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Equity Statement

The privacy protection statement of (hereinafter referred to as "this website") is the commitment of this website to protect the privacy of users. Please read carefully:

When you register users, participate in online or public forums and other activities on this website, with your consent and confirmation, this website will ask you to provide some personal data through registration forms and other forms. These personal data include: such as name, gender, date of birth, telephone number, mailing address, e-mail, etc. This website will strictly manage and protect the data you provide, and use corresponding technology for computer processing when necessary to prevent your personal data from being lost, stolen or tampered with. You have the following rights to your personal data: inquire and request to read at any time; Request for supplementation or correction at any time; Request deletion at any time; Request to stop computer processing and utilization. For the above rights, this website provides you with relevant services. You can send an email to:

Disclosure of personal data

When government agencies require this website to disclose personal data according to legal procedures, this website will provide personal data according to the requirements of law enforcement agencies or for public security purposes. In this case, this website will not assume any responsibility for any disclosure. In the following cases, this website does not bear any responsibility: any personal data leakage caused by your informing others of your user password or sharing your registered account with others. Any personal data leakage, loss, theft or tampering caused by force majeure affecting the normal operation of the network, such as hacking, computer virus invasion or attack, temporary shutdown caused by government control, etc. Any legal disputes and consequences arising from the disclosure of personal data caused by other websites linked to this website.

Third party service statement

In order to facilitate your use and create a better service experience, the website and its affiliated companies allow you to log in, register and use the website, applet, public account and other products of the company and its affiliated companies through a third party (including but not limited to WeChat login/WeChat authorization, QQ login/QQ authorization and other ways). In case of any dispute caused by your use of third-party services, the third party shall be responsible for solving it, and Ename and its affiliated companies shall not bear any responsibility. When you log in through a third party to use the services of Aliname, Aliname will not bear any responsibility for the loss of your assets and products (including but not limited to advance payment, gold coins, domain names, trademarks, etc.) on Aliname due to the loss or theft of your third party account. The third party should be responsible for solving the problem. In addition, the third party service/link does not mean the recognition and guarantee of any product, service or content of the website.
Warm reminder: If your relevant information (email, mobile phone number, QQ, WeChat, etc.) changes, please log in to Aliname in time to update, and Aliname will not be responsible for the risks and losses arising therefrom.