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2265.com website (including all *. 2265.com websites, hereinafter referred to as "2265 Android website") has always attached great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights and complied with various intellectual property laws, regulations and binding normative documents of the People's Republic of China. This website firmly opposes any act that violates the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China on copyright. Since we are unable to fully monitor all information uploaded by users to this website, we have formulated measures and steps aimed at protecting the legitimate rights and interests of intellectual property rights holders If it is found that the content uploaded by 2265 Android users infringes their right to information network dissemination, the right owner shall send a notice of right to 2265 Android in advance, and 2265 Android will take measures to delete or modify the relevant content according to relevant laws and regulations. Specific measures and steps are as follows:  

If you are the copyright owner of an application and/or the right owner who can exercise the right of information network dissemination according to law, and you believe that the content uploaded by 2265 Android users infringes your right of information network dissemination of such works, you must notify or contact our company in writing, and you shall be responsible for the authenticity of the statement in the written notice.  

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Proof of ownership of the copyright of the suspected infringing works or the right to exercise the information network dissemination according to law;
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