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 Official edition of sausage party

Official edition of sausage party

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Sausage mobile tour Chicken eating hand tour Sausage Party
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Introduction to the game Screenshot of the game Related version Netizen comments Download address

  • Type: Online game action game
  • edition: V18.50 Latest version of Android phone
  • size: 174.3M
  • to update: 2024-09-20 14:17
  • Language: chinese
  • Grade:
  • Platform: Android
  • manufacturer: Heart Network Co., Ltd
  • Chinese name: Sausage Party
  • Record No.: HUICPB 11033765-36A

Sausage Party Download the genuine free mobile game In 2024, the latest model was updated again, as an authentic rpg action with chicken survival as the main play method Shooting game , sausage party game It is officially launched by Heart Game. At present, it is the exclusive agent of taptap, which is popular with many players; It can be said that in the sausage industry, it has swept most players; There are plenty of game props to use. Players can play games at any time and form a team to pk with friends. It's exciting and fun! Dear friends, welcome to download and try!

Authentic game of sausage party introduce

The official website version of the sausage party is a chicken eating game with a new picture style. The huge 64km map allows you to explore and fight freely, and you can choose and hide trees and grass. Super hard core shooting experience, realistic recoil algorithm, restore the most real physical shooting experience!

 Sausage party mobile game official download

Sausage party game characteristic

Super hard core shooting experience, realistic recoil algorithm, and real ballistic physics calculation.

A 64km map with towns, wild spots, trees and grass. Each game supports 100 players.

At present, it feels the best drive Experience.

The desert island special training chicken eating game with strange appearance but excellent core.

How to retrieve the original account for the sausage party

1、 Taptap channel service

If your sausage party account is logged in through Taptap, you can try to retrieve your account through the following steps:

Open the Taptap application and enter the My page.

Find the "Settings" or "Help and Feedback" option and enter the account management or customer service support section.

Select to retrieve your account or contact customer service, and provide your relevant information, such as the email, mobile phone number or binding social contact Account number, etc.

Complete the operation according to the guidance of customer service to restore your account.

2、 Qq or WeChat channel

If your account is logged in through other means, such as WeChat, QQ, etc., you can also try to retrieve your account through the corresponding platform. For example, search the official public account of the sausage party through WeChat, and then contact the customer service to provide relevant information for retrieval.

2、 Visitor login channel

If your account is a tourist account, it will be relatively difficult to retrieve it, because the tourist account is usually not bound with any personal information. In this case, you can try to recall the account content, such as level, role name, login time, etc., and then contact the game customer service to provide these information to see if it can help you retrieve the account.

Sausage Party 2024 New Basic Teaching for Novice

1. Move

Move the "Rocker Button/Moving Compass" by dragging it up, down, left and right. Press and hold the stroke until the "Continuous Sprint" yellow light comes on and let go. Lock the automatic run. The effect is the same as clicking the "Run Button" on the right.

Move the rocker again or click the run button on the right to cancel the automatic run.

 The latest edition of basic teaching for novices of sausage party

2. Get down

You can hide yourself to a certain extent by lying down, or avoid attacks behind low bunkers. However, the movement speed will become slower and the sound will become smaller.

*Disadvantages: lose mobility and become passive.

 The latest edition of basic teaching for novices of sausage party

3. Squat

The effect is similar to that of lying down. When moving, the sound will be louder than when lying down, but still smaller than normal movement.

 The latest edition of basic teaching for novices of sausage party

4. Jump

Jumping can leap over obstacles, and flexible body method can effectively avoid damage.

Click the jump button twice in succession to realize the second jump.

*Repeated jumps appear lively

 The latest edition of basic teaching for novices of sausage party

5. Gliding

Click the "Jump Button" in the air to glide, and click again to cancel the glide.

 The latest edition of basic teaching for novices of sausage party

6. Mark

Click: click when the center moves to the item to mark it;

When Zhunxin moves to the prompt box of an item marked by someone else, click it to send out a "prompt for this item";

Move the centering to another place and click to mark the position.

Double click: find the enemy.

 The latest edition of basic teaching for novices of sausage party

7. Driving vehicle

When approaching the vehicle, the "Vehicle Operation Button" and "Driving Button" appear and enter the driving position to control the vehicle.

The "Ride Button" enters the non driving position and cannot control the vehicle. (Weapons can be used, some of which are limited)

After entering the vehicle, the "Vehicle Operation Button" disappears, and the "Vehicle Driving Button", "Vehicle Exit Button" and "Seat Change Button" appear (click to pop up the seat selection box)

 The latest edition of basic teaching for novices of sausage party

8. Pick up items

Nearby items will appear in the pick up bar in the form of an icon list. Click on the item icon in the pick up bar to pick up. Different backpack levels will have different capacities. When the backpack is full, it cannot be picked up. You can make room by discarding the items in the backpack. Some items do not need to occupy the backpack space, but will occupy the equipment field.

 The latest edition of basic teaching for novices of sausage party

9. Crooked head

Head tilt can use the cover to expose body parts as little as possible to reduce the range of attack.

 The latest edition of basic teaching for novices of sausage party

10. Aim/Attack

Using the sight will greatly improve the shooting accuracy. Click the "aiming button" to open and then click the fire button to attack. You can also press the fire button first to open the sight during shooting.

 The latest edition of basic teaching for novices of sausage party

11. Hold your breath

When the sight is turned on, click the breath holding button, and the collimation becomes stable, but there is a time limit, until the icon white reading bar ring is exhausted, and the status ends, and the reading bar ring will gradually recover over time. According to the degree of recovery, click again to use.

 The latest edition of basic teaching for novices of sausage party

12. Faith shooting

By clicking the "Faith Shooting Button", raise the gun above your head and click the "Fire Button" to attack. Usually, it is used behind a higher bunker. It is almost difficult for the enemy to attack you.

*Disadvantages: The sight cannot be used, the bullets scatter seriously, and the hit rate is low.

 The latest edition of basic teaching for novices of sausage party

Sausage Party Mobile Tour Tactical Shelter Introduction

Usage 1: Block bullets

Rescue the bunker of the team member who was shot down by sniper.

 Sausage Party Mobile Tour Tactical Shelter Introduction

Protective cover against being swept.

 Sausage Party Mobile Tour Tactical Shelter Introduction

Shelter wall for transfer.

 Sausage Party Mobile Tour Tactical Shelter Introduction

Breaking test data:

 Sausage Party Mobile Tour Tactical Shelter Introduction

Usage 2: Traffic jam

The experiment proves that the car can't break the sand carving wall. Under at least five high-speed impacts, you can ambush the enemy vehicles on the way they must pass. When the car is fast enough to give them a sand carving, it is necessary to block the road, block the bridge and kill the intestines.

 Sausage Party Mobile Tour Tactical Shelter Introduction

Usage 3: anti-collision

When the enemy hits you with a car and you don't have a shelter, forget to throw a sand sculpture wall in front of you and hit a dog in the opposite direction.

Usage 4: Climbing a building

Four sand carvings can go up to the roof. It has been proved that as long as there are 21 sand carvings walls, the opposite side cannot fly high to your head. Moreover, the bottom sand carvings wall is broken, and the top one will not collapse and disappear. It is really possible to demolish the bridge over the river.

 Sausage Party Mobile Tour Tactical Shelter Introduction

Usage 5: Indoor anti pursuit and door blocking

In such a release, the enemy can't come over except lying on his stomach, squatting down (sometimes stuck), and spending three or four seconds to hit the wall and change bullets.

 Sausage Party Mobile Tour Tactical Shelter Introduction

Usage 6: Lightning protection shelter

The experts often use thunder to fight with each other. When they see the enemy throwing thunder, they can immediately give themselves a sand sculpture and bounce back! It can resist three ordinary grenades and one RPG, and Max can bounce back directly.

The last one is not specific: throwing sand sculptures quickly can overlap walls and strengthen bunkers.

Game play

1. A new battlefield, the Rainbow Island map adds a new point "laboratory", including an independent cabin, which can carry out fierce steel guns in a wide view

2. A new prop holographic device is added. After falling to the ground, you can start to separate the small intestine and intestines. Can you identify the real body?

3. Add a new personal space page to show off your coolest intestines!

4. Influenced by the rainbow veins, the "bigger" mushrooms have grown on the island, and the giant intestines can be eaten!

5. Doctor's new invention of multi-function "mecha" air drop into the arena, can fight and run, come to cool deformation!

6. After the construction of the multi person shooting range, you can not only compete with your friends, but also race fast on the runway, Gunshot god Is it the same as Cheshen?

7. Add 12V12 legion mode and airdrop mecha mode, with many playing methods

8. The "Crazy Lab" of the S4 season is in full swing, and the sausage party is headed by Dr. "Saguao", the popular character of the animated cartoon of the same name. Who do you want to play?

9. The newly added function of holding the small intestine will stop bleeding in the arms of teammates. The degree of loveliness and weirdness has increased!

10. The newly added throwing item "transmission grenade" can transfer quickly, and the effect is better when combined with the function of holding the small intestine

11. Season ticket system, more benefits, more games, all kinds of sausage warriors theme 's props are waiting for you

12. New powerful melee weapon "Holy Sword", 999!

13. New "Dragon Calling Lance", which can summon dragon mounts and fire breathing expedition!

14. Increase "Wild Boo" to get Obtainable There is also a rare "Bobo King" waiting for you to find!

15. New battlefield, new point "castle" on the battle island map, including movable mechanism "Bobo", Q bullet attribute, one touch bullet flying

16. The newly added throwing item "fireball" can form a small fire circle and quickly change magician Right~

17. A new time limited activity called "hide and seek" has been added. Players can play the role of hunters or cats to hunt and hide. 2265, let's have a competition between eyesight and "stealth"!

18. The newly added weapon "Explosive Bow" can launch explosive arrows and cause damage in the area. One arrow is crispy every second!

19. New battlefield, new point "castle" on the battle island map, including movable mechanism "Bobo", Q bullet attribute, one touch bullet flying

20. Season ticket system, more benefits, more games, all kinds of sausage warrior themed props are waiting for you

21. New powerful melee weapon "Holy Sword", 999!

 Sausage party download game genuine

22. Defeat the Y-star people on the warship to get a new weapon "Y-star accelerating machine gun", which has small spread, high maximum firing speed, and is a good helper!

23. The newly added flying vehicle flying saucer and Y-star technology product can slip up and fly. The one in the back seat should be held firmly and not be thrown out!

24. A new exclusive throwing object is added to the training ground: building blocks. Let's use it to exert creativity that can't be placed anywhere~

25. New title system and liked list are added to the ranking list. There are many opportunities to be on the list!

26. S5 season“ yy "Y Star People" went online. The producer "Dada" visited the sausage island in person and traveled with the Prince of Y Star. Go to the game to find "Dada" to fix the bug

27. New season stage: Y Star battleship flying saucer airborne! Board the ship to see the high technology of Y star, but be careful of the vigilant guards of Y star~

How can I log in other people's numbers for a sausage party?

1. Open the sausage party game and click the icon in the upper right corner.

 How to log in other people's numbers for sausage parties

2. Click to enter the settings, as shown in the figure.

 How to log in other people's numbers for sausage parties

3. Click Account Management.

 How to log in other people's numbers for sausage parties

4. Click Exit to switch accounts and log in to others' accounts.

 How to log in other people's numbers for sausage parties

How to quit the sausage party?

In the sausage party, there is a team function. Many children think it is inappropriate to quit after joining the team. At this time, many children are curious about how to launch the sausage party team. Now let's look at the exit method of the sausage party team together with our editor:
1. After entering the game, players need to click the team icon first,

 How to quit the sausage party

2. Next, players click the icon of gear,

 How to quit the sausage party

3. Finally, players can click to quit the team

 How to quit the sausage party


1. After jumping off the plane, turn the visual angle as horizontally as possible to the destination, and basically keep the speed at about 130, about 1km (generally between 900m and 1.2km). Then the parachute will open automatically. The distance you can move forward depends on the speed you maintain after opening the parachute

2. The second method is also used by many players to reach a place very far away from the aircraft route. That is, after jumping off the aircraft, first fly to the destination according to the above method. When there is a prompt to open the parachute, immediately open the parachute, and then maintain a certain speed to float to the destination. However, the difference between different speeds of this method is very large!

Minor editorial comments

1. 2265 I personally think that here, you will rely on "skin" and "broad love" to fight in the battlefield of hundreds of people and become the king of parties! In addition, you can also experience the sound and hard core combat system in the "sausage party". The guns in the game have a real ballistic falling and breath holding system; At the same time, the game battlefield contains signal guns, resurrection machines, and tactical bunker systems, testing the level of tacit understanding between teams.

2. In addition, there is more than fighting in the battlefield. You can feel joy and loveliness everywhere in the game. Here you can sing, jump, fire and other operations on the leather ball and the sliding rope, and you can also jump twice to avoid the enemy's precise shooting; You can put on a swimming ring in the water with someone else's gun; After being knocked down, you will become a crying small intestine. You can also lift a fallen teammate by cheering up.

3. In addition, there is a cute appearance system in the game, which can help you become the most popular small intestine; Unique party card system, record With your data, dress up and achievements, let other intestines feel your fierce (ke) harm (ai); It also provides koi fish, cyberpunk style, maidservant and other funny suits, as well as cute and mean actions such as making love and transforming beautiful girls. It also provides bubble expressions such as raising white pants and surrendering, crying over grievances, for you to interact with other intestines.

Update log


Problem fix:

1. Fixed the problem of probability of being ejected after the upper transport cannon;

2. Fix the problem that the probability of magazine model does not disappear when playing the ammunition change animation;

3. Fix the problem of probability of carrying items before being eliminated after being revived;

4. Fixed the abnormal display of the character's torso when the topcoat hollow totem was paired with part of the head;

5. Fixed the problem of falling into the ground after re entering the game in some positions;

6. Fix the problem that the competitive party can still sell the delivery capsule after using it;

7. Fix the problem that the abnormal air flow probability under the flying saucer of Star Y triggered the flying high state;

8. Fix the problem that some scenes are too bright;

9. Fix the problem that you can still hear the voice of your teammates when you enter the battlefield after turning off the voice;

10. Fix the problem of expired discount coupons displayed by the probability of the mall;

11. Some devices cannot be repaired scanning Two-dimensional code;

12. Fix the abnormal display of team identification in the battlefield;

13. Fix the problem that there is no super airdrop when shooting signal gun;

14. Fix the game error exception.

New content:

1. SS17 new season: detonate! The battle of light. The "Super Time and Space League Cup" All Star Video Contest opens. The "Rainbow Camp" and the "Aurora Camp" will jointly compete for the sky light. Let's call your favorite camp together!

2. New arcade mode of the season: blasting party. Join the arcade party in a classic and fun mode. Explore the two maps of "Secret Sky" and "Duel City", join the party and experience the art of explosion!

3. New weapon of the season: PP-19. The first air dropped weapon in the submachinegun family! With high accuracy and large magazine capacity, equip this weapon to charge like a buffalo in the battlefield!

4. New weapon of the season: MP5. Another capable member of the submachinegun family! With good stability and excellent range, you can't miss the scoring weapon in the new season!

5. New classic mode battlefield event time limited activities:

(1) In the classic mode game, there will be "battlefield random events". Intestines can vote for the events they like when they are on the "birth island". The voting results will be announced at the takeoff stage. The event with the highest vote will become the "random event" of the game;

(2) Event description:

① Lucky air drop event: increase the output probability of signal gun;

② Resurrection battle event: within the duration of the event, the intestines will automatically revive near the teammates after being eliminated;

③ Event of automatically picking up revival coins: when a teammate is eliminated, you can go directly to the revival machine or use the Sweetheart ID card to revive the teammate without picking up the revival coins of the teammate;

④ Armored bus battle event: increase the output probability of armored bus;

⑤ Battle of the Giants event: 200 points of physical strength will be increased after using it;

⑥ Bombing incident: make the range of the thunder falling area larger, and the intestines should pay attention to avoid the thunder!

⑦ Extraordinary sandstorm event: make the scope of the sandstorm larger, and the intestines will find the sand island travel Caution!

6. Pizza Island content update:

(1) New seat interaction function: chairs on the social plaza now support the function of sitting down, inviting friends to sit down and chat on pizza island chat

(2) New day night switching function: Pizza Island performance will automatically switch over over time, or you can manually use day or night in the setting interface;

(3) New large screen function: During the SMC championship, the event large screen will appear in the social plaza. Watch the match with friends in Pizza Island, learn the cooperation and operation of the electric campaigners, and cheer for the team you like;

(4) The photographing function adds the function of moving the lens up, down, left and right, and using zoom;

(5) The personal information interface adds the functions of inviting to form a team, viewing personal information and liking;

(6) New mini game leaderboard.

7. Competitive party heavy upgrade: this round of "competitive party" mode will add "2V2 shoot out" and "tactical team competition" (the original competitive party), with new competitive ranks, limited gun skins, competitive crest badges, exclusive party card background and team entry special effects after reaching the legend, to start your new competitive journey and show your real skills!

8. The new "Arcade Game" will be launched soon!

From October 7, every Friday to Sunday, from 18:00 to 23:00, participate in the [Arcade Game - Blasting Party] to accumulate competitive points and raise the star level of the list. Players with the highest points will receive massive rewards. The higher the star level of the list, the more generous the rewards will be~

9. The activity of looking for magic treasures returns. Candy, colorful keys, divination coins are waiting for you to open;

10. The classic party entrance process is optimized, and the new naughty and funny entrance process makes the preferred team more noble, and everyone strives to be the king of the party;

11. A large wave of linkage and activity benefits is coming, please look forward to the announcement of follow-up activities~

Optimization adjustment:

1. Performance optimization and anti plug-in function enhancement;

2. Seasonal system related optimization:

(1) Support viewing CG, drama animations and comics of previous seasons in season play review;

(2) You can give your friends golden season tickets in luxury edition. Go and give them a big surprise;

(3) Support the task of browsing season tickets with small maps in the mode.

3. Optimization of blind box machine extraction: now the blind box machine system will not extract the same reward in two consecutive rounds;

4. Activity interface optimization: adjust the layout of the activity interface to find new activities more easily;

5. Optimization of red dot prompt: optimized the red dot prompt logic, and fixed some active red dot prompt exceptions and problems that cannot be eliminated;

6. Optimization of visual effect of poison circle: the performance of poison circle effect is optimized, and the vision is clearer;

7. Remove Arcade Party- Full fire Super pulse hand gun.

Special instructions

Historical version collection address: Click to view

The sausage party download genuine free installation package has been updated several times recently, and the size has been reduced from a maximum of 2 gigabytes to 174M, allowing more low configuration mobile phone players to play!

Mobile game screenshot

 Official authentic version of sausage party v18.50 Android phone latest version 0 Official authentic version of sausage party v18.50 Android phone latest version 1 Official authentic version of sausage party v18.50 Android phone latest version 2 Official authentic version of sausage party v18.50 Android phone latest version 3 Official authentic version of sausage party v18.50 Android phone latest version 4

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    • Version No.: ISBN 978-7-498-03794-7
    • Document No.: XGCS [2018] No. 441
    • Package name: com. sofunny Sausage
    • MD5:7ecdf8778b95808763e48b7275affd16
    • Publisher: Heart Network Co., Ltd
    • Operating unit: Xiamen Zhenyuyi Information Technology Co., Ltd

    common eighty Participate in interaction and view all six Comments> Netizen comments

    6th floor Yunnan Education Network Direct Train Fans Published on: 10:06:05, November 4, 2019
    This game is very good. After I explained the reason for the plug-in last time, I didn't encounter the plug-in.

    support ( seventeen ) Building (reply)

    5TH FLOOR Jiangsu Huai'an vermicelli Published on: 2019/10/20 10:06:42
    I have played since the warm-up season and witnessed the growth of sausage. I think this game is very good

    support ( twelve ) Building (reply)

    4th Floor 1 Fans Published on: 2019/10/18 10:33:23
    I didn't want to play this game at first, but my sister loved it so much that I had to play it with her because she liked the cute style of painting. Unlike other chicken eaters, its game content is more funny than the solemn sense of tension and excitement. The clothes of the characters can still catch the players' eyes, which is very beautiful, and they don't feel heartache when buying. Ha ha, now I also like this game

    support ( fourteen ) Building (reply)

    3RD FLOOR Hebei Hengshui Vermicelli Published on: 2019/10/4 10:32:28
    It is the first time to see the character model of sausage like eating chicken powder. During the battle, some small props, such as grenade plus, wall, ink grenade, are very interesting and interesting.

    support ( nine ) Building (reply)

    2nd floor Jilin Yanbian Unicom Fans Published on: 2019/9/16 10:07:09
    The game experience is very good. It is very smooth to play. Although the frequency drops sometimes, I don't know whether other players have ever played it, it is a good game in general.

    support ( eight ) Building (reply)

    1st floor Hebei guests Published on: 2019/3/20 19:55:39
    It's fun, it's fun, more fun than the Jedi

    support ( fourteen ) Building (reply)


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