to want to die. Of course, it is also impossible to quickly kill the enemy. In particular, Ryan and her two nannies can only rely on our own output, so the clearance time will be very long. It is a soft and hard game. 2265 players who like violence and speed are not recommended to use this combination.

Portfolio Summary

The most reasonable mercenary combination is that there is a mercenary who can stand in the field and a mercenary who can add blood. Our ordinary players choose mercenary combination or one that can attack and defend, so as to adapt to different challenge levels.

What types of mercenaries are there in the nationwide assault

Mercenaries play a very important role in the national assault. Good mercenaries can help you to pass the pass and kill generals. Which mercenaries are worth choosing? Let's take a look~


First of all, her skill is the protection of the sheep spirit. When the hero's HP is less than 50%, 65% damage reduction will be provided for 6 seconds. This skill is more effective than the younger martial sister in survival, but the more the challenge gets to the later stage, the more serious the damage will be. Avril's damage will not be of great use. Even if the reduced damage can reduce us, the actual effect will not be as good as before!

 Ranking of the strongest mercenary in nationwide assault

[Giant Man]

First of all, passive skill can increase 10% of the additional critical hit of the friendly character. It can be said that the team will output as long as he is there, and his own damage is not low. It is absolutely a necessary role for players. In terms of weapons, we recommend that you use sawtooth KAC machine guns, because they are stable. As the role of being always abrupt, a stable machine gun is the best.

 Ranking of the strongest mercenary in nationwide assault

[Heart K]

Hearts K is a mercenary given by novice players in the game, but it is not difficult to use because of giving. Instead, it can be said that it is an indispensable mercenary for non RMB players. When upgrading, it is much easier than other mercenary soldiers, and its skill damage is also good. How can the character be exposed in this way? As for weapons, using an AK is enough to ensure that the team's damage is sufficient!

 Ranking of the strongest mercenary in nationwide assault

[Younger Martial Sister]

Junior Sister's skill is equal to two skills. The first skill can give priority to attacking the player's enemies to protect the captain's safety. The second skill is to add blood. When the hero's blood volume is less than 30%, he will recover 50% of the maximum blood volume. How can such a nurse role not be taken with him? He will open the way to the future! In terms of weapons, choose weapons with strong firepower to suppress the enemy, so that the captain can be perfectly protected.

 Ranking of the strongest mercenary in nationwide assault

Update log


More stable and high-quality, we invite you to experience together.


1. Publicity of relevant probability of armament increase

2. The UI in the settings has been adjusted

3. Add and delete buttons in friends bar

4. Veterans recall, happy mode reopened

5. New machine gun: Rage, shotgun: demon hunter

6. New requirements for ranking

A、 Top 21-50, leading role required to be 3W

B、 Top 11-20, the main character is required to have 3.2W combat power

C、 Top 6-10, the leading role is required to be 3.4W

D、 Ranking 1-5, the main character is required to have 3.5W combat power


1. New Gun Sniper Gun: Sanctioner

2. UI optimization for Liu Haiping

3. Thorn amber and blue glacier increase special appearance

4. BUG repair

V4.2.0 Version

Assault rifle : Increase the hyperopia range/gliding extra damage/combo extra damage, and change gliding and combo to the second trigger effect;

sniper rifle : Increase the rigid damage reduction effect/critical hit percentage, and reduce the subsequent damage effect/strong damage percentage/concentrated additional damage;

Shotgun : Increase the effect of recovery/anti explosion damage reduction, and increase the end of additional damage/throwing damage;

Machine gun : Increase the upper limit of Iron Wall HP/Brave Armor, and reduce the additional damage of Fury/Wariness/Spot Fire.

Cancel stacking tasks and spread out all daily tasks;

Daily task rewards are transferred to the activity chest;

Adjust the activity and reward for daily tasks;

Task content adjustment.

Special instructions

Mobile game screenshot

 The official version of the official version of Android v4.28.0 Official version 1 of the official version of Android v4.28.0 The official version of the official version of Android v4.28.0

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    • Version No.: ISBN 978-7-7979-8712-7
    • Document No.: XGCS [2017] No. 5550
    • Package name: com.tencent WeFire
    • MD5:040863210DFE56669F8D373D375A0303
    • Published by: Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd
    • Operating unit: Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd

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