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 The latest version of the Great Sailing Road

The latest version of the Great Sailing Road

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Sailing tour Sea Battle Mobile Tour The Great Sailing Road
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Introduction to the game Screenshot of the game Related version Netizen comments Download address

  • Type: Online games Instant online games
  • edition: V2.1.19 Genuine Android
  • size: 2.30G
  • to update: 2024-03-23 12:21
  • Language: chinese
  • Grade:
  • Platform: Android
  • manufacturer: Hangzhou Netease Leihuo Technology Co., Ltd
  • Chinese name: The Great Sailing Road

The Great Sailing Road Official mobile game It is a very exciting and interesting real-time combat class Action adventure mobile tour The picture of the game is cool and beautiful, and the 3D high-definition picture quality gives you a visual enjoyment of the end game level! There are also wonderful stories to make you feel Sea Battle Mobile Tour The infinite fun! Click Download to experience it!

Introduction to the latest version of the Great Sailing Road

The latest version of the Great Navigation Road is a real navigation adventure mobile game independently developed by NetEase. Based on Europe in the era of geographical discovery, players play brave navigators from different countries, or explore , or doing business, or being loyal to the country, or being lawless, to embark on the voyage of the sea of stars. This is MMORPG real-time full 3D mobile game with innovative sea battle shooting mode.

 Official download of Grand Navigation Road

Tour features on the grand sailing road

·Adventure system : Pyramids, Stonehenge, underground labyrinths, a variety of exploration terrain, and endless discovery cards meet the dream of navigators to explore the unknown and travel around the world.

·Combat system : Real time combat system, ballistic flight collision, gives navigators an extremely real combat experience. There is also a distinction between safe sea areas and dangerous sea areas, which brings a pleasant feeling of danger everywhere.

·Trade system : Super strong strategy, no brain for rejection. The price of trading goods changes with the supply and demand of navigators. Finding a trade route and becoming a business tycoon will become a compulsory course for every navigator. The combination of trade and production makes you invincible.

Game play

The aircraft system is attacking, and the battle at sea is upgraded

These powerful aircrafts will provide more varied skill combinations, which will greatly enhance the uncertainty on the battlefield, and the captain's sea battle experience will be more thrilling!

Even those experienced and invincible captains will still be in awe of the sea and always strive to be fully prepared for sailing. With the emergence of more secret weapons at sea, the intensity of naval warfare is also rising. It is time to further enrich the preparation for navigation. As a new weapon in the sea battle, the launch of the aircraft system will improve the captain's combat experience in an all-round way, and also declare that the sea battle of the Great Sailing Road is about to enter a new era!

During the battle, the captain will send up to three aircraft, which will take turns to fight and become the backbone of the battle. As a secret weapon to protect the flagship, these aircraft will automatically follow the flagship, bringing different gain effects to the flagship. At the same time, when the active skill release conditions are met, the aircraft will automatically release the skill, giving the enemy a heavy blow!

Career Introduction to the Road to Navigation

The game has four distinct professions, which not only provides players with more professions and playing methods, but also challenges the playing methods of team naval battle and team replica in the game, adding more elements of strategy and cooperation.

In the process of fighting, players can choose the combination of "meat shield"+"output" of "guard officer"+"gunner" to push forward from the classic tactics, and can also choose the combination of "fortune teller"+"reward ranger", which focuses on wandering away from gank, to cause unexpected blows to the enemy. Or take the edge of the sword and use the charge formation of the full guard officers to give the enemy the most shocking frontal assault, or use the full diviner lineup to end the suspense of the copy and the game by bombing the sky and earth destroying magic. More interesting career combinations.

1. Turret of magic output -- "fortune teller"

The "fortune tellers", who are inclined to control and spell output and proficient in classical spells, have set foot on the deck of long-distance warships without hesitation since they saw their future in the crystal ball. As a kind of diviner who has supernatural power and is proficient in ancient mysterious spells, "diviner" can provide powerful spell output for players and become a force that cannot be ignored on the battlefield!

 Novice Course on the Great Sailing Road

2. The fearless fortress on the sea -- "guard officer"

The close guard officers who prefer defense and collision and are good at charging and close combat were once sergeants in the navy. They are upright and brave, and are willing to travel across the seven seas for the honor of the motherland. As a class of professional skilled in defense and control technology, it will be the most fearless existence in the sea battle to approach and hit the enemy ship with a fearless spirit. Players who choose "Guard Officer" as a professional will be the most fearless!

 Novice Course on the Great Sailing Road

3. Cold Sea Sniper -- "Artillery Master"

As a former young lord, the artillery expert who preferred remote output and was very obsessed with artillery related technology lost everything in the war. From then on, he was obsessed with artillery and hoped to find his lost territory at sea. As an expert in the use of guns at sea, "Artillery" can complete accurate long-range strikes, and is the most reliable rear output option.

 Novice Course on the Great Sailing Road

4. A versatile hunter who can advance and retreat freely -- "bounty ranger"

The bounty ranger, who is inclined to assist and recover, and is good at mine technology and pursuit, is a sea warrior who is familiar with the sea and nature. He wanders around the world in order to hunt down wanted criminals and obtain rewards. The agile bounty assassin is used to walking flexibly at the edge of the opponent's vision. His excellent pursuit control ability, combined with the killing of mines, makes the bounty ranger a very comprehensive profession.

 Novice Course on the Great Sailing Road

Adventure Play of the Great Sailing Road

The Great Sailing Road includes port exploration, sea exploration and land exploration theme Type. Different from the current mobile games on the market, which basically do not have adventure play methods, in the three major theme adventure play methods, players can not only have a deep understanding of many landmark buildings with a heavy sense of history in each port, but also can find through layers of clues based on real historical events and background settings collect Historic sites, discover unknown stories, and win unexpected rewards.

1. Dream Sea Adventure Seeks Lost Civilization

Blue is a color full of fantasy, just like the boundless sea in front of us. Every navigator who yearns for freedom has a desire to explore and conquer the sea. In the game of "The Road to Sailing", players have also prepared rich marine exploration methods. Players can also start a new sea adventure with their initial dream of the sea.

Following the footprints of the great navigators during the period of the Great Geographical Discovery, players can not only wander in the Nile to pursue the lost civilization, but also wander in the beautiful water of the Danube. Before John Strauss, players can find the gentle thoughts flowing in the river. Each historic site is set according to the real scene during the period of the great geographical discovery. Where the water passes, the line of sight slowly meets with the marine creatures on the ship. Whales or other unexpected discoveries will also lead players to experience a different kind of vitality and vitality dedicated to the sea.

 Novice Course on the Great Sailing Road

2. Open the port exploration and discovery historical landscape center

The Great Sailing Road vividly restores the major ports in Europe during the period of the Great Geographical Discovery, with six types of ports in West African style, Caribbean style and Islamic style, all of which reproduce the prosperous scene during the period of the Great Geographical Discovery. The famous ports in Europe, including Athens and Venice, are waiting for players to explore and discover.

Between these different and refined ports, players can look far into the magnificent Leaning Tower of Pisa or listen to the bell ringing from Seville Cathedral for prayer through adventure; In addition to the truly restored port landmark, players can also sail around London Bridge to taste the unique brilliance of the three British islands in the misty rain. All the landmark buildings and historical landscapes in the ports will be presented to the players in the most authentic way. Players will also relive the prosperity and decline of these famous ports during port exploration.

 Novice Course on the Great Sailing Road

3. Exploring the unknown land through wild cave adventure

The sea and land are always inseparable. After the sea, land is also the destination that many navigators want to explore and conquer. The Great Sailing Road also provides players with two types of land exploration methods: field exploration and cave exploration, so that players can experience different land exploration interests besides port exploration and sea exploration.

In the wild exploration, players will temporarily bid farewell to ships and beloved sea, and go into the desert, suburban forests, coastal mountains and tropical rainforests alone to explore more resources and surprises from land. During the journey, players not only have the opportunity to look far into the magnificent Giza Pyramid, explore the mysterious information hidden in the Karnak Stones, but also play with European hedgehogs, desert foxes and other rare animals, and read the edict of God of Love from the laurel tree.

In the process of cave exploration, players will have the opportunity to experience the test of various types of caves, such as wet caves, dry caves, and artificial tombs. By means of excavation and exploration, players will wake up some brilliant memories that had been buried in the earth. Here, there are not only Viking pirate helmets that symbolize bravery and indomitability, but also random works of art with a strong sense of history, such as Bronze Jumping Bull and Flying Man, Hittite Sun Plate, which will take players to relive the ancient civilization that is about to be forgotten.

 Novice Course on the Great Sailing Road

The three themes of The Road to Sailing not only integrate many real adventure elements, but also emphasize the extensibility of adventure stories and the relevance of clues. In the exploration plot extended according to classical myths and real historical events, players can use existing clues to analyze layer by layer, and light up the exploration sites and discoveries in the exploration atlas one by one, so as to gain more sense of achievement in exploration. At the same time, the exploration harvest in line with the real geographical output of European countries (for example, according to the real historical event "Tulip fever", players can find the trace of tulips in the process of field exploration in the Netherlands) will further stimulate the enthusiasm of players for exploration, but also bring more real surprises to players.

Update content


The new expansion film "New Era of the East" of the Great Sailing Road opens!

1. Sailing Season S28 begins, and exquisite rewards such as "Pastoral Minor" ship theme, sail dyeing, badges, and hull cannot be missed.

2. The new map of Daming is opened. After completing the branch line "The Secret of the East", you can go to Daming to start a trade trip.

3. The coming of the seal of Poseidon contains the seal blessing of Poseidon's power, which endows ships with divine power.

V2.1.3 Version

1. The new profession [Bard] is online. He is an unknown swimmer, sailing against the wind in the changeable storm; He is a lonely chanter, sitting alone in the soft moonlight playing the piano; He is the king of the sea and turns into a poem in the voice of the sea demon.

2. Updated [Apartment System] and【 Pets System], the captain can go in and out of his apartment and send pets anytime and anywhere.

3. A special head portrait box for adventure - the singing of golden apricot birds, and the personalized badge function of the Chamber of Commerce have been added.


[Xingang Trade] Add 7 South American ports and more than 10 kinds of goods. Come to the new port to gain more honor and wealth!

[Character alchemy system comprehensively upgraded] The equipment obtained from alchemy will be greatly enriched, and new special effects and special effect skills will be unlocked.

[New branch line] Players with a level of 75 can follow the new regional task of the expansion film to enjoy the bold and unconstrained South American style and explore the mystery of the disappearance of the Wilson Expedition 100 years ago!

[Brand New Bar Girl] come from Amazon Ikalice of the tribe has been waiting at the bar in Rio de Janeiro for a long time. She looks forward to talking with the captains and sharing anecdotes from all over the world.

[New Adventure] As the whereabouts of the Wilson Expedition Group surfaced, more and more clues were found in the world. They have experienced all the miracles in their life record , along with the memory buried in the depths of the rainforest, waiting for the explorers to come to open.

Special instructions

Mobile game screenshot

 The latest version of Sailing Road v2.1.19 Android genuine 0 The latest version of Sailing Road v2.1.19 Android Genuine 1 The latest version of Sailing Road v2.1.19 Android Genuine 2 The latest version of Sailing Road v2.1.19 Android Genuine 3 The latest version of Sailing Road v2.1.19 Android Genuine 4

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    • Version No.: ISBN 978-7-7979-5895-0
    • Document No.: XGCS [2017] No. 2626
    • Package name: com.netease.dhhzl.mi
    • MD5:
    • Published by: Guangzhou Netease Computer System Co., Ltd

    common eleven Participate in interaction and view all one Comments> Netizen comments

    1st floor Shandong Qingdao Fans Published on: 2021/5/19 18:37:09
    This game is quite exciting to play, the picture quality is also very good, and the plot is quite full and good.

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