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 Perfect World Game

Perfect World Game

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Introduction to the game Screenshot of the game Related version Netizen comments Download address

  • Type: Domestic software role play
  • edition: V1.709.0 Latest Android version
  • size: 1.60G
  • to update: 2024-08-01 16:30
  • Language: chinese
  • Grade:
  • Platform: Android
  • manufacturer: Shanghai Perfect Spatio Software Co., Ltd
  • Chinese name: Perfect World
  • Record No.: Yue B2-20090059-1787A

Perfect World Genuine mobile game It is a fantasy adventure rpg combat mobile game, which continues the classic end game playing method, transplants the classic elements of the game into mobile games, with many copies of the game and unique Pinch one's face It's fun to join the system. Let's create a perfect world together with the players. Come and download it!

Introduction to the latest version of Perfect World Mobile Games

It is a magical MMORPG mobile game. According to the adaptation of the end game, Tencent and Perfect World cooperate together. Players can experience a variety of different playing methods, career settings and super many team copies. The unique face pinching system helps players create personalized characters. Players who like this game can download and try it!

 Download the latest version of Perfect World Mobile Games

The latest edition of Perfect World features:

1. Continue the core quality of end tour

2. The huge map allows you to run

3. Free choice of core career

4. Re create the classic perfect world

Game play:

1. The game image quality is built according to the standards of the next era, integrating the fantasy style of the East and the West, and good appearance can effectively stimulate potential users,

2. Personalized pinching face setting provides more than 14 adjustable parts, with variable styles, inheriting the unique aircraft setting of end game,

3. Players can control aircraft to travel in the perfect continent. There is a clear distinction between the unique air combat and the competitive products in the market. Air ground dual side combat can bring a heterogeneous experience.

Game highlights

[Every flight is unknown]

The perfect continent with an area of more than 60000k ㎡ is seamlessly connected with the whole scene three-dimensional map, inheriting the unique aircraft setting of Duanyou, and driving the aircraft to travel in the perfect continent.

[More than flying in the air]

Perfect cooperation of multiple professions, clear positioning of war methods and herdsmen, the vast sea, the mainland and the starry sky can all fight. Large groups can fight at their fingertips, and the competition of gang city war teams is endless!

[14 year IP recasting MMO next generation masterpiece coming]

Fourteen years of IP genuine "Perfect World" mobile travel, the feelings continue to perfect the restoration of end travel, the original classic career, unforgettable friendship, demon, human, feather re visit the perfect continent.

[Each stop is a landscape]

The picture combines the real light and shadow with the special effect of change, and feels the four seasons turning from sunny to cloudy. The super map restores the original appearance of Zulong and Jiyu City, and the main city in the sky is beautiful.

Latest activities

[New system: mental skills]

System entrance: main page - mental skills

Opening level: Level 100

Secret script: The mind skill system consists of multiple secret scripts.

Secret script acquisition:

After using the whole secret script or the remnant pages of the secret script in the backpack, you can obtain the corresponding secret script points. When the secret script points reach a certain value, you can include or upgrade the secret script.

Secret Script Comprehension:

After the secret script is included, you can consume materials to understand the secret script. When you understand the secret script, you can obtain the experience of the corresponding secret script. The secret script can be upgraded. The level of the experience obtained through understanding is the same as that of the current secret script.

Experience: You can obtain attributes by using experience. There is a certain limit to the number of experience you can use in each secret script.

Experience Level:

There are four levels of experience: Hulun, Xiaocheng, Dacheng, and Tongtong. The available level of experience is related to the level of secret script. The higher the level of experience and quality, the better the attributes. When blessing materials are not used, the basic probability of obtaining experience of different grades is different. The specific probability can be viewed in the help of mental skill interface.

Experience attribute:

The experience has fixed attributes and comprehension attributes. When you comprehend different levels of experience, you will get the same type of fixed attributes but different values. The higher the level of experience, the more understanding attributes can be obtained and the higher the attribute value. Each type of insight attribute has multiple attributes. When you obtain this type of insight attribute, you will obtain one attribute randomly from multiple attributes. The experience can be enlightened, reviewed and rebuilt.


Each heart experience has a certain heart magic value, and the total heart magic value of using the heart experience cannot exceed the limited heart magic value of the current secret script. Therefore, the heart magic value of the heart experience can be reduced through the Mingxin operation. The magic value of each experience is generated randomly, which is related to the experience level and grade. When the experience is upgraded, the fixed heart magic value will be increased according to the secret script and experience quality.

Review of experience:

When the secret script is upgraded, you can upgrade your experience to the same level as the secret script by reviewing your experience. After review, the level of the experience is increased. Review does not change the attribute type of the experience, but only increases the attribute value.

Experience revision:

The existing experience can be broken down by repairing. After repairing, the experience disappears and a small amount of materials can be returned. The returned materials are related to the type and quality of the secret script. The experience in the backpack can be reworked in batches.

Mind Skill Backpack

You can store the mental skill understanding materials into the mental skill backpack. The materials in the mental skill backpack will be consumed preferentially when you understand.

Jade slips

You can obtain attributes by equipping jade slips in mental skills, and jade slips can be obtained by participating in foreign expeditions. The function of jade slips is synchronized with the play method of foreign expeditions. The attribute of the jade slips is blessed by the experience you have used. The bonus of the experience to the jade slips is only effective for the jade slips of the current equipment. Replacing the jade slips will not lose additional bonus. The maximum bonus of the experience to the jade slips is related to the character level. The higher the character level is, the higher the maximum bonus will be. The part that exceeds the maximum bonus will not take effect. The specific bonus effect can be viewed in the question mark of the experience system.

[Full service city war: foreign expedition]

Expedition conditions:

In each server, the active accomplishments meet the minimum requirements, and the top 8 guilds with total accomplishments can obtain the expedition qualification.

Rules for declaration of war:

Each battlefield is composed of 8 guilds. After entering the season, 8 guilds will randomly obtain 8 surrounding ownerless territories. Each time during the competition, the members of the participating guild who have the right to declare war can declare war on other territories. The only condition for declaring war territory is that it must be bordered by the territory owned by our sect. The original territory cannot declare war. If more than one gang declares war on the same territory, roll the points, and the gang with the highest points will gain the right to war (if the declared territory is unowned, the two gangs with the highest points will gain the right to war). The declaration of war has no consumption and no limit on the number of territories.

Expedition reward

1. Reward for first occupation: Each territory is occupied for the first time this season, and all members of the guild in the occupied territory can get a reward, including jade slips, mental skill fragments, and heart clearing mirror. Members who have been in the guild for 24 hours can get a reward.

2. Single game reward: Each time a territory is contested, the gang members of both sides can get a battle reward regardless of the victory or defeat. On the day of the game, they can get up to five single game rewards (regardless of the victory or defeat, the rewards are only given according to the order of the winning or losing of the territory involved in the contest, and at the same time, the winning or losing territory is divided, and the single game rewards of senior territory are given priority). Rewards include: jade slips, A-level soul fragments, secret script materials, soul crystal residue, etc.

3. Auction reward: On the day of the end of the competition, an expedition auction will be conducted according to the territorial occupation, and only one auction item can be generated from the territory of the same level. Rewards include: orange jade slips, orange secret script (whole book), orange secret script fragments, wheel of destiny, time-space treasure chest, etc.

4. Milestone rewards: players can reach milestones and receive rewards according to their participation in the expedition. In each season, players will gain milestone points. Milestone points will be gained by occupying territory (only the highest level territory occupied and only one territory), killing enemies, assisting, treating, pulling cars, collecting, and seizing flags (collecting, pulling cars, and seizing flags share the upper limit of single game points) in urban battle, Milestone integral is an important basis for reaching various milestone conditions. Rewards include: script fragments, S-level soul fragments, thousand machine materials, Taiyi Dark Iron, etc.

Season Introduction

The season system is adopted for foreign expeditions. Each season starts at 4am on Monday after the opening of functions and lasts for 6 weeks. After the sixth week of expeditions, the season will be settled and then enter the off-season period.

When the server level of all servers in the region reaches 119, all servers in the region will enter the expedition season next season. At the beginning of the expedition season, the void war activities will enter the off-season.

When the foreign expeditions entered the off-season period, the void war activity was reopened. After the void war had four games, the new season of foreign expeditions was reopened, and so on. At the beginning of each season, all Territories will be reset to restore their ownerless state.

Season Rules

Each season is divided into four stages:

1. Preparation period: Starting at 4:00 a.m. on Monday, it will last for 4 days to publicize the conditions for participating in the remote expedition in the server.

2. Matching period: Starting at 4:00 a.m. on Friday, all qualified gangs on the server will be matched. Eight random gangs with similar strength will enter the same battlefield, and the list of participating gangs in each battlefield will be publicized.

3. Competition period.

4. Off season: The off season starts after the end of Game 6 and lasts until the beginning of next season.

City battle line

1. When the battlefield is opened, the main battlefield will open 2 fixed branches, and 1-2 sub battlefield branches will be opened according to the online number of the opposing factions at that time.

2. The arrow tower and crystal in each branch line share HP. Each branch line can only receive 3 siege vehicles at most.

Main battlefield rules

1. The party who breaks the other party's crystal in the battlefield is the winner. If no crystal is broken at the end of the battlefield time, the party with a high percentage of the remaining health of the crystal wins.

2. The crystal and arrow tower in the battlefield have extremely high defense power, and only the siege vehicle can cause great damage to them.

3. Only players with the position of at least the leader of each guild (the leader can make changes) have the right to claim the siege vehicle from NPC. The receiver has the default control over the siege vehicle.

4. The operator of the siege vehicle can control the vehicle by adjusting its forward, backward, standby and attack status. When the operator is killed or gives up on his own initiative, he will lose control of the vehicle.

5. The unowned siege vehicle will continue to lose blood for a period of time before it is damaged. During this period, players with the same camp can take over control by talking to the siege vehicle.

6. Two battle groups need to be designated for the main battlefield. After the designation, only the members of these two battle groups can enter the main battlefield. Each territory can be designated separately. The deadline is 20:30.

Sub battlefield rules

1. The secondary battlefield does not decide the outcome, but only assists the main battlefield. After the main battlefield is divided, the secondary battlefield is divided.

2. Three kinds of resources will be refreshed randomly in the secondary battlefield. The collected resources can be used to upgrade the main battlefield building and unlock the main battlefield gain effect.

3. There are 3 flags in the sub battlefield. Guild members who hold flags for a certain period of time can increase their flag grabbing points, which can summon super chariots and release battlefield skills.

Other rules

1. Only 72 hours after joining the guild can you participate in the foreign expedition.

2. At the beginning of the matching period of each season, the list of gang members will be locked. After changing the gang, the new gang will not be able to obtain the award of the type of guild in the milestone, You can only get individual rewards (if you return to the original guild after changing the guild, you can continue to get the guild rewards; if you join the new guild's expedition, you can't get the guild milestone rewards this season).

 Download the latest version of Perfect World Mobile Games

[Refinement: Time and Space Treasure Box]

System introduction: The spacetime treasure box system is a refining blessing material, which is suitable for equipment with the highest refining level of+17 and above in history. It can be directly refined to the highest refining level in history (after the spacetime treasure box system is opened). Retroactive equipment can be checked when selecting blessing materials. Time Space Treasure Box can only be used once a week at most, and all equipment share the same cooling time.

Special instructions:

The highest refining level of equipment in history is opened from the time-space treasure box function

The highest refining level in history will also be exchanged after the equipment turns the tide.

After equipment creation and upgrading, the highest refining level in history will also be inherited by new equipment.

New Task

A new mission of exploring the legend of the faint pearl mystery has been added. When the cultivator reaches level 4 to 69, he or she can take it automatically. If there is no automatic access, you can also access it manually in the task interface.

[New Copy]

A new 4-turn 79 level team challenge copy [Shura Robbery] is added. Those who have unresolved karma and hatred will become Shura if they cross the fire pool of red lotus industry in the netherworld three times and persist in their thoughts. The clearance copy has a chance to obtain rare rewards such as the soul Cangli fragment, the 4 turn 79 level orange forging material, and the 4 turn 79 level red brocade bag.

A 4-turn 69 level team challenge copy [Shura Temple] was added, standing in the magnificent temple between the clouds, surrounded by birds and beasts, and the Shura King was sealed with Jiuyou Zhutian Sword in the deep of the temple. The clearance copy has a chance to obtain rare rewards such as the soul basalt beast fragment, the 4-turn 79 level orange outfit building material, and the 4-turn 79 level red cloak.

[New Content]

New Golden Script - True Martial Arts

The new golden secret script - "True Martial Arts and Mysterious Skills" appeared in the perfect continent. Practitioners can go to the list of mind skills secret scripts to check. By understanding various experience, you can enhance your accomplishments and further improve your strength.

Access: Points Store (Level 100 required)

[New products on the shelves]

New gift package for limited time purchase

Gift package name: Mind Skill Discount Gift Box I

Launch time: 23:59, March 1, after maintenance on February 21

Gift package content: After opening, you can obtain the following mental skill props: Xuanmingyu * 2, Shenji Rattan * 1. All items obtained are bound.

Gift package name: Mind Skill Discount Gift Box II

Launch time: 23:59, March 1, after maintenance on February 21

Gift package content: After opening, you can obtain the following mental skill props: Taiyi Dark Iron * 2, Chigu Gold Crystal * 1. All items obtained are bound.

Fashion on the shelves - Red Plum Mirroring Snow, Red Plum Mirroring Snow - First Time Rush!

Fashion name: Hongmei Yingxue, Hongmei Yingxue · Tou

Purchase channel: appearance interface and mall interface. Buy Red Plum Yingxue and Red Plum Yingxue three days before going on sale, and enjoy super value discount.

Discount time: 8:00, February 23 to 23:59, February 25

Launch time: 8:00, February 23 to 23:59, March 1

Fashion on the shelves - hip-hop band Hip Hop Band - First Time Rush!

Fashion name: Hip Hop Band, Hip Hop Band Head

Purchase channel: appearance interface and mall interface. Buy hip-hop bands and hip-hop bands three days before they go on sale, and you can enjoy super value discounts.

Discount time: 8:00, February 23 to 23:59, February 25

Launch time: after 8:00 on February 23

[Operation experience optimization content]

Optimize the operation logic of the Feather Spirit team interface. After optimization, when the Feather Spirit clicks the dead player box in the team interface, it first tries to revive, and then clicks the pop-up drop-down menu.

Optimize the one key condensation logic, which can be condensed to the specified percentage after optimization.

When artifact fragments are quenched in artifact quenching system, the default input maximum check is added in the input quantity interface.

When the soul fragments of the soul awakening system are stored, the maximum input is checked by default in the input quantity interface.

[Other optimization contents]

Optimize batch synthesis of concentric mirrors, and add quantity selection function.

Optimize the interaction logic. After optimization, the automatic combat will not interrupt the ongoing interaction.

The access of Lava Lord has been optimized, from a time limited fun activity to a soul dust store.

Optimize the craftsman page to create related functions. After optimization, the content under the highest level label currently available for the role is selected by default.

Enable red envelope related functions in some full service activities.

Optimize the home, optimize the use logic of qi equipment experience props, and after optimization, qi equipment experience props can be used to store qi equipment backpacks.

Observe other people's attributes, and the newly added star spirit array function will be displayed.

When optimizing the view of others' information, the detailed attribute percentage display rule will display the percentage of the corresponding role after optimization.

Optimize the jump rules of the items of the Futu Tower after clicking the access way. After optimization, directly jump to the store and select the item.

The description of fire scale props increases the display of current use times, maximum use times, and increase times of the next level.

The skill of the ghost king leader in the realm of ghosts in the fairyland was optimized. The creation of 3 soul guiding pillars was changed to 2 randomly, and the damage coefficient was reduced.

The optimization team and team illusion cold worm affix icons display priority.

Optimize the description of the way to obtain the spirit's internal elixir to defeat the enemy and the phoenix's voice.

Optimize and improve the proportion of the number of people in the advanced ranks of Huanyu Challenge.

Optimize the cultivation, hide and open the description of items and items, and increase the description of daily reward limit after optimization.

The opening level of the Heavenly Work Drawing Creation function was advanced to 99. Optimize the access to Nirvana fire items, and increase the access jump after optimization.

Optimize the display effect of team interface role model.

New Activity

Points Store

Time: 23:59, February 24, after maintenance on February 21

Event entrance: special offer point store

Activity description: The points store is open! New Mind Skills - True Martial Arts, Jade Jue - Danghu, Rune Spirit, Ancient Secret Scroll, Heroic Soul - Qi Luo, Yin Yang Bronze Yao, Celestial Script - Music, Celestial Script - Apricot Blossom Wind, Jade Jue - Extinguishing Mongolia, Elemental Rune, Elemental Shield Rune, Divine Weapon - Tiger Power, Heroic Soul - Future, Jade Jue - Chaos, Classic Inner Pill Gift Box, Heroic Soul - Deep Sea, Spirit Decoration Gift Box, Jade Jue - Flying Snake, Heroic Soul - Jade Ring Sacred sound psychic media self selected treasure box, element spirit, intermediate element Zhu Guo, advanced element Zhu Guo, colorful stone, intermediate Zhu Guo, advanced Zhu Guo, supreme Zhu Guo, jade Jue - sky breaking, soul - void eye, spirit - the son of light, artifact - the great Luo beads, time clothes - the apostle of the night, hair ornaments - the apostle of the night · head, scriptures - dogmatism, etc, There are more limited fashion appearance, aircraft, artifact, Dark Seal of Demon Subduing, third-order Qiankun Stone, ancient secret scroll and other super value goods waiting for you to exchange! Discount products are available and can be exchanged every day. Don't forget to punch in.

During the activity period, you can get 1 point for every 1 yuan of treasure recharged, and corresponding points (1 yuan=10 points) can also be obtained for purchase of 1 yuan gift package, 6 yuan gift package, 30 yuan gift package, Zulongling, Wanliuling, Huanyuling, Growth Fund, Reincarnation Fund, Feisheng Fund, Feather Fund, Perfect Haocang, Hongyun Special Offers, continuous recharge, season store, private customization (RMB consumption), etc, Practitioners can consume points to exchange items and props in the "special offer - points store". Some items can be seen when they reach the specified level. All items exchanged are bound.

Tips: Please pay attention to the use level of items when exchanging props, and exchange them as needed. After the activity, the points will be cleared. Please redeem your favorite goods in time during the activity time.

Happy Anniversary

Time: 4:00, February 23 to 23:59, March 2

Activity description: The first time you share every day, you can get a reward, and cumulative sharing can get a S-level soul fragment reward.

Activity reward: new S-level soul fragment: God without moon , Level 4 Soul Stone, Glittering Star, Advanced Five Planetary Spirit, Qiankun Stone, Level 1 Land Blessing Book

Team challenges double down

Time: 4:00, February 27 to 3:59, February 28

Activity description: During the activity time, the copy in the challenge of the clearance team can enjoy double dropping, and the cultivator can view the copy of the team challenge in the activity challenge.

Double team challenges

Time: 4:00, February 27 to 3:59, February 28

Activity description: During the activity time, the copy in the challenge of the clearance team can enjoy double dropping, and the cultivator can view the copy of the team challenge in the activity challenge.

[Mall adjustment]

The Lucky Jade Jue Gift Box and Lucky Heavenly Book Gift Box were removed from the shelves at 23:59 on February 22.

The Divination Chest was removed from the shelves at 23:59 on February 22.

Fashion: Heart Rainbow at Night, Fashion: Magic Mission went off the shelves at 23:59 on February 22.

Mount: Qiangge brand electric donkey dismounted at 23:59 on February 22

[Recruit wealth and treasure optimization content]

After this maintenance, Zulong Ling, Wanliu Ling, Huanyu Ling, the number of silver ingot/bound gold ingot rewards that can be obtained every day has increased. It is recommended that the cultivators receive rewards after maintenance.

[Optimization of Shenyue Valley]

After the expansion piece is updated, the Shenyuegu basic mode will be closed, and the rewards of the original basic mode will be adjusted to the point mode.

Reduce the points required for some rewards in Shenyuegu point mode.

The star level difficulty selection of integral mode increases the point selection operation mode.

The display effect of the awarded items on the bonus receiving page of the optimized point mode will be displayed, and the awarded items after receiving will be arranged at the bottom.

[Optimize capacity changing system]

Optimize the operation mode of the capacity changing system from the original color selection mechanism to the hue ring operation mode.

New treasures are added to pinch face makeup and hairstyle.

[Content of Tianshu System]

Optimize the switching logic of Tianshu scheme. After optimization, Tianshu scheme can still be switched if the current scheme has a cooling time.

Optimize the logic of material consumption for upgrading the immortals in the book. After optimization, priority will be given to consuming the bound pages of the Heavenly Book.

Optimize the automatic evolution logic of the Heavenly Book Secret Volume, and stop the evolution when the Heavenly Book Secret Volume automatically evolves to the maximum level of the current secret volume.

[Repair content]

In some cases, the special effects of the sky fire skill of the leader of the secret treasure cave and the withering skill of the leader of the Taoyuan purgatory face peach blossom cannot be displayed normally.

In some cases, there is no game time for time-space hunting record The problem of online duration.

Fixed the problem that the composition list on the left side of the composition interface disappeared in some cases.

Update log


Four years of perfect love, old friends get together again! The anniversary celebration of Perfect World Tour is coming, and the new copy of "Shura Temple" is playing the "full service city war" exodus, which has lasted for four years and shared perfection!


relaxed leisure time It's fun! The new expansion film of Perfect World Mobile Tour has officially arrived! The new "replica challenge" has upgraded the hunting system and strengthened the competitive strategy in an all-round way! "Free dyeing" of clothing and hair accessories makes you show your uniqueness;


Improve experience and fix some problems.


The final battle is perfect to reach the peak! Perfect World mobile game new expansion film is coming! The ancient secret realm was opened with a heavy weight, and we joined hands with our comrades in arms to kill the resentful spirits, and the battle power of the dragon soul was greatly improved; The excitement of gang territory competition is doubled, and the fight against Zulong City is fierce. Buff adds himself to experience the fun of being a banker in turn; The PK war declaration system has been comprehensively optimized, and the battle damage system of the red name equipment has been launched, so as to find the enemy and fight against our true colors; The copy of Netherworld Hell is online, and the ultimate boss is waiting for the challenge. Who is the team with the strongest comprehensive strength? In the new season, let's dare to love and hate, skillfully use the power of the dragon soul to declare war on every enemy. This is the "perfect world" of the cultivators!


Perfect World mobile travel new expansion film "Time and Space Fantasy" is a great summer gift! "Masked" ore battle, "Star Land" invites you to mine; The new team's "dream of fear" is coming, and the perfect triathlon nightmare competition invites you to defeat the nightmare; The new challenge dungeon "Time Crack" allows you to break through the prison of time in the past and future by using space-time warfare; A new true copy of "God Quiet Ancient Capital" will take you to rewrite the disaster history of the fallen gods. Film quality performance, restore the classic seamless world of end tour, reproduce familiar scenes such as Zulong City and Wuwanghai, and the three races return to the perfect continent to build a "perfect world" in the hearts of millions of players.


1. A new cross server combat game - [Blood Sea Robbery]. As the door of all wonders opens, the world is torn apart. A large number of invaders from different worlds invade an area of the land of divine silence. The cultivators go to the land of divine silence to fight against foreign soldiers with the Zulong coalition and defeat the ultimate leader. All the participating cultivators can obtain the Doom Talisman if they cause some damage to the alien soldiers. The Lucky Talisman can be exchanged in the exchange shop for the limited head frame, jade ring pieces, jade soul pieces, jade pith and other rewards.

2. Add a new team challenge instance - [Eye of the Void], in the sky of the Wuwang Sea, the celestial ape appears abnormally, black clouds condense overhead, and a huge red eye peeks at the world, as if there is a demon

3. A new cross server siege game - [Nether War], where the cultivator can form a guild alliance with other server guilds in the same holy place to attack cities and capture territories Smile on the battlefield and compete for the highest league glory. All cultivators who participate in the void war can get rich rewards.


1. New copy: Black Octopus

From the beach to the ghost ship, you will experience a sea battle. Expel sharks off the coast, Qiangdeng Black Octopus attacks sea monsters with ship guns, and snatches Blackstone from the sinking hull;

2. New cultivation line: artifact cultivation

The artifact will bring a new growth of combat power. It can form linkage with homes, elves, animal pictures, etc. Players can obtain special skills and high-quality attributes suitable for themselves through visualizing the artifact. Those who reach level 119 can step on the aircraft and start the treasure hunt.

3. New occupation: demon blade

With excellent sneak attack and explosive ability, the demon blade will be a nightmare for all professions; He can even hold his breath and hide, "disappear" from the physical world, and then wait for an opportunity to emerge from the shadows to launch a deadly raid;

4. New trial: melting core

Hot core lava, this is a dangerous underground world; All skills such as gathering fire, interrupting and reducing injuries will be released here. Under special conditions, it is even necessary to use role gender differences to help complete the Jedi counterattack. Here, team-mates can work closely together to successfully pass the pass;

Special instructions

Mobile game screenshot

 Perfect world game v1.709.0 Android latest version 0 Perfect World Game v1.709.0 Android Latest Version 1 Perfect World Game v1.709.0 Android Latest Version 2

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    • Android

      Perfect World Game v1.709.0 Android Latest Version

    • Version No.: ISBN 978-7-498-05788-4
    • Package name: com.tencent.wmsj
    • MD5:38D08F481CE2FC06B4B7E1C0E0BAF800

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