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Monopoly 4 Mobile Edition Chinese Version Latest Version

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  • Type: Single player card game
  • edition: V7.5 Official original
  • size: 155.8M
  • to update: 2024-08-06 19:14
  • Language: chinese
  • Grade:
  • Platform: Android
  • manufacturer: Daewoo Information Co., Ltd
  • Chinese name: Monopoly 4 (international clothing) installer

MONOPOLY Here & Now: The World Edition 4 Mobile version Chinese version Latest version It is a classic four person online mobile version, a very good mobile game of millionaire series. The game is fun to play. You can not only stand alone, but also connect with others! The game picture is very good! What are you waiting for? Come and download it!

Monopoly 4 Android Play

1. The goal is to dominate the map and become a millionaire.

2. In the game, you can make good use of cards to frame your opponent, or rely on the help of God. You can also go in and out of the stock market to make money, but often there will be unexpected fate and news events.

3. Decide the number of steps by rolling dice. You can expand your influence by buying land, building houses and collecting rent.

4. To become a millionaire, besides relying on luck, it is very important to use all kinds of cards and strategies bravely and carefully.

5. There are all kinds of cards and gods in the game, but there is a god of luck. Of course, there is also a god of decadence. Don't get entangled. If you accidentally stay on other people's land, you have to take out double money to pay the toll. Be careful.

6. In addition to relying on luck, knowing how to make good use of card props and stock market speculation is also one of the important strategies.

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Mobile Tour Features

1. However, there is a god of luck, and of course there is a god of decadence. Don't get entangled. If you accidentally stay on other people's land, you have to pay twice as much for the toll. Be careful!

2. The number of steps is determined by rolling dice. You can also buy land and build houses in the place where you stay. If you are lucky, God of Wealth will come.

3. Besides relying on luck, knowing how to make good use of card props is also one of the important strategies!

Game highlights

1. When the opponent does not have a card, the use of the grab card will not only get no card, but also consume the grab card.

2. If the loan is not repaid, but the cash and deposits are spent, it will become negative assets.

3. If an opponent's avatar appears in the magic room, sell the ta card. If there is no card, send it to the hospital or prison. You have to send it to a place where there is no land owner.

4. The stock does not rise or fall in a fixed round.

5. There are only two commercial sites on the map of Mysterious Island, so it is not recommended to build a research institute. One shop and one hotel is the best choice.

6. It can be transported to the roads of hospitals and prisons by conveyor. It can also be transmitted to the treasure chest, or to the seat of the Land Lord.

7. When using the turn card on the hospital or prison road, you will pass the hospital and then turn around.

8. Archiving is a good thing.

9. If the opponent has land father-in-law, send him to prison immediately.

10. Save more money, because the computer will attack the person with the most property first after buying the tax card. If you have a lot of cash The opponent becomes a millionaire directly. What about you, Cheng Weiweng.

11. Computers basically don't use locomotives or cars, so gas stations don't need to be built. But computers are drunk when they buy cars.

12. If there are many points, you can buy a bad card, because if the opponent has a card to steal, they will basically grab a garbage card. (The same is true for players. They usually get revenge cards. You are good if you get Junfu or monsters.)

13. Take a detour when you have nothing to do. If you are tired, use a robot doll. If you don't have a robot doll, use a steering card.

14. There should be two cards to send to god, or the god of decay will kill you if he takes away your card. If the Great Decadent takes away both the gift cards, it will be a disaster.

15. More land is needed, otherwise the poor god will have another shopping mall and hotel to draw 6.

16. If the multi level and high level opponent of land has another public land purchase card, it will be finished. So it's great to build more hotels. It's cool to draw 6.

17. Free card+land purchase card=divine card combination

18. Payment for goods is a "falling" thing. If you can't fry the stock well, don't pay for goods. (Of course, if you can bankrupt your opponent within one month, I will not say anything about your payment.) record The owner doesn't need a red card to raise more than 300 yuan...>

19. When the opponent gets the "Car Stop Round", the car will stay even if it is confiscated in the next round. (If you have a car last round)

20. Don't worry about the computer payment. Anyway, the computer payment is to delay bankruptcy.

21. If the repayment period is not reached when the assets are negative, it will not go bankrupt directly.

22. When a time bomb explodes, it will blow up other people or houses. The advantage of a mine is that it will explode directly but will not blow up others or houses. If there is more land, it is recommended to use mines instead of timing

23. If it is not the use of black card and red card that leads to limit down and limit up, it can only be used for a random number of days instead of three days fixed by red card and black card

24. It is recommended to buy expensive stocks, otherwise you won't earn much. However, if you buy too many expensive stocks, you will fall hard. 800 stocks will be enough

25. The computer will not use a gift card or a gift card

26. When computers encounter timing, mines, poor gods and weak gods will use machine dolls, and roadblocks and dice are used commercially

27. Computer machine workers are generally used on ordinary land

28. The computer will not be sent away when it gets tired, and the house will still be built

 Download and install Monopoly 4 Android

Immortal Play

1. Robber

The robber can spend 300 points on bail in the prison, and will return to the prison when he passes the prison again. When he passes the bank, he will rob a large sum of money to the bail person. If other people don't have much deposit, they will get less money. When they meet an opponent, they can rob a card. When they meet a mine or a dog, they will go to the hospital and only go to the hospital for 300 points bail. If the robber uses a steering card when he is going back, he will be very handsome

2. God of Wealth

The god of wealth will send four figures of money (excluding the price index), and almost all expenditures can be denied as long as they are not for land purchase and upgrading. It can also be denied when you have to pay for your fate. It will double when you have to pay for your fate. After 7 days, you will leave and become the little god of wealth.

3. Little God of Wealth

The little god of wealth will collect three figures of money from his opponent (excluding the price index), which can halve all losses. When he draws money from fate, it will double. He will leave seven days later and become the god of wealth.

4. Great Blessing God

The Great Blessing God will send two cards, which can be added one more layer when building a house. If the Great Blessing God is not covered, it will not be. If you draw the destiny card, you can escape a disaster when you encounter a bad event, such as going to the hospital in prison, and selling card props. He left seven days later and became a little god of happiness

5. Little Blessing God

The little god of fortune will send a card, which can be added one more layer when building a house. If the little god of fortune does not cover it, it will not cover it. If you draw the destiny card, you can escape a disaster when you encounter a bad event, such as going to the hospital in prison and selling card props. After 7 days, he left and became the Great Blessing God

6. Angel

Angels add a level to all the buildings that pass by, and they will cover them as well as their opponents. When drawing destiny cards and encountering bad luck events, such as going to the hospital in prison, you can escape a disaster when selling card props. The fine will be denied and the money will be doubled. After 7 days of fine, you will leave and become a devil.

7. Thief

The thief can spend 300 points on bail in prison, and will return to prison when he passes the prison again. When he meets an opponent, he will steal half of his opponent's coupons. When he meets mines, time bombs, roadblocks, gifts, and treasure boxes on the road, he will steal them to the bail person. If he is bitten by a vicious dog, he will go to the hospital and also need 300 points of bail

8. Hooligan

The hooligan can spend 300 points on bail in the hospital. When he passes the hospital again, he will return to the hospital. When he passes other people's territory, he will blackmail the owner for the original price of the territory, but this money will not be given to the bail person. He can also use a steering card or a conveyor. If you encounter mines or dogs, you will return to the hospital.

9. Spy

A spy can spend 300 points on bail in the hospital. When he passes the hospital again, he will return to the hospital. When he passes by someone else's site, he can let the owner of the site pay the toll to the spy bail person. When he passes by the company, he can steal all the company's operating profits. When encountering mines or dogs, they will return to the hospital.

10. Devil

The devil will demolish all the buildings that pass by by one level (no demolition in the open space), and you and your opponent will suffer the same disaster. The number of days for lucky events such as going to the hospital in prison will be doubled, the money will be invalidated, and the fine will be doubled. After 7 days, he left and became an angel.

11. God of Great Poverty

The god of great poverty makes you lose four figures of money (excluding the price index). When you meet someone else's territory, you will pay twice as much money. If you draw money from your destiny card, you will lose it, and you will be fined twice. After 7 days, you will leave and become a little god of poverty.

12. Little poor god

The little god of poverty paid three figures to everyone (excluding the price index), and paid 50% more when encountering someone else's territory. The money from the fate card was invalid, and the fine was doubled. He left seven days later and became the god of poverty.

13. Great Decay God

The Great Decay makes you lose half of your card, which makes your land purchase or stamping doomed to failure. The number of days when you draw a destiny card in an unlucky event, such as going to the hospital in prison, will be doubled, and you will leave seven days later to become the Little Decay.

14. Minor asthenia

The little god of decay makes you lose a card, which makes you doomed to fail in buying land or stamping. The number of days when you draw a destiny card in an unlucky event such as going to the hospital in prison will be doubled, and after 7 days, you will leave to become the great god of decay.

15. A vicious dog

If a character steps on a vicious dog, he will be bitten. He will be in hospital for 3 days. If he has a motorcycle, he can hit the vicious dog off the ground. After hitting or biting, he will disappear into the land.

16. Land public

The land owner can force others to occupy the land where the owner stays, but the round of force cannot be stamped, and the toll must also be paid. If it is a hotel, you must first go to rest and occupy it. Leave after 7 days and become a vicious dog.

17. Death

When someone gives up and surrenders, he can summon the god of death to attach himself. The god of death makes all the prop cards on his body disappear. He draws the money from the destiny card to void it, and the fine is doubled. In the event of bad luck, such as doubling the time of entering the hospital and prison, failing to buy land and cover it, he cannot collect tolls. The tolls on passing through other people's territory are doubled, and disappear 13 days later

Novice Introduction

1、 General rules

1. In the classic version of the millionaire, it is defined as bankruptcy when the money is gone. When there is no money in 4fun, you will be forced to sell your stocks and land. This is more reasonable. When you play the classic version, you will be bankrupted if you have money to buy stocks

There is a point in 2.4fun, that is, the land on a street. The toll is not simply added, but will have a higher bonus

3. Price index. The price index is defined as the ratio of the average value of the total assets of the owner to the initial asset value. Note that "total assets". Since some of the total assets are land, the more you go back, the less disposable capital you actually have. In 4fun, we should pay attention to the price index ceiling of 6 and the price of 6. Once the price index is full, the total assets will be increased all the time and the price will not be increased. It is no difficulty. As long as I do not want to end the game, it is impossible to end it. There is enough money

2、 Game BUG

1. Be alien Kidnapping, dogs will appear under the UFO, mapping error

2. Use engineering vehicles, and demolish houses when passing non own land. But in 4fun, if you use a free card or have the god of wealth, the house will not be demolished. Free card+engineering vehicle doesn't work

3. The computer will still use the black card for the shares you have bought but sold

4. Repeated use of props. I have encountered a computer that uses 2 tortoise cards+1 barricade in front of me, oh my god

5. The computer can use the god card to ask the bad god

6. When he came out of prison, the cards were full and he was about to lose them, and then the characters disappeared

3、 Control settings

1. In the millionaire 4fun, when you enter the magic room, you will be prompted who is currently selected, which is obviously more appropriate. When you play 4, you sometimes do not know who is selected in the magic room

2. When viewing the data, 4fun does not display the remaining days of immortals

3. When checking the data, 4 can see the specific card props held by everyone. 4fun is not allowed. I think 4fun is more reasonable and closer to reality. At the same time, it is more reasonable to grab cards randomly instead of specific cards. Otherwise, it depends on who starts first

4、 Game data and props setting

The toll in 1.4fun is too high, which increases the factor of player rp

In 2.4fun, the maximum hotel stay is 6 days, while 4 days is 4 days. The hotel is a defensive building. It is not for collecting money but for living. It is used for defense when it is at an initial disadvantage

There are chain stores in 3.4. The chain stores do not participate in road chain, but participate in chain store chain. I think this setting is good

4.4 In fun, no house is allowed on the landless land. If the land is recovered due to news or the landlord's bankruptcy, the house will disappear together.

5. Institute props. The 3-level prop time machine in 4 miles is really a chicken; The conveyor in 4fun is too powerful. I think these two games are a bit extreme. However, the atomic bomb in 4li is powerful, destroying and killing weapons. It has been greatly weakened in 4fu. It doesn't feel very useful

6.4 When entering the prop store, there must be one item available for purchase, so it is easy to cycle dice. In 4fun, dice can't be bought, which is limited by the research institute. I think this is more reasonable. But another problem of 4fun is that the probability of strong cards such as roadblocks and monsters appearing in stores is too low. When it is necessary to rely on cards to control the field, the store is often not helpful, which is also bad. The conveyor is strong enough to make up for part, but still feels awkward

7.4 The props limited by Funli Research Institute are not marketable at all

8. Landmines and missiles are not available in the 1.4 version of 4fun. I support deletion. When playing 4, I usually don't use these things, otherwise it's too boring. Especially, the super shameless tactic of putting mines at the entrance of the hospital is absolutely forbidden. I noticed that 4fun later added mines

9. For cars and locomotives, the 4-fun limit has been changed to the 5-round limit, which is more reasonable. When playing 4, of course, cars are flying all over the place. It's not interesting.

A small change in 10.4fun: when the time bomb blows people, if there are overlapping people, they will be hospitalized together. This is more reasonable. There is no such setting in 4, which is unrealistic. In addition, 4fu will blow up all the houses, and only one layer will be blown up in 4fu, which I think is better. Occasionally, time bombs can be used to count the steps as a means to demolish the house

11. The blame card is not included in the 1.4 version of 4fun. It was added later. But I found that the setting of 4fun's blame card is obviously unreasonable. In 4fun, the blame card can be linked. A can blame B, and B can blame C

12. Some minor changes of the immortals, such as the little god of decay can't build a house but still buy land, and the great god of fortune can buy land for free. This is not reasonable or not, but the difference between settings

Update log

V7.5 version

Add Angel Empire Gift Bag

Add new background music

Add swimwear and undersea clothes

V7.2 version

The millionaire mall is open to purchase smart clothes!

Optimize and adjust subtle problems!


Partial optimization for OS13


New ticket: Ancient Egypt&Ancient Miracle

Add background music

Add a new map package of Dream Fairy Island

New spirit clothes

V6.3 version

Update privacy information

Special instructions

This game needs Google and Accelerator, recommended by editor Cc accelerator and GO Google Installer Install!

Screenshot of the game

 Monopoly 4 Mobile Edition Chinese Version Latest Version v7.5 Official Original Version 0 Monopoly 4 Mobile Edition Chinese Version Latest Version v7.5 Official Original Version 1 Monopoly 4 Mobile Edition Chinese Version Latest Version v7.5 Official Original Version 2 Monopoly 4 Mobile Edition Chinese Version Latest Version v7.5 Official Original Version 3

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    Multi platform download

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      Monopoly 4 Mobile Edition Chinese Version Latest Version v7.5 Official Original Version

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    • Package name: Richman
    • MD5:d1a04cd7406a3e1738c7dfcd1e361dd1

    common two hundred and seventy-three Participate in interaction and view all fifteen Comments> Netizen comments

    15th floor Heilongjiang Shuangyashan Netizen Published on: 2023/9/1 17:42:30
    Very good

    support ( seventeen ) Building (reply)

    14th Floor Shandong Yantai Guest Published on: 2023/8/6 15:46:15
    I finally found it. It's so funny

    support ( twenty ) Building (reply)

    13th floor Shandong Dezhou Fans Published on: 2023/4/27 18:30:17
    It's good to play with friends

    support ( twenty ) Building (reply)

    12th floor Henan Shangqiu vermicelli Published on: 2023/4/26 18:23:14
    Have fun playing with friends

    support ( twenty-two ) Building (reply)

    11th floor Jiangyin vermicelli, Wuxi, Jiangsu Published on: 2022/11/9 19:13:15
    It's also fun to play Monopoly on your mobile phone

    support ( eighteen ) Building (reply)

    10th floor Tibet Changdu Telecom Guest Published on: 2022/10/21 14:06:14
    The cartoon style millionaire game is very interesting

    2265 fans in Juye County, Heze, Shandong 2022/8/29 19:51:02

    Hello, I want to ask you if you want to succeed more?

    support ( nineteen ) Building (reply)

    9th floor Fans in Juye County, Heze, Shandong Published on: 2022/8/29 19:51:02
    The cartoon style millionaire game is very interesting

    support ( nineteen ) Building (reply)

    8th floor Jiangsu Xuzhou Fans Published on: 2022/8/11 18:47:25
    This version can really be online

    support ( twenty-six ) Building (reply)

    7th floor Henan Puyang vermicelli Published on: 2022/7/4 17:11:52
    Very interesting game

    support ( seven ) Building (reply)

    6th floor Fans in Anxi County, Quanzhou, Fujian Published on: June 30, 2022 19:25:22
    Full of childhood memories Kill

    support ( seven ) Building (reply)


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    Monopoly 4 Mobile Edition Chinese Version Latest Version v7.5 Official Original Version