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 Official Official Version of Ball and Ball Battle

Official Official Version of Ball and Ball Battle

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Big ball fight Competitive mobile games Shuffle Tour
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Introduction to the game Screenshot of the game Related version Netizen comments Download address

  • Type: Online games, educational leisure
  • edition: V19.2.1 Android client
  • size: 127.8M
  • to update: 2024-05-17 22:34
  • Language: chinese
  • Grade:
  • Platform: Android
  • manufacturer: Shanghai Giant Network Technology Co., Ltd
  • Chinese name: Big ball fight
  • Record No.: Hu B2-20050107-68A

two thousand and twenty-four Big ball fight Official download of the latest version yes Giant Network's Eliminate games A very distinctive leisure time For competitive mobile games, everyone must have played this mobile game. This compilation brings the latest version of this year, a new game interface, a new game mode, classic playing methods, and a lot of game content. If you like it, please download it!

Introduction to the latest version of ball and ball campaign

The official official edition of the ball game is a popular leisure competitive mobile game masterpiece, which is the common choice of millions of players! Super fun, super cute and cool, super challenging leisure that can compete with global players in real time Competitive game In the world of balls, everyone incarnates into a unique ball. The big ball eats the small ball, and the only goal is to survive. Hey, it's every ball's dream to become a "ball giant"!

 The latest version of the ball game

Ball Big battle game characteristic

[Real time full service voice system]

The built-in voice system also makes the game atmosphere more popular. It is very convenient for players to communicate while playing.

[Unique image of "I am me"]

Each ball can customize its appearance and name. "Hey, come to the bowl quickly!" "I can't help drooling when I see you!" Ha ha, you are right, these are the names of balls! Come and give yourself a domineering name!

["Happy and interesting" strategic battle]

"If you hide in the bushes, you will not be found." "If you split it once, you can eat it!" "It seems safer to follow the fat paper." The strategy of war is at your fingertips, and a little happiness is at your heart.

[Lazy cancer operation of "poking"]

"Poking" in the toilet, "poking" in the elevator, "poking" in the bed. Yes, even if you are a lazy male (female), you can control the path of the ball to play the game with only one index finger slowly and leisurely "poking"!

[Game partner of "all ages"]

Cross room, cross floor, cross age, cross border, in this game, it is possible for you to meet anyone. Let's fight wits and courage, eat friends, neighbors and strangers... Eh, it sounds a little evil, but it's really fun! Ha ha ha!

[Multi player Leisure Group Warfare System]

Unique real-time game play in casual games. It not only takes into account the "simple and interesting" leisure games, but also has Pvp games "Real time battle passion". There are not only free fights to compete with individual strength, but also group fights to compete with team strength. Only one joystick operation and two skill keys can experience a variety of strategic play methods.

Operating Instructions

Big balls eat small balls is the truth of the world!

Getting bigger and fatter is the dream of people all over the world!

As long as you control the movement path of the ball properly, you can eat the ball along the way, and become bigger, fatter and stronger!

Don't be depressed. As long as you keep eating, you will become an invincible fat paper one day!

Don't be careless with big balls. As a fat paper, you should be careful of hidden weapons when you are running amok~

Name Color Code

How to change the name and color of the big ball fight?

1. Create a name at the beginning of the game.

 Course of changing name and color of ball and ball battle

2. Then check the code table, remove the # from the code table, and frame it with [] name color code. Note that the brackets [] in English and [] in Chinese are not acceptable.

 Course of changing name and color of ball and ball battle

3. Put [code] before the name. For example, [00FF7F] Senyou. Then enter the game and you can see that you have become the designated color.

 Course of changing name and color of ball and ball battle

4. The green code used by the small editor indicates that the color change is successful.

 Course of changing name and color of ball and ball battle

5. The name color code is shown in the following figure:

 Course of changing name and color of ball and ball battle

Entry level strategy

1. When you encounter a ball larger than you, you can press the lightning symbol to escape quickly, or you can spit out the ball to escape with a split body, so that you won't be eaten.

 Tactics of big ball fight

2. When you eat a ball smaller than yours, you can also use a split body. Spit out the split body but be careful not to throw it up, and then eat it when you get close to it.

 Tactics of big ball fight

3. When you move, you will see a green spiked ball that can be used to avoid the ball that is chasing you. When you are too big, you can use the green ball to split yourself, to escape or eat other balls.

 Tactics of big ball fight

4. Move the shot ball to the ball with the largest sub body, and then click the lightning to move the largest sub body to eat the smaller sub body, which can quickly eat the sub body, but there is a lot of weight loss, so be careful not to be eaten.

 Tactics of big ball fight

5. Practical skills of ball and ball battle team: feed each other to gain weight: slowly attract small balls around at the beginning, then go to find teammates, find them and use separate bodies to feed each other to make one party grow rapidly. The ball can grow rapidly if you keep adding weight to your teammates. Fast weight gain: use the split body to increase the weight of teammates, so as to eat the ball of other teams. However, in the free play mode, it is recommended to hide in the green spike ball after eating the ball, so that the volume can be rapidly increased after repeated cycles. Encircle the enemy: team work, move the small part of the ball around the green spike ball, and another teammate will attract the big ball from another team (be careful that other balls are also bait). When the big ball comes, the ball around the spike will click - to separate itself, and the spike will move to the big ball. After the big ball is forced to split into small balls, you and your teammate can eat them!

 Tactics of big ball fight

Mode Introduction

In the single player mode, the novice must master the skill of closing the second and mending the knife! Let's talk about second closing first. At present, there are several kinds of second combination that I know. It is also commonly used in the market. (Some must be able to cross spit and cross split)

1、 Second closing

1. Close at the same place in eight minutes. Split two balls, then split on the spot, and then directly cross and keep pressing the split, hitting the belly of the teammate.

 Tactics of big ball fight

2. Eight minutes in a circle and one second in a circle. The reason agreed with the last group war strategy. Circle and separate in place.

 Tactics of big ball fight

3. The ball circles for seconds. This is when you are oppressed by the enemy. You throw the ball to your teammate first. When you almost won't eat your teammate, make a circle.

 Tactics of big ball fight

2、 Knife mending

1. In one case, you are not sure whether you can eat your opponent after your separation. At this time, you throw up a slightly big ball to your teammate, and then split up. After the split, your teammate will make up the knife. This move of group warfare is also seen frequently, and has been tried unsuccessfully.

 Tactics of big ball fight

2. There are several more practical tools for mending, so the figure is not listed. The reason is similar. Just say it briefly. When you have two balls, your teammate moves forward in the middle, and the enemy is close behind you. You can cross spit the ball to your teammate. Be careful not to fit in, but turn back and stick to the enemy. At this time, your teammate has a big ball. Once you stick it, he will make up his knife and directly do not want to chase the soldiers!

Introduction to survival mode

1. You can use the surrounding grass to avoid the enemy's view.

 Tactics of big ball fight

2. Gather all the spores into a larger sphere, and then use the small body to distance itself from the main body, so as to observe the surrounding situation.

 Tactics of big ball fight

3. Another is that the most common situation is to find cooperation. The survival mode has no voice system, so you can't find teammates all over the world like the classic mode or the group war mode. But the old players all have a unified understanding ability. At this time, you can show whether you cooperate by throwing out the ball and returning the ball. This method can quickly increase your size and the number of small hearts, and the fast movement speed of the closing ball is also fast, which not only helps your teammates but also benefits you. This is the benefit of mutual assistance.

 Tactics of big ball fight

4. Then another way is to pick up leaks. Players who just entered the arena have a few seconds of invincibility. If they are lucky, they can eat the surrounding enemy's balls or spores to pick up leaks.

 Tactics of big ball fight

Offensive Skills of Ball and Ball Campaign

1、 Basics

Well known strategy 1: Spit the ball

Click the [Spore Ejecting] button to feed spores to teammates, and you can reduce your own weight and run faster. Last time, a little partner said that when we first met each other, they vomited spores to her because they thought they were attacking. I laughed so hard that I cried!

Well known strategy 2: separation

Click the [Split] button to quickly eat others, reduce your own weight and run faster, or feed the ball to your teammates~

Well known strategy 3: Stabbing

Don't underestimate this green thorn! Let me tell you, this fried chicken is useful! Share with you the three functions I found.

1: When you are bigger than it, you can eat the thorn. Although it will explode, it will explode! Your weight will increase a lot! At this time, quickly give all the parts to the teammates, and then continue to eat thorns to quickly gain weight, which is very suitable for the early development of the game! In the later stage, it must be eating others. Eating thorns can no longer meet your needs!

2: Hit others and kill them while they are alone! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I often do this. How about you?

3: When you were young, you hid in it and didn't make a sound. It's a different feeling to laugh at other balls passing by. Pay special attention here. Don't let the ID rise too long, it will be found! and! When you are in the survival mode, you hide inside. Maybe a passing ball runs into your stomach, and you can get a life with no effort! Is it practical? Praise me!

2、 High Level Chapter

Emesis medialis

Applicable to: grow up quickly after splitting, and spit balls together

It seems that many people ask how to throw balls in the middle. Many top ranking gods play well. I also want to know how to throw balls in the middle. Here, I tell you, click the screen to stop and click the spore spitting. It's so simple! Come and try it with your teammates!

Cooperative Blasting Sting

Applicable to: key winning tactics of the team

When you are bigger than the spike, you can eat the spike. Although it will explode, your weight will increase a lot. At this time, quickly give all your parts to your teammates, then continue to eat the spikes, and then feed them to your teammates. Brush the spikes all the time, and you can quickly gain weight, which is very suitable for the early development of the game! In the later stage, it must be eating others. Eating thorns can no longer meet your needs!

There should be a trick here, that is, one teammate smaller than the green thorn is in the thorn, and the other goes directly to the thorn, so that most of the participants can go directly to the ball of the teammate in the green thorn~

3、 Creativity

Corner Hidden Ball

Applicable to: teamwork

A very insidious and insidious way to play the pig and eat the tiger is to hide in your teammates when you are younger than your teammates (or everyone can hide in the biggest ball), let your teammates completely block you, move in sync with your teammates, completely integrate with them, wander around, seduce the big ball to chase you, and then quickly split up to feed the biggest ball, if it is big enough, The main ball then splits and shoots at the other side immediately, so as to easily eat the other side. Even if it is not big enough, it can scare them, and the effect is better in the corner. If the ball suddenly comes to you at this time, you will be eaten! I'm a little excited~

Update content


[Caos Illusion Workshop]

A new function - Kaos Magic Workshop goes online! The illusion function can adjust and change the skin effect to create your unique skin! Swallow the Starry Sky makes its first appearance in the Illusion Square, and its exclusive mystery and ultimate illusion are waiting for you to discover. Come and create your exclusive Swallow the Starry Sky!

[show level optimization]

1. Add the show level customization function. After the show level is full, you can customize the display level;

2. The upper limit of show level is increased to 888 level;

3. The show level logo is optimized. Different show levels will display different bottom frame logos;

4. Add the show logo selection function, and you can freely choose to set your dazzling show logo;

[Joint celebration of blue and white golden age]

Ball and Ball Battle x China Jingdezhen Porcelain Factory "Blue and White Prosperity Joint Celebration" 5.1 officially opened! The limited linkage legend keyword "Blue and White · Phoenix" and the limited version of permanent jelly spores will be sent after login! There are also many popular skin blue and white, upgrade and return to the world of Bollarry, enjoy Chinese porcelain with Tatan, and experience the elegant aesthetics of traditional culture!

[The battle of gods in the new season]

The new season's "Battle of the Gods" has officially started, and the endless giant planets have been optimized and upgraded, bringing a different and new experience! Free cooperation, easy screen dominance, endless challenges are waiting for you!

Make friends with the ball: use your avatar skin to make friends in endless battles! Qiubao will pay attention to each other after completing cooperation in the game! Make friends with the ball in endless battlefield, cooperate with each other and meet challenges together!

Custom skin: You can use custom skin to participate in the competition! Create and use your own skin. You are the most beautiful in the battle of gods!

Prop competition: powerful props such as acceleration, flash, shield, etc. will be randomly generated in the battlefield. The competition will be more exciting and the playing method will be more refreshing!

No props mode: new no props pure mode, faster ball throwing and closing speed, pure ball experience!

New scoring system: the scoring system is optimized and upgraded, and the weight ranking list is upgraded to the performance ranking! The performance score will be jointly determined by the number of hits and kills, the maximum weight score, and the survival time. The score is more intuitive, and the reward is up to you!

Creative workshop optimization: players who have uploaded their avatar can use their own avatar skin for free! Add random skin wearing function, random popular custom skin can be worn for free for unlimited times!

[Super sharing]

51 Divide 10 billion yuan, share help and give good gifts! Share your super size, as well as the super value sharing gift waiting for you!

[Tower climbing optimization]

1. Optimization of automatic tower climbing function: the automatic tower climbing interface is adjusted and optimized, and the use restrictions are cancelled. Everyone can climb the tower automatically, making it easier to find treasure and climb the top!

2. Backpack optimization: explore The knapsack display is optimized, and the grade colors of props are added. The same rewards will be integrated and displayed in groups;

3. New sharing function of the European emperor: After climbing the tower to get the European emperor's blessing bag, you can share it. Players who get the sharing can get random props in the blessing bag! Come and share your Ouhuang red envelope and bring your good luck to everyone!

[Speed Carnival]

51 Speed carnival, the speed of throwing balls in the following modes will be increased! Come and feel the joy of throwing up the ball quickly~

(Applicable mode: super fast group war/giant planet/group war giant planet/escape mode/double crown mode/free mode/classic group war/peak group war/team game)


When the rabbit goes home, the dragon is born! Hello, boys and girls, Paula Li's agent Tatan has come with the latest information about the Spring Festival~

How can the Year of the Dragon lack the element of dragon! The legendary third prince Nezha has recently contacted Tatan and is coming to Bolali to perform a sea legend and dance with the dragon! The Dragon Palace Prince also sent a message saying that he would fight with Nezha for 300 rounds! The legendary battle is about to start in Bola Li, and the key to the victory of this sea battle is all up to the players! Come on~

On February 1, the season of "Battle of the Ball" [Nezha Naohai] will officially start! The season specific escape game has been upgraded, and the new content&new system has brought a new experience! The battle of legend is decided by the players! There is also a huge amount of welfare to welcome the Spring Festival, ten billion golden mushrooms, and get soft!

Activity Update

1. Longnian member

A new member -- the big member of the Year of the Dragon! Year of the Dragon theme The interface is launched for the first time! Exclusive: exclusive personal homepage, Dragon Year theme interface, new tags, new exclusive nickname special effects, show level, exclusive chat Bubbles, exclusive message box and other nine privileges highlight the most expensive identity of the members of the Year of the Dragon! Purchase the annual card and enjoy a discount of 86%! The descendants of the dragon enjoy the dragon's fortune in the year of the dragon. The big members of the year of the dragon can't miss it~

2. New Year's Red Packet

New Year's Red Packet Greeting the Year of the Dragon! Log in every day to receive the grand prize, and divide up 1 billion super large red packets. You are waiting for the massive super large ones! With the help of the God of Wealth, the red envelope will be shaved every day!

[A new way to play ball MONOPOLY Here & Now: The World Edition

Want to be the most beautiful and rich treasure among your friends? Want to be the economic lifeline of a billionaire who wants to control Paula? The new way of playing ball is officially launched! One die can realize all your dreams! There are also massive super value benefits such as exclusive spores waiting for you in the game! Come to the millionaire to make a lot of money, become a millionaire, and step onto the top of Qiusheng!

[Legendary Battle of Ball Shock Team]

The ball shock team's new multiplayer game - the legendary battle is coming online! The commandos will escalate their fight on their respective battlefields, challenge endless enemies, become the last survivors of this battle, and bring honor home!

[Play method is upgraded again in the new season]

The legendary battle has officially started, and the new season [Nezha Naohai] has officially started in the dragon song!

Wearing the key words of the [Nezha Naohai] series of group warfare, you can obtain divine blessing, unlock special skills, and start competitive competition on the battlefield! Shrimp soldiers and crabs will appear randomly in the field. Killing them will strengthen your strength and improve your skill level! There is also seahorse to help fight, and getting seahorse help will be like a fish in water, speeding up your journey in the battlefield! The legendary battle will be decided by Qiu Bao! Come and fight~


1. Final deduction

New interpretation of special effects online! New end deduction function is added. When the player (or his team) wearing the end deduction special effect becomes the first player at the end of the game, the cool settlement special effect will be triggered!

2. New skin characteristics

The skin characteristics are upgraded again. Wearing a specific skin (such as the skin of the women's group) will obtain exclusive characteristics, which can trigger special actions such as pricking effect and phagocytosis effect in the game, and will broadcast special news to players in the game!

3. Tower climbing optimization

New bomb playing method. Using bombs can double the grid rewards!

Tower climbing atlas is optimized and upgraded, and the picture is more concise and clear, so you can easily check your own tower climbing experience!

4. Pass optimization

The enhanced version of pass optimization has been launched! The new exchange shop - the ancient legend came on stage! The exclusive skin of the pass in the past will appear in the legend, and the pass rewards missed can be exchanged here~


On January 1, the season of "Battle of the Ball" [Fairy Wonderland] will officially start! The season specific escape game has been upgraded, and the new content&new system has brought a new experience! New Year's Day is coming. Blessings come to Paula Li! In the new year, from welfare to softness!

[Fast team battle in progress]

The experience of fast group warfare is upgraded again! The battle never stopped!

1. Weight display, control the whole situation

The new weight display of the whole team is added to the ranking list to help Qiubao control the overall situation and never miss any chance of victory!

2. Count and broadcast, and swallow freely

Added phagocytosis count broadcast, and phagocytosis feedback soared! Smoothly swallow and kill!

3. Operating tips

The newly added "Fenshen engulfment prompt" and "cooperation prompt" make the confrontation easier, the cooperation more convenient, and the battle more intense! Everyone can become a master of ball in the fast team battle!

[New play method upgraded again]

At the beginning of the new year, the elves will send their best wishes to Qiubao! The new season [Fairy Castle] is officially opened in the New Year's bell!

As long as you wear the group battle keywords of the [Fairy Wonderland] series, you can get the blessing of fairies, unlock the corresponding skills, and take an adventure in the wonderland! With the help of the elf, you can also upgrade your skills and strengthen yourself! Be careful of the wizard cat in the adventure. Its black magic has terrible power! By the way, the jewels may encounter fairy princess or knight prince in the wonderland! The friendship with them will receive strong support and help adventure in wonderland! Come and make friends with the elves and enjoy the fairyland~

[New Year's Day Carnival at the Beginning of the New Year]

1. Good luck for koi in the New Year!

The new year's koi prize is coming soon! Buy the Koi Blessing Bag to participate in the Koi Award! 88888 Golden Mushroom&Rose Sports Car&Titan Cup Spore are waiting for you to win!! There are also four tower steps, super large keys and other rewards for purchasing a blessing bag to participate in the grand prize! The new year begins with good luck~

2. New Year's Day Carnival Game Day!

New Year's Day game day, ranking does not drop stars, double protection points! Daily game can also receive 0show legend keywords! There are also massive online rewards such as the massive release of golden mushrooms, super large keys, 2 tower steps and so on! This New Year's Day is a Bollari Carnival for the golfers~

3. Play with the best skin!

New Year's Day welfare release of Bolali headquarters! Massive top quality skin online free play~play in different ways every day, blind your teammates! This New Year's Day everyone is the most beautiful guy!

4. Spring Festival rush!

The commando team will also rush to the new year. New Year's Day welfare distribution~New Year's Day login game can get the epic equipment optional bag! Daily game can also receive up to 4 mythical keys and massive gems! There are also super value New Year's self selected myth gift bags, equipment self selection&character fragments self selection, helping the Qiubao commando team take risks~


Fix bugs


On December 1, the season of "Battle of the Ball" [Cold Escape] will officially start! The season specific escape and kill game has been upgraded again, with new content added, and there are more massive welfare gifts in this cold winter! In this coldest day, Liuxiaozhi will give you lasting warmth!

[Carnival Carnival]

Eight years with you, never walk alone! The 2023 ball carnival is in full swing! Time Memorial Book will take you back to the past, and you are waiting for unprecedented massive benefits!!

[Carnival year-end reward]

The 2023 Carnival year-end grand prize officially opens! Take part in the year-end ball game. You are waiting to win a lot of new best rewards, such as rare nicknames, 3-digit ball numbers, customized skin, spore coupons, etc! Fight for your region and compete with your fellow countrymen for the best in the country!

[Escape in extreme cold]

With the arrival of "cold zone", the new season [extremely cold escape] is coming! The game of escaping and killing in extremely cold environment has officially started!! As long as they wear the group war keywords of the [Extreme Cold Escape] series, they can become extremely cold creatures, unlock corresponding skills, and greatly increase their survival probability in the "cold region"! New temperature value and freezing moment mechanism have been added in the new season, and the difficulty of survival has been upgraded again. The treasure players need to pay attention to their own temperature and look for a campfire, because hypothermia will lose a lot of weight! Qiubao people should make a good choice, incarnate into extremely cold creatures, and fight against nature in this harsh environment. Let's have a battle of wits and courage against our opponents!

[Team Game 2.0]

On December 1, the team game returned to Paula with a new attitude! The team game of version 2.0 will adopt the fast team battle mode, with faster rhythm and better score! The new voice system in the team makes black communication more convenient and fast!

The Carnival Global Team Match is now on! Global competition, peak duel!! Come and join us!

V18.4.1 Version

Halloween ghosts haunt, trick or treating ball treasure has sugar to eat!

The Halloween Carnival has begun! The handsome vampire baron, the charming vampire queen, the fierce claw werewolf, and many other ghosts have come to the planet of Borale to participate in this carnival! Have you prepared the candies for the night trip of the cute ghost!

On November 1, the season of "Battle of the Ball" [Halloween haunts] will officially debut! The entertainment and play methods are upgraded again, and there are more massive benefits waiting for you! Follow the six kids to make trouble!

[Pass optimization]

1. Team upgrading optimization: you can join the team without opening, and upgrading is more comfortable and convenient! Get your friends together!

2. Ranking optimization: the level competition is more intuitive, and the worship function is added to enjoy the worship of thousands of people!

[Mall optimization]

1. Add the skin sorting function, and now Qiqibao can find the skin you want more easily!

2. New props screening function. Now Qiqibao can quickly query your favorite gift package!

[Update of ball shock team]

New voice function for team building: Now commandos can communicate with each other by voice in the team building mode, which is more convenient for cooperation and communication, and feel the real team building adventure!

[Optimization of Extreme Team Battle]

1. Overview! New small map function, through which you can see the position of the largest ball of the top three players and the position of teammates!

2. Efficient cooperation! New quick signal function, which can be displayed on large and small maps! When used on the mini map, there are more highlight effects to improve cooperation efficiency!

3. Eye catching prompt! When the fast signal is sent, there will be a special sound effect "ding" to notify the signal receiving and sending treasure!

4. Please forgive me! In case of mistakes, you can report them to your teammates. Please forgive the apologizing Qiu Bao!

[Halloween entertainment]

Halloween night, ghosts walk at night. The western ghosts also came to the planet of Borali to participate in this grand ceremony! Play method of entertainment game is upgraded again! Five ghosts will compete here!

In Halloween entertainment, Qiubao can become one of the five ghosts, and display the exclusive ability of ghosts to ride in the Halloween celebration! In the battle, you can absorb and swallow wandering ghosts to further explore the ability of ghosts, and upgrade skills to gain more powerful power! However, pay attention to the patrolling Holy Army. The power of light will pose a great threat to ghosts!

Halloween, the king of ghosts! You are the next person to visit Halloween!!

[Real time voice function]

You can experience the real-time voice function in Halloween entertainment!

You can speak at any time when you enter the team. You can speak freely without robbing the team! You can also switch between the voice in the open black team and the voice of the whole team in the game through the button! Even if you enter the game settlement page, you can also voice complain!


Tatan Ancestor Wu shattered the void, and the aura of Bolali planet revived, and Bolali's world officially announced its entry Everyone cultivates immortals Time!

Mid Autumn Festival x National Day! [Xiuxian] The version is coming! The jewels can also find a way to cultivate immortals on the Borali star! The Aura filled Boralie Star has created many opportunities~massive benefits from heaven, and a new play method [Immortal Cultivation and Escape] to test your realm strength! Seeking lovers, looking for a long life, the new Pauli world is coming! Are you all ready----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

On September 28, the "Battle of the Ball" [Xiuxian] season will officially debut! The new entertainment and play methods are shocking, and the super large and wonderful treasure box is upgraded again. The members of National Day will be on the stage for a limited time, and there are a lot of benefits waiting for you! Help you to learn the truth!

[Immortal Cultivation Welfare Surprises]

On September 28, when the Mid Autumn Moon was full, Old Tatan stepped into the void, and the Aura of Borale was revived! Set up your sect, call your Taoist couple and Taoist friends, and experience a different journey of cultivating immortals in Paula~

1. Limited keywords for free

How can Xiuxian lose his spiritual favor? [Legendary Keyword - Little Flying Dragon] Log in and take a chance with Little Flying Dragon! 2. A large amount of golden mushrooms are sent non-stop

The Aura of Bollari planet has begun to grow golden mushrooms! The golden mushroom is beginning to appear everywhere in Bola Li~Come and get your golden mushroom!

3. Upgrade of large and wonderful treasure chest

The super large and wonderful treasure chest has also made new changes under the influence of Reiki! The huge and wonderful treasure chest has been fully upgraded! Thanks to the new interface, a large number of classic skins will return in a limited time! At the same time, a new minimum guarantee mechanism is added, and every time you open a certain number of large and wonderful treasure boxes, you will get classic skin!

4. Kukuba returns in time

The Kukuba treasure chest that the treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure! Kukuba Treasure Box returns with its unique classic skin in a limited time!

[A new way of playing Immortals]

The rebirth of the Aura of Bollari also gave birth to some different ways of fighting! A new mode that subverts your imagination is about to open. The Immortal Cultivation Escape Mode appears for the first time with new skills in a secret place of Bola Ri Star! The treasure can compete with Taoist friends of all sects here! Improve accomplishments! Demonstrating to become immortal!

In the new mode, there will be 6 schools to choose from! Qiubao will obtain exclusive skills of the selected sect! Choose your favorite sect and start your own journey of cultivating immortals and preaching!

[Brand new system, brand new special effects, dazzle the whole audience]

The Aura of Boralli has also produced some wonderful changes. Come and have a feel~

1. The map reference system was introduced in Bolali

The atlas system makes its debut on the planet Paulari! Treasures collect Series skin can get series skin exclusive rewards! Come and enrich your own atlas and become Master Paula!

2. New special effect: birth special effect

The so-called strong, naturally has its own unique aura! The powerful Qiubao will burst into dominance at the moment of its debut! Cool special effects explode in the audience! Announce your arrival to the enemy~Get your domineering spirit through the atlas system!

3. New special effect: killing mark

Even if the strong man leaves, his aura will last forever! You will leave your mark when you defeat your opponent on the field! Show your power to passers-by! Killing stamp can be obtained through the atlas system~

[National Day Member]

Mid Autumn Festival x National Day, in such a special festival, how can there be a lack of member benefits! The members of the National Day edition are shining on the stage, and eight privileges are waiting for you!

1. Hexagonal head portrait: the new atmosphere of National Day, a group of hexagonal soldiers suddenly emerged in the round Bollari world! Hexagonal avatar premieres on National Day!

2. Hexagonal head portrait box: The hexagonal Paularis created their own coat! Hexagonal head picture box first appeared! Unique style is different! Wear it to become the most beautiful treasure!

3. Dazzling show logo: What is missing with the new head portrait and head portrait frame? yes! It is the show mark! The black gold show logo shows your dignity!

4. Additional member experience: members of the National Day edition enjoy additional member experience exclusively, helping the members of Qiubao quickly improve their membership!

5. Exclusive achievements: where to look for privileges, find exclusive achievements! Member specific achievements record Your privileges!

6. Exclusive bubbles: members' exclusive bubbles! Your words and deeds will show your difference!

7. Exclusive message box: members' exclusive message box, every message should be dazzled!

8. Buy one get one free in limited time: members of the National Day edition buy one get one free in limited time! Time limited activities miss waiting for one year!

[Adjustment and optimization]

1. Super fast group war: technical war room&one button macro

Quick skill function has been added to the fast group war! Enter the technical war room to select your favorite cooperation skills, and then you can release them with one key in the board! Let you say goodbye to your handicap and finish the fast team battle!

2. Virtual cursor

The new auxiliary cursor in the office and the intelligent identification of the intersection of the spitting ball and the direction of the split body make it easier for you to judge the direction! This setting can be turned on or off freely in the setting~

In this era of universal cultivation of immortals, hurry to go to Borali with Tatan and start a different journey of cultivation of immortals!


On September 1, the new season of "Battle of the Ball" Crazy Zoo "Will be officially launched! New entertainment methods are coming, the pass is upgraded, and there are a variety of benefits, just waiting for you!

[The new skill team gathered in a wild skin]

The new "Crazy Zoo" series of team keywords go online, wear keywords to acquire skills, and fight with your favorite animals in the game to win! A team keyword of "Crazy Zoo" series must be obtained within 20 cigarettes. The first cigarette costs only 3 yuan. Choose your animals and join the wonderful Adventure Come on!

[Ball Shock Team]

Bollari suddenly emerged the dark forces. In order to defend the homeland, the "ball shock team" started to gather!

It's up to you to decide how you want to play! Pass the test smoothly, upgrade various abilities, and every minute is a new experience; Cool equipment collocation, show your operation, pick up the most powerful weapon, and leave your legend on the hero list!

[New play method is popular online]

"Crazy Zoo" is coming to Borali, and a new and exciting mode is about to open.

As long as they wear the key words of the "Crazy Zoo" series, they can unlock the corresponding skills in the game. In the new mode, the players will be divided into 6 teams to compete. The number of players with corresponding keywords in the team will reach 3, and the skill level will be further improved! Choose your favorite animal quickly, and fight against your opponent!

[New Pass Upgrade Open]

The new pass "Crazy Zoo" was opened, which ushered in a major upgrade of the pass, and the welfare was soft!

-The original 200 level keywords were lowered to 80 level, and the new animation interpretation effect of the keywords should not be missed!

-The task difficulty is reduced, and most tasks can be completed in the last week. We refuse to rush or slow down!

-Launch the must win team keyword [Lei Bao Shanshan], and have the exclusive skills of season play, helping Qiu Bao win in the new play!

-The pass interface is completely revised, and the interface is more refreshing!

Go to the "Crazy Zoo" with Tatan and play with cute and powerful animals!


Bug fix


Glory upgrade, unlimited competition! "Peak Battle 2.0" is coming! Start a group war journey with friends, review the memory of Kaihei, and attack the highest honor!

[Interface upgrading and optimization]

1. Add a new ranking list: the top group war ranking list will be launched synchronously. Remember to check whether you are on the list regularly~

2. Other interface optimization: interface quality upgrading, visual effect optimization. The interface display of different models is more adaptive, reducing the waiting time of the loading interface.  

[New decoration of magic house]

The new version of the magic house is online, with a comprehensive visual upgrade, and the recommendation page is greatly updated! At the same time, the magic house and some tabs of my backpack are merged, making it easier for the treasure to search for the skin

[Peak Group Battle 2.0]

Long time no see! Group war! "Summit Battle 2.0" was officially launched on July 1! The new peak rank system and season rewards have been launched. Each peak segment will have its own title, portrait box, border, special effects for joining the team and other rewards to go to the peak together with the team! In "Peak Team Battle 2.0", we will severely crack down on illegal behaviors such as proxy play, cross team cooperation, and plug-in, so as to create a fair and more rigid arena for all players! This summer, we will organize a group drive with our friends and move forward to the highest glory hall!  


No matter how old, Long live Tongxin! The limited version of "Childlike Innocence Time Machine" was officially launched!

How many childhood memories does a pencil carry? The big ball fight × China pencil linkage surprise starts, and the massive rewards have been charged, waiting for you!

[Childlike Innocence Time Machine officially opened]

Since June 1, the theme activity "Childlike Innocence Time Machine" has been officially launched. Come to Bolali and take the time machine to trace your childhood in your memory!

1. New linkage online: ball and ball battle X China pencil linkage is about to start! Legendary keywords, time limited new brushes online, please wait~

2. National legend: the Chinese color lead limited keyword "Panda Da Da" is active and free!

3. Add pencil brush for customized skin in a limited time. Come and experience it~

4. Skin Creation Competition: Long live Tongxin, no matter how old! Draw your own childhood memories and win massive benefits!

5. Childlike innocence photo studio: compete with childlike innocence photos, retrieve pure memories, and limit gift boxes with Chinese pencils for you to take home~

[Big upgrade of the ball workshop]

Use your imagination freely! The ball workshop ushers in a major upgrade. The elements of play are free to draw. How to design is up to you! Design amazing personalized and creative play methods, let everyone marvel at it~

[Childlike innocence tracing your dreams to remind you of your childhood]

From June 1 to June 15, you can take a lot of new decorations by participating in the activity of tracing children's dreams! New phagocytosis special effects, personality background, etc~

[Adjustment and optimization]

1. Get interface optimization: optimize the name display of some props

2. Convenience optimization of other games

[Full service gift chest keeps falling]

Let us witness your sincere feelings and become enviable friends! After this update, some gifts will be broadcasted on the main interface, and the limited benefit chest will be dropped. When you open the chest, you will have a chance to get good gifts!


set out! Miracle Explorer! "Miracle Paradise" is about to come to Borale. It is said that as long as the five regions of the Paradise are cleared, they can become world-renowned miracle explorers! Give play to your ingenuity and create infinite possibilities~Use the workshop editor to make a unique creative map, and become the master plan of Bola Li Gold Medal!

There are eight benefits waiting for you. Let's have a wild party this May!

[New upgrade of interface quality and new experience of playing]

After this update, a new game interface animation was launched, and the quality of the main interface and matching interface was comprehensively upgraded, creating a more immersive game experience for you!

[Great upgrade of aristocratic welfare, distinguished identity show]

Noble customization, distinguished and extraordinary! From April 29, the benefits of the nobility have been greatly upgraded. When reaching a certain noble level, exclusive benefits can be gradually unlocked: head portrait box, gifts, titles, special effects for watching the battle, chat bubbles, colorful names, message colors Seven customized benefits highlight noble status!

[The assembly order of Qiubao was released, inviting friends to win the iPhone]

From April 29 to May 28, the assembly order of Qiubao was issued, which was a good gift! Invite Meng Xin to go online or old friends to play together, and you can get a raffle Bluetooth Earphones, mechanical keyboards and other gifts are waiting for you to win! Enjoy Wonderland together and leave your precious memories!

[Explore the blue water world, where cute animals are]

Are you also curious about what the creatures in the adventure sea look like? From April 29 to May 28, go to the blue water world in the adventure sea area to explore, meet the cute marine creatures, and take them home!

[Wonderland is fun, adventure sea area adventure]

From April 29, the adventure sea area of "Miracle Paradise" officially opened! Qiubao people can enjoy the adventure, play various new and interesting amusement facilities, and get more exclusive rewards!

[Paradise creative editor, map playing method can be made at will]

Creative play, free design, play as you want! Since April 29, the Paradise system has been launched in surprise. Qiubao people have taken up the role of game planning, self-made fun play methods, and designed an amazing personalized creative map! Participate in map making, and redeem halo, head portrait box and other gifts!

Enjoy other Qiubao's homemade creative maps, and each round is a new experience! You can also light up your heart for your favorite map~

[Swallow the planet and play interesting levels constantly]

From April 29, a new fun game, "Swallow the Planet", will appear! The swallowing mechanism is very different. There are many interesting levels, which brings you a different new experience of screen dominance. No matter what, devouring everything is the only solution!


Looking forward, looking forward, the east wind is coming, and the pace of spring is approaching.

The spring of Paula Li is also about to begin~Lu Feifei, the little reporter in front, brings the latest broadcast of Spring Welfare Month to the treasure, and the Spring Welfare Month officially opens on March 1. Six big surprises!

[Spring Welfare Month]

1. The first 3D map will be free when it goes online on March 10, making your ball three-dimensional!

2. The golden mushroom treasure spring special welfare is coming. You can get a large number of time limited golden mushrooms after completing the task from March 10 to March 31. You can buy the golden mushroom skin in the exclusive time limited mall, and the magic skin can be purchased for zero yuan.

3. A three piece set of active collars can receive the spring limited skin set for free after completing the task from March 17 to March 31.

4. Enjoy the brand new 3D skin from March 1 to March 31 for free at the fastest time for one day. After completing the task, you can also send the same skin to your friends for free.

5. The new season of Supergod has begun. Please call your friends to join us! From March 1 to March 31, as long as the rank reaches the level of supernatural, you can receive restricted spores.

6. Spring Sign in Book Spring Sign in Book helps reduce the burden of treasure! Sign in every week from March 1 to March 31, and you can get massive rewards such as 1.5x bonus card for pass experience and double upgrade card. You can also get exclusive waist ornaments directly if you unlock the luxury reward of 1 yuan.

[Custom Skin]

It's time to show your creativity! The new customized skin function was officially launched on March 1. Personalized skin can be painted at will and magic brain holes can be opened. Come to DIY your exclusive skin and let more Qiu Bao see your creation!

[New upgrade of return system]

Welcome the treasure to go home, and return to a new upgrade gift! From March 1, when returning to Qiubao, you can log in to the game and wear the limited best skin. The new version of express mail helps you understand the latest activity content, and there are a large number of exclusive return gifts for Qiubao people who go home.


Hello, ladies and gentlemen, this Valentine's Day activity is reported by me, Lufeifei, who is popular and blooming. Where is Tatan? Of course, he and Hilary are busy arranging Valentine's Day. Every Valentine's Day, they call me to take the shift. Is there something special about CP? This year we single Wang also want to fight back!!!

On February 10, the Heart Beating Valentine's Day was officially opened! The Century War between Sweet CP and Singles is imminent!

[Heart stirring Valentine's Day]

1. Valentine's Day Tour

Join hands with Goodwill CP to start the journey of Valentine's Day, complete the task to improve the intimacy mileage, and receive a large number of sweet gifts such as intimate title, exclusive avatar box, full screen gifts, etc. There is also a new couple homepage background, which can show your good CP on your personal homepage. The way to show love has increased.

2. New personal homepage decoration - fancy wall

Send the most beautiful flowers to your beloved TA! The new feature gift will be launched romantically on February 10. After receiving the gift, Qiubao's personal homepage will blossom with sweet flowers. The more you receive, the more flowers you will have on your personal homepage~

3. Compare our hearts together

The brand new Valentine's Day CP skin hits the shelves, and you can compete with your TA to show your love in the game!

4. CP Fight Single Wang

On February 10, Valentine's Day, the game is limited to fun. The CP camp fights against the single Wang camp. Which side do you choose to join? Join the new play method to help your camp and get rich rewards such as camp skin for free!

If you have a CP, you will wear the CP skin randomly after entering the game match. You will work with CP to enter the heart beat moment, trigger the special effect of love, as well as special effects such as spore ejection acceleration and ball closing acceleration; The single Wang who comes to challenge alone will wear our specially prepared single skin to join the battlefield, and tacit cooperation with teammates can trigger crazy moments.

Paula Li has also prepared a magical and funny exclusive dazzle for CP and Singles. You can show your love, spread dog food or laugh at the sour smell of love in the game!

5. New function - Cardiac CP one click bonding

The new CP Encounter function was officially launched on February 10, and Paula Li sent you the CP!

As long as you provide simple information such as regular time, preferred playing methods, and expected gender, Polari Headquarters will help you to open a romantic encounter, pull up a chat button, and find the most suitable TA for you in the vast universe.


The 2023 annual expansion film "Heroes Return, Super Team Gather!" was officially launched on January 13!

Brand spokesperson Yang Chaoyue will accompany you to experience the new game!

[Attack! Save the Blue Planet]

The Black Hole Legion has deployed a new destructive action. Come to respond to the call of the Paulari headquarters! From January 13 to February 12, complete the mission to save the blue planet and receive a limited set.

[Super energy keyword]

Super energy keywords hit hard on January 13! Collect five super energy keywords to get permanent personal homepage background.

[Tatan Cute Rabbit]

Cute rabbit is lucky in spring! The limited doll of the Year of the Rabbit - Tatan Cute Rabbit was officially sold in the game at 20:00 on January 13. The purchase of the Da Zhan Hong rabbit portfolio package will lead to the limited doll of the Year of the Rabbit - Tatan Cute Rabbit * 1 and the key word of the Year of the Rabbit - Tatan Cute Rabbit * 1.

[Super Power Escape]

A new way to play super powerful escape attack! Four people form a team to fight against other teams, avoid the pursuit of the Black Hole Legion, and constantly devour the enemy to become stronger. Let's see who can survive to become a super brave!

[Yang Chaoyue live broadcast

The super team gathers, surpasses and scores with you! At 20:00 on January 13, Yang Chaoyue, the brand spokesman, visited the live broadcast room of fast hand of the big ball game (fast hand number: QQDZZ0527), and will also deliver massive benefits in the live broadcast!

[New Year Red Packet]

Yang Chaoyue, the brand spokesman, will give you a red envelope for the New Year! Open the New Year's Red Packet of Chaoyue's sister to receive the exclusive keywords of Yang Chaoyue, and have the opportunity to get autographed photos. There is also a new year limited dazzle red packet for free!


Fashion competition, welfare carnival! Ball and Ball Battle 2022 Carnival is upgraded and returned. The carnival is limited to permanent aura, permanent game theme login and free. The surprise activity of the whole month is amazing!

[Carnival Welfare Ceremony]

1. From November 24 to December 25 of the Carnival Welfare Collection, rare skins such as Prophet, Gate of Time and Space, Uranus and so on will be drawn when they go online. Massive amount of feedback welfare will be received when they go online, as well as a privileged gift package and a nice gift for friends!

2. The national legend plan is launched again. From November 24 to December 25, the legend keyword "Dumbo Dream" can be obtained by logging in, completing simple activities and easily obtaining the five piece set of legendary skin.

3. Carnival Wish Gifts Carnival thanksgiving gifts. From November 24 to December 25, you can draw a large number of free prizes if you share playing with others.

4. The Coldplay Amusement Park was officially launched on November 24. It has a super popular playing method, and does not duplicate the style when returning every week. You can get a limited head portrait box and other massive benefits when you participate in the game!

5. The limited time Golden Mushroom Mall opened on December 1. The limited time Golden Mushroom Mall was released and the brand new spirit was purchased for zero yuan.

[Intimate optimization]

1. The blacklist function is comprehensively optimized to completely shield malicious interference, and strive to bring better results to Qiubao people social contact Experience;

2. In order to thank Qiubao people for their enthusiastic participation in co creation activities, all skins created by Qiubao will display the author's nickname and head portrait. Come and send love to the author you like.

[National Championship]

The tournament system was officially launched on November 24. You can sign up to participate in the national championship, challenge professional players, host the god to win millions of golden mushrooms, as well as the 2022 carnival champion aura, 2022 carnival spores and so on.

[Jet large random bucket]

Chaoku's new play method, "Jet Fighting", was officially launched on November 24. The cool skill, "Spore Jetting", gives you a new game experience. A large number of spores are sprayed with one button, and the single person style is completed in an instant. The spores are vomited wantonly, and the operation is easy to show!

Super Friday

Live broadcast is delivered every week, and good things are waiting for you! Diaoyin follows the official account of "Big Battle of Ball and Ball" (Diaoyin No.: 780708615). At 20:00 every Friday from November 24 to December 25, welfare gift is broadcast live!


[Double 11 Carnival]

The Double Eleven is a big surprise. From November 4 to November 13, you can participate in the bargaining battle and get the bargaining coupon after completing the activity task. It is said that skin bargaining is free!

[Intimate optimization]

1. You can wear the suit skin by pressing the button, so you don't have to search one by one.

2. The backpack is upgraded again to prevent the skin fragments from being sold by mistake, and the ranking of props is optimized again.

[Halloween Carnival]

1. Collect strange jack-o-lanterns Halloween is coming. Come and collect jack-o-lanterns to help dress Paula! From October 28 to November 13, when you complete the task of collecting a specified number of jack-o '- lanterns, you can get a Halloween limited skin set for free.

2. The candy dispatcher will trick without giving candy! From October 28 to November 10, the candy dispensers who watch the war will have the opportunity to get the sweet gifts such as Halloween restricted keywords when they grab Halloween candy.

3. Evening benefits Log in to the game from 20:00-21:00 every day from October 28 to November 1, not only with the evening BUFF blessing, but also with Halloween limited gifts for free.

4. Halloween Surprise Come and make trouble on Halloween! From October 28 to November 6, send gifts to your friends, and your friends will have a chance to receive mysterious surprises!

5. Halloween Surprise Welfare! From November 1 to November 20, the task was completed to unlock the unique keywords of Halloween, such as the Lord of Burning Prison, Aura, Jack Pumpkin, Gift, Halloween Castle, and other rich rewards [Linked Memorial Book]. The grassland competition ended, and Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf also returned to the Qingqing grassland safely by spaceship. Paula Li has specially made a linkage commemorative book for this linkage, recording the wonderful performance of Qiubao in the Grassland Race. According to your performance in the Grassland Race, you will also get an exclusive title. From November 1 to November 7, log in to the game sharing commemorative book to receive rewards!


1. Little grey, run quickly

From October 3 to October 30, as long as you complete a simple active task and help Little Grey move forward, you can get rich gifts such as linkage keywords, spores, waist decorations, message boxes, keys to large and wonderful treasure boxes, etc.

2. Grassland assembly

The joint limited skin will be put on the shelf within a limited time from September 30 to October 31. Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf will fight side by side with you in the Chaoku starship.

3. Naimeng linkage Pets

Xiaohui, the "cute and cute owner" of Qingqing Grassland, came to Bola Li, and the linked pet of Naimeng and Naimeng accompanied you.

4. Grassland Competition

The new game of wolf sheep confrontation, "Grassland Championship", is fun to enter, and see who is the king of the green grassland!

Qiubao can join the sheep team or the wolf team. Two wolves fight six sheep. After entering the game, he will wear the corresponding camp skin. The new map will also be added to the day and night system. The playing methods of day and night are very different. Chase and fight in the alternation of day and night!

5. Grassland Secret Treasure

The legendary Candy Island is new again. Come and exchange lollipops for super cute Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf skin!

6. Magic Box

The guests of Qingqing Grassland have brought mysterious rewards! From September 30 to October 31, share the magic box and easily receive the limited glare from Qingqing Grassland.

[Intimate optimization]

1. Backpack upgrade

The backpack has a new function of selling props in batches, which is more convenient to sell with one button. You can also choose "keep one of each type" as a souvenir.

2. Comprehensive upgrade of key customization

The size and position of keys can be adjusted as you like to meet your operating habits; The key layout is bound to the account, and the silk slip technique can also be displayed seamlessly by changing the device.

3. New optimization of game environment

accelerator More accurate judgment and more severe punishment will be given to illegal behaviors such as connection device, sending script, hanging up, single player competition cooperation, and resolutely maintain the harmony and health of Paula Li.

[Golden Autumn Benefits]

1. Jinqiu exclusive pass

Open the exclusive golden autumn pass, and you can get the exclusive keywords, spores, dazzle, and keys to the super large and wonderful treasure chest.

2. Legendary skin experience

Change new clothes during the National Day holiday, log in every day to redeem the legendary skin experience coupon for free, and the legendary skin will be changed every day from October 1 to October 7!

3. Evening benefits

From October 1 to October 7, 20:00-21:00 every day, you can log in and get privileges. It's a great BUFF blessing, helping the holiday to start easily!

4. Millions of gold mushroom online collar

From October 1 to October 5, online free red packets were snatched, and a large number of golden mushrooms were sent.


[Exclusive benefits of Qiubaori]

1. Privilege of Qiubaori

From September 10 to September 12, there will be super cool privileges! During the activity period, you can enjoy exclusive privileges such as not losing stars in the game, halving the waiting time for the wonderful treasure chest, and increasing the experience of the pass by 50%.

2. National legend plan

Legend has it that skin is free! From September 10 to October 9, you can get the legendary skin for free after completing the task and accumulating energy.

3. Card playing treasure day

Come to Bola Li on September 10 to complete simple clocking tasks such as landing games and participating in the new single player final elimination contest. Surprise benefits are waiting for you!

4. Millions of golden mushrooms online grab

From September 10 to September 12, we will grab red envelopes online for free, and see who can win the Golden Mushroom Award!

5. Legendary suit for free

From September 10 to September 18, when you log in the game every day, you can redeem the time effective legendary skin for free, and the classic legendary skin such as the silly goose suit, seal round suit, snow melting meow suit can be worn for free!

6. Return to receive good gifts

The assembly order of Qiubao will be upgraded again, and Qiubao Day will return to receive limited benefits! From September 10 to October 30, returning to Qiubao can receive massive benefits such as returning to the exclusive head portrait box and returning to the exclusive gift as long as you log in to the game.

[The Ultimate Knockout Contest's Lonely Soldier]

Special play method of Qiubao Day - the ultimate knockout game, the lone and strange soldier, came on September 10, taking a one-man adventure and upgrading the challenge! Cool skin can be matched as you like, and a new model is waiting for you to challenge!

Each single player final elimination game has three levels of competition. The massive mode is randomly selected, and you will compete with 23 other players for the only crown after layers of elimination!

[New role keywords]

The new role keyword "electroacoustic hacker" came to Borale on September 10, bringing extraordinary charm to the dynamic electroacoustic atmosphere.

The "electronic sound hacker" can be upgraded seven times. Each level can obtain new special effects. Different states such as chasing, exploding, spitting spores, and devouring will have different cool actions!


1. Free space pets

(1) Participating in the activity, you can get the cool "divine animal" for free to accompany you to travel in the vast universe.

(2) A new way to cultivate and enjoy unlimited fun.

2. Take a time machine to review China's aerospace history

(1) Unlock the mission, set sail with glory, and receive rich rewards.

(2) Through time-space dialogue, understand the spirit of China's aerospace, and answer questions to obtain more benefits!

3. A new way of playing "Dream Defense"

(1) Hand painted dreams light up the starry sky, new play methods, we create together!

(2) The new dynamic map, the alien spike ball and the new black hole bring infinite opportunities as well as dangers. Join hands with your teammates to break through difficulties and win rich rewards!

4. Other optimizations

V14.1.4 Version

1. Crazy weekend hot attack, fierce competition for three titles

(1) Who will dominate the battlefield?

(2) Weekend carnival, massive top grade rewards, exclusive avatar box, and exclusive skin are waiting for you!

(3) Candy counter is newly launched, participate in the activity to exchange new skin!

2. Big bear? Or a rabbit? The forest war is about to start, and the fierce battle between bears and rabbits is unstoppable

(1) Choose to join the camp of the big bear or the little white rabbit, and start the camp competition among the forests to win camp rewards and exclusive skins!

(2) The big bear and the little white rabbit are new and interesting ways to play, and use exclusive powerful skills to defeat opponents.


1. A new way of playing "Dragon Taming Bounty Competition" comes on stage: fun challenge, 100 people duel, and win the ultimate glory award!

2. The new pet system is online: changeable pets are coming, accompanied by a warm adventure! The image of pets changes randomly. Come and create your unique cute pet!

3. The chat system has been greatly upgraded: real-time chat is enabled, and friends, legions, and kingdoms can chat at any time if they want to, and easily expand their ranks to find friends in the chat!

4. The dragon training team system is online. Which team is the strongest team?!

(1) Gather good friends, form a group of 100 people, and fight with like-minded partners;

(2) The exclusive medal of the dragon training team shows what you belong to;

(3) Exclusive benefits for dragon training team, participating in team activities, helping each other and winning gift packages!

(4) The large-scale confrontation game "Territory Battle" is about to go online to fight for the glory of the dragon training team!

5. Present Longqi Continent:

(1) There are many kingdoms, and a new chapter awaits your exploration!

(2) Go to Longqi Continent with friends and collect mysterious spells to exchange for more rewards!


1. Fixed the situation where the ball of other players could not be seen after the player died in the game.

2. Fixed the problem that the main interface sometimes got stuck after the game was settled after adding the demon hunting mode.

3. After the mood skin in the repair magic room is opened, more heart language and honor head ring interfaces display abnormal conditions.

4. New magic box one button open function.

5. Fixed the abnormal display problem when clicking preview in the escape ship

6. Repairing abnormal problems such as no sphere displayed on the main interface of group battle giant planet

7. The settlement data of the repair group battle giant planet shows an abnormal situation.

8. Fix the problem that the screen flashes occasionally in dark environment when the automatic brightness of the phone is turned on

9. Fix the problem that the spike ball will appear white in the survival props game

10. Repairs the abnormal display of the ultimate dragon and rabbit costumes

Special instructions

Mobile game screenshot

 Official official version of the ball game v19.2.1 Android client 0 Official genuine v19.2.1 Android client 1 Official genuine v19.2.1 Android client 2 Official genuine v19.2.1 Android client 3 Official genuine v19.2.1 Android client 4

Related version

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    • Android

      Official genuine v19.2.1 Android client

    • IPhone version

      Football Battle ios v19.2.6 iPhone

    • Version No.: ISBN 978-7-89988-482-9
    • Document No.: XGCS [2015] No. 1312
    • Package name: com.ztgame.bob
    • MD5:A11060F1B7158C1CE5C0F3D564451EC4
    • Published by: Shanghai Giant Network Technology Co., Ltd
    • Operating unit: Shanghai Giant Tongping Network Technology Co., Ltd

    common five hundred and seventy-six Participate in interaction and view all thirty-two Comments> Netizen comments

    32nd floor Guangdong Shenzhen Netizen Published on: 2023/9/25 17:40:21
    Ball and Ball Battle yyds yyds yyds

    support ( twelve ) Building (reply)

    31st floor Shandong Zaozhuang Xuecheng Netizen Published on: 2023/9/12 18:38:14
    It's good to pass the time

    support ( nine ) Building (reply)

    30th floor Guangxi Hezhou Netizen Published on: 2023/9/11 19:22:20
    I played it when I was young

    support ( nine ) Building (reply)

    29th Floor Guangdong Maoming Netizen Published on: 2023/9/1 17:44:50
    Too many play modes

    support ( sixteen ) Building (reply)

    28th Floor Liaoning Huludao Netizen Published on: 2023/8/31 18:16:58
    Very classic game, fun

    support ( sixteen ) Building (reply)

    27th Floor Henan Anyang Mobile Guest Published on: 2022/3/12 16:44:37
    How can I go back to my previous account? It was accidentally uninstalled, and now the data is cleared

    support ( eighteen ) Building (reply)

    26th Floor Jiangxi Nanchang Telecom Guest Published on: 2022/2/8 18:38:40
    Where is the demon hunting mode?

    support ( thirteen ) Building (reply)

    25th floor Game box app players Published on: 2022/1/1 13:49:19
    What rank are you in now? I am supernatural

    support ( thirteen ) Building (reply)

    24th floor Game box app players Published on: 2021/12/5 8:16:48
    Good guy is all your comments.

    support ( ten ) Building (reply)

    23rd Floor Game box app players Published on: 2021/10/18 1:29:12

    support ( twelve ) Building (reply)


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