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 2024 Tiantian Chess Official Edition Free

2024 Tiantian Chess Official Edition Free

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  • Type: Online game and chess hand game
  • edition: V4.2.4.2 Android
  • size: 119.5M
  • to update: 2024-07-23 00:44
  • Language: chinese
  • Grade:
  • Platform: Android
  • manufacturer: Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd
  • Chinese name: Everyday Chess
  • Record No.: Yue B2-20090059-1950A

2024 Tiantian Chess Mobile Edition It is a cross era chess hand game developed by Tencent at a high price. The game inherits the game mode of promoting the quintessence of Chinese culture and using intelligence and brains to bring you another simple game joy. The unique play method of solving the endgame, collect You can get an infinite sense of achievement by activating your brain with all kinds of wonderful folk leftovers. It is a masterpiece that can not be missed by friends who like chess. Interested friends, please download it!

Introduction to the latest free version of Tiantian Chess

The first chess player game with the most chess scores, the most diversified playing methods, and the widest range of players has been launched. Committed to creating a fresh style leisure time , a simple and durable game without losing fashion. At the same time, it supports several functional modules, such as live online battle, residual game, daily events and human-computer games. At the same time, you can also invite your own WeChat Hand Q friends play together.

 Official free version of Tiantian Chess

Highlights of the official version of Tiantian Chess

● Private room of chess club: establish a chess club to carry out the game. You can bet and guess before the game.

● Chess manual collection: download a large number of ancient manuals, such as: teach you how to start, secret in the orange, plum blossom manual.

● Flipping chess: leisure and entertainment, looking for the playing method of childhood memory.

● Jieqi: a new chess game originated from 2265 in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, without AI cheating.

live broadcast : Master's live broadcast teaches you to improve your chess ability.

● Chess power evaluation: a chess power evaluation system recognized by chess friends.

● Breaking the barrier in the end: challenge the barrier with increasing difficulty.

● Betting and guessing: watching experts play chess and making comments to bet and guess.

● Recheck and play: create chess manual, add notes, change, etc. Watching the game, chess scores can be reserved for collection and navigation.

● Chess friend system: engagement chat

Chess Skills

Fishing horse

Use the horse in the other three. Three or seven. The killing method of "fishing horse" is to "shoot the general" in three positions, or control the activities of the other general, and then use the power of the horse to use cars or soldiers to kill the other.

 Official Chess Skills of Tiantian Chess

belated effort

The horse and the opponent will be on the same straight line or horizontal line, with a space in the middle. The restrictions will prevent them from moving left and right. Then use the horse as the gun rack, and use the gun to follow closely to kill the opponent, which is known as the famous "behind the horse" killing method.

 Official Chess Skills of Tiantian Chess

Spring pulling horse

The cart borrows the power of the horse to draw the general to get the son until the opponent is killed, which is called "pulling the spring horse" killing method.

 Official Chess Skills of Tiantian Chess

Horse drawn cart

This is a common killing method that uses cars and horses to attack together and skillfully form a killing game. Take advantage of the weakness of the other team's main general, use horses to control his advance and retreat routes, use cars to launch a fierce attack, and force pitchers to concede.

 Official Chess Skills of Tiantian Chess

Recumbent manger

Use the horse to "lie in the slot" in the front of the opponent's bottom elephant, so that the opponent will be uneasy, and then use other forces to take advantage of the situation to kill the opponent, which is called "lying in the slot horse" killing method.

 Official Chess Skills of Tiantian Chess

Horn horse

The killing method of "hanging horn horse" is to use a horse to "general" at any scholar's corner of the other party's nine palaces to make the other party uneasy, and then use other forces to kill the other party to death.

 Official Chess Skills of Tiantian Chess

White horse shows its hoof

Using the tactics of abandoning the car to lead away, the opponent's defensive stronghold at Jiugongshi Corner was out of control, so that the horse on the other side's second horizontal line could "hang the corner and shoot the general", which was called the "white horse showing its hoof" kill method.

 Official Chess Skills of Tiantian Chess

Double Horse Drinking Spring

The two horses of one side are dependent on each other, circling from side to side, using one horse to control the other's general door, and the other horse uses the opportunity to draw a general to jump to the other side of the "Nine Palaces" to kill the other side. This attack and kill method is called "Double Horse Drinking Spring".

 Official Chess Skills of Tiantian Chess

Side tiger (high fishing horse)

Use the horse in the other three. Four or seven. In the four positions, limit the general's activities, and then use other forces to kill the opponent, which is called "side tiger" killing method.

 Official Chess Skills of Tiantian Chess

Octagonal horse

Using a horse at any corner of the other's nine palaces will form a diagonal with the other side, making them lose their freedom of movement, and then use other forces to kill the other side. This is called the "octagonal horse" killing method, also known as the "octagonal general" killing method.

 Official Chess Skills of Tiantian Chess

Four major residual situations

Seven star party

The "Seven Star Gathering" is the first of the four famous games in the Jianghu that have been widely spread among the people since the Qing Dynasty. Almost all the famous chess scores published in the Qing Dynasty have this game, but the game names are slightly different. In the chess arrangement, the "Seven Star Gathering" has a great influence and spread widely. Chinese chess The first of the four big endings is a seven star party. Why is it called a seven star party? Because the number of pieces on each side is 7, it has great influence and is relatively widely spread, and has the reputation of "the king of the wreckage".

 Tiantian Chess The Four Remaining Games of New China Chess

Earthworms subdue dragons

The second game is that earthworm subdues the dragon. Why is it called earthworm subdues the dragon? Because this game, although the two cars seem to be powerful, they are always trapped by two small pawns, so the pawns are equivalent to earthworms, and they lower the two cars. Although the two cars in this platoon are like strong dragons, they are always held back by two soldiers, hence the name "earthworms conquer dragons". The full spectrum change moves are complex and various, and the attack and defense are corresponding. It is one of the four famous situations in the Jianghu.

 Tiantian Chess The Four Remaining Games of New China Chess

Wild horses plough the fields

The third game is the Mustang Field Exercise. After more than ten rounds of must go moves, it gives people the illusion that they will win first, which makes the chess player fall into a trap by mistake. In fact, in the end, the two sides do not become reconciled.

 Tiantian Chess The Four Remaining Games of New China Chess

Walk alone for thousands of miles

The last game is a journey of thousands of miles alone. It ranks at the end of the four remaining games in the Jianghu. The final move evolved is the one car war with three soldiers. The remaining game is delicate and fascinating. At the end of the game, one car fights three soldiers.

 Tiantian Chess The Four Remaining Games of New China Chess

Introduction to the endgame

The endgame includes the daily endgame, endgame - copper money field, endgame - challenge, endgame - learning and endgame - pass through

For example, the solution is introduced below with the daily endgame

1. This is the initial picture of the end game:

 Introduction to the game

2. The first step is to use cars to eat soldiers, and enemy soldiers eat our cars

 Introduction to the game

3. The second step is to use our guns to eat the enemy's cars, and the enemy's cars eat our soldiers and generals

 Introduction to the game

4. Step 3 Use our soldiers to eat the enemy's car, and the enemy will move

 Introduction to the game

5. Step 4 Use my horse to eat the enemy soldiers, and the enemy guns to eat our soldiers

 Introduction to the game

6. Step 5 Our horse retreats, and the enemy moves the gun

 Introduction to the game

7. Step 6 Use my car to complete the kill

 Introduction to the game

8. To sum up: six cars level five, nine guns level two, six men advance five, four horses advance five, five horses retreat three, three cars advance six, a total of six steps

 Introduction to the game

Suggestion: Be patient, intelligent and calm, and you will certainly solve the problem.

Update log


Fixed some bugs.


1. Optimize the details fed back by chess friends, and experience more smoothly!

2. Optimize the game experience and play chess more smoothly!

3. Optimize performance and improve operation speed

V4.1.1.2 Version

Optimize the chess club administrator to set the chess table time mode.

Add Jieqi Master's chess manual.


1. Optimize the game play.

2. Improve version stability.

3. Add switches for local eating and general special effects.

4. Optimize the details of chess friends' feedback.


1. [Situation analysis] is added to the chess evaluation method, so that experts can watch the game and master the changes of the situation between the two sides.

2. Add [Activity Benefits], log in every day to receive massive copper coins and treasure props and benefits.

3. Add [Regional Ranking List], and the ranking of nearby chess friends is clear at a glance.

4. Optimize [Man machine combat], and choose the order and difficulty at will.

5. Add [Recheck Analysis] to point out your mistakes in each round like a teacher.

6. Add [question bank training] to simulate the actual combat and train your game killing method and middle game tactics.


Optimized version.


◆ The newly added chess manual navigation function enables onlookers to play back the sub rounds taken, making it easier to watch chess.

◆ New software zone, where players can play games.

◆ Fix the second reading problem of the timer, and optimize the power consumption and network problems.

◆ The new chess club pre game quiz mode is more convenient.

◆ New chess manual reservation and collection function, one button reservation, without waiting for the end of the game.

Special instructions

Mobile game screenshot

 2024 Tiantian Chess official version free v4.2.4.2 Android version 0 2024 Tiantian Chess official version free v4.2.4.2 Android version 1 2024 Tiantian Chess official version free v4.2.4.2 Android version 2 2024 Tiantian Chess official version free v4.2.4.2 Android version 3 2024 Tiantian Chess official version free v4.2.4.2 Android version 4

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      2024 Tiantian Chess Official Version Free v4.2.4.2 Android Version

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      Tiantian Chess ios v4.2.4.4 iPhone

    • Version No.: ISBN 978-7-7979-4276-8
    • Document No.: XGCS [2017] No. 828
    • Package name: com.tencent.qqgame.xq
    • MD5:81C7BCC54875EF750C30D721F420381B
    • Published by: Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd
    • Operating unit: Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd

    common seventy-two Participate in interaction and view all ten Comments> Netizen comments

    10th floor Anhui Wuhu Netizen Published on: 2023/5/28 15:20:57

    support ( six ) Building (reply)

    9th floor Vermicelli in Dangtu County, Ma'anshan, Anhui Published on: 2022/10/27 17:55:36
    Yes, this version is the most fun

    support ( seven ) Building (reply)

    8th floor Anhui Bozhou Vermicelli Published on: 2022/6/29 17:46:22
    Many modes, very interesting

    support ( seven ) Building (reply)

    7th floor Guangxi Guilin Telecom Guest Published on: 2021/12/10 10:49:27
    Can Tencent play chess every day. Jieqi human-computer game has 52 layers of AI AI algorithm depth: it has ten difficulty coefficient levels and three difficulty engine difficulties.

    support ( seven ) Building (reply)

    6th floor Guangxi Guilin Telecom Guest Published on: 2021/12/8 21:26:22
    Tencent Tiantian Chess's human-machine game is very powerful. It would be great if you could increase Jieqi's human-machine game. Jieqi human-computer game increases ten levels of difficulty coefficient: Xiaobai, rookie, novice, beginner, elementary, intermediate, advanced, master, super master (with 65 layers of AI algorithm depth difficulty engine).

    support ( six ) Building (reply)

    5TH FLOOR Guangxi Guilin Telecom Guest Published on: 2021/11/21 19:44:49
    Tencent Tiantian Chess: Can we increase the Jieqi man-machine game: ten difficulty levels, three difficulty engines: 28 layers of algorithm depth AI AI, 52 layers of algorithm depth AI AI, 105 layers of algorithm depth AI AI.

    support ( four ) Building (reply)

    4th Floor Tianchang vermicelli in Chuzhou, Anhui Published on: 2021/4/17 20:10:50
    I have just learned chess. I don't know much about it, but I feel much better after listening to the explanation. I like many benefits every day.

    support ( nine ) Building (reply)

    3RD FLOOR Fans of Hubei Wuhan Telecom Published on: 2021/3/19 18:37:38
    Playing chess with friends every day has also improved

    support ( four ) Building (reply)

    2nd floor Hebei Qinhuangdao Seaport Fans Published on: 2020/11/2 0:13:18
    It's a very good chess game. It has many playing methods and doesn't need krypton gold very much

    support ( nine ) Building (reply)

    1st floor Liaoning Benxi Mingshan Vermicelli Published on: October 17, 2020 17:39:38
    I always like playing chess. This version is recommended. There are many ways to play and many players!

    support ( three ) Building (reply)


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