Civil Service Periodical Network Thesis Center Model Essay on Information Literacy

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Preface: The small editor has sorted out 5 reference model articles for your information literacy papers for your reference. I hope it can help you get inspiration in writing and make your articles more rich and profound.

 Information Literacy Thesis

Part 1: Model Essay on Information Literacy

1974, USA information Paul Zekowski, chairman of the industry association, first defined information accomplishment It refers to the technology and skills that people use a large number of information tools and main information resources to solve problems. In 1989, the Summary Report on Information Literacy of the American Library Association and the American Association for Educational Communication and Technology defined information literacy as "the comprehensive ability of individuals to recognize when information is needed and to retrieve, evaluate and effectively use information". Scientific research is a process of information innovation through information exchange. Some scholars believe that scientific research information literacy refers to the information knowledge and information ability that teachers should have to carry out scientific research. Scientific research activities are always accompanied by the use, exchange and creation of information. The information literacy of scientific researchers includes information sensitivity, basic operation ability, innovation ability and information ethics. Based on the above related research, we define scientific research information literacy as: teachers must have the ability to collect, analyze, process and present information in order to carry out scientific research tasks in the process of scientific research, and apply technical tools and resources to solve various problems caused by informatization in scientific research. Scientific research information literacy should include the following aspects: first, information awareness literacy, strong scientific research information awareness and information ethics, and strive to improve their own reserves of scientific research information resources; Second, information retrieval literacy, with information technology means, can know how to collect scientific research information; The third is information assessment literacy, which can accurately and quickly interpret scientific research information from different dimensions and conduct scientific evaluation in the face of complicated scientific research information; The fourth is information integration literacy, which can sort, organize and edit the scientific research information obtained, and properly apply it to their own scientific research practice.

2 Necessity of improving scientific research information literacy

2.1 Meet the objective requirements of scientific research information development

Informatization of scientific research is a new model of scientific research in the information age, which has led to many new features of contemporary science, namely networking, electronization and digitalization. Cloud computing has accelerated the rapid dissemination and collection of scientific research information and profoundly changed the way of scientific research exchanges among university teachers. Facing the new environment of scientific research, how to use the network and computer scientifically and effectively is an important and urgent task for college teachers. The scientific research of university teachers should meet the requirements of the information age, collect the required scientific research information in time, be able to quickly judge the authenticity and value of information, effectively exchange information, realize the innovation of scientific research information, and promote the development of scientific research.

2.2 Internal needs for promoting the professional development of college teachers

Scientific research information literacy determines the ability and level of university teachers in scientific research direction, data storage and information innovation, and is an important part of university teachers' professional development. Only by continuously improving scientific research information literacy, can college teachers continuously improve their professional awareness, strengthen knowledge learning and enhance their professional ability. Therefore, in the process of promoting professional development, college teachers should first enhance their scientific research information literacy.

2.3 The inevitable choice to promote the connotative development of higher education

College teachers should constantly improve their teaching level, carry out scientific research activities, and achieve the integration of scientific research and teaching content, so as to promote the connotative development of higher education and fulfill the responsibility of serving social development. As the core element of scientific research ability, scientific research information literacy is an important part of the professional development of university teachers, and plays a key role in the integration of scientific research activities and science and education.

3 Problems in teachers' scientific research information literacy

3.1 The low sensitivity of scientific research information "lack of scientific research inspiration and direction" is a problem that many teachers often worry about. Complain that his research field has been fully studied by predecessors, but his work has been minimal, and it is difficult to make a breakthrough. Although they have rich work experience and are exposed to a large number of information sources, they lack keen scientific research information awareness and are difficult to realize the scientific research value of information.

3.2 Simple retrieval method of scientific research information

Although some teachers have high academic qualifications, they lack sufficient information retrieval training during their study, and can only use simple data retrieval methods. It is difficult to retrieve valuable information that meets their own needs from the chaotic information database.

3.3 The ability to identify and integrate scientific research information needs to be improved

When determining the research theme, many teachers will determine whether the research conforms to the research trend based on subjective judgment, ignoring the limitations of subjective judgment, and lacking understanding of cutting-edge research methods (such as scientific metrology methods). In addition, some teachers are not good at communication and cooperation with other teachers, especially interdisciplinary teachers, in the process of identification and integration of scientific research information, which affects the level of scientific research achievements.

4 Strategies for teachers to improve their scientific research information literacy

4.1 Attach importance to integration of science and education

Teaching and scientific research are the basic responsibilities of college teachers, which need teachers to concentrate on research and make efforts to improve. In a sense, teaching and research can promote each other and improve together. The integration of science and education is an important direction of the connotative development of college education, which should be highly valued by teachers. The process of integration of science and education is also a process of improving scientific research information literacy. A strong awareness of scientific research information can promote college teachers to capture more and better scientific research inspiration in the teaching process and improve their scientific research ability. Teachers' scientific research achievements are taught in a way that is easy for students to understand, which not only improves the quality of classroom teaching, but also promotes the connotative development of college education.

4.2 Strengthen the exchange and cooperation of scientific research information

Adequate information exchange and cooperation are necessary for the birth of any important scientific research achievements. Modern important scientific research achievements are becoming more and more comprehensive and cross disciplinary, and research confined to a single discipline and a single field is gradually away from mainstream research. Teachers should strengthen more in-depth information exchange with teachers in other research fields, carry out interdisciplinary research, break through the constraints of existing research paradigms, and improve the quality of scientific research achievements. Even if there is no cross cutting scientific research achievements, various scientific research exchange activities can urge teachers to reflect on their own scientific research work and scientifically plan their own scientific research development direction. For example, some private universities with better development have established doctoral salons and formulated corresponding regulations, and school leaders can often participate in relevant activities. The doctor salon has effectively established a platform for exchanges and cooperation between teachers and students in different disciplines, and relevant policies have also ensured the sustainability of this scientific research information exchange. Teachers should also attach importance to communication and cooperation with students. Guiding students' scientific research activities is a two-way process of "mutual benefit of scientific research", and the scientific research ability of students and teachers can be exercised and improved to a certain extent. In the process of guiding students, some ideas of students, scientific research information collected and preliminary scientific research achievements can bring inspiration and inspiration to teachers' scientific research. Therefore, teachers should attach importance to the guidance of students' scientific research activities and improve the scientific research information literacy of teachers and students. At present, some private colleges and universities have participated in the innovation and entrepreneurship training program for college students organized by the Ministry of Education and the Provincial Department of Education. Teachers should actively participate in the guidance of students. This work is not only of great significance to the connotative development of schools and the cultivation of innovative talents, but also of great significance to the professional development of teachers themselves, especially the improvement of scientific research information literacy.

4.3 Learn more effective methods to retrieve, identify and integrate scientific research information

Network information has distinctive characteristics of magnanimity, disorder and openness. Therefore, the method and ability to obtain the information you need from the complex information become more and more important. Bibliometric method is an important information evaluation method. By relating paper Quantitative analysis of the data can clarify the current situation and development trend of related research. If we use EXCEL and other statistical software to analyze the data, we can also predict the future development direction and other important information. With the help of information search on the Internet, the retrieval of scientific research information such as the latest papers, topics and patents becomes more convenient. For example, frequently visiting the web pages of the scientific research management departments of other colleges and universities to learn about the development of scientific research in other colleges and universities can obtain a lot of useful information. Because there is often information about school enterprise cooperation projects on the web page, if we can capture these information in time, it will certainly be of great help to our own vertical research. For another example, it is easy to find the results of various national, provincial and municipal scientific research projects on the Internet. Studying these information can help us re-examine our research direction. Many of the projects that have been approved are just beginning to be studied, and the direction is not clear enough. Understanding other people's research projects will help us sort out our own research ideas. In fact, even if two research groups study the same topic, due to the differences in scientific research basis and conditions, the research angles and methods selected will inevitably be different, and the scientific research results will also be different.

5 Conclusion

Part 2: Model Essay on Information Literacy

In the information technology teaching of high school, teachers should respect and respect the individual differences between students, and implement the teaching model of hierarchical teaching. This is because different students have differences in individual quality, growth environment and family background. To effectively cultivate students' information literacy, it is necessary to fully combine students' ability differences and information technology foundation differences to carry out teaching. For example, in the teaching process of the third elective course "Information Resources on the Internet" of Guangdong Education Press, teachers can ask students with poor information technology foundation to understand the World Wide Web and draw network browsing maps; For students with strong logic ability and good information technology foundation, teachers can ask them to master P2P technology; For students with strong operation ability or aesthetic foundation, teachers can focus on training their programming ability and software application ability; For students with strong logical thinking, teachers can focus on developing their programming ability. In the process of teaching, teachers should also pay attention to students' learning feedback, assign specific and operable homework for students, and understand students' information ability from their homework. Students with learning difficulties should be regularly tutored, and all students should be able to master basic information technology and have basic information ability.

2、 Improve the information awareness of high school students in an all-round way

Information awareness is an important part of information literacy. High school students must have information awareness if they want to adapt to the development of the information age. The key to information awareness lies in the ability to absorb and select information, as well as information sensitivity. Students often only regard surfing the Internet as an entertainment activity, and do not give full play to the value of the Internet. They seldom use the Internet to promote their own information technology learning. In the compulsory course of information technology - "Process and Methods of Obtaining Information" for senior high school of Guangdong Education Press, detailed instruction was given on how to determine information requirements and sources, how to collect and store information. In addition to teaching students the methods of obtaining information, teachers should also cultivate students' information awareness. It is necessary to train students' information awareness through technology teaching, and often introduce some websites that can stimulate students' interest and promote their growth. Information technology teachers can actively communicate and exchange with teachers of other subjects, and require students to solve some disciplinary problems by querying information online.

3、 Improving the Information Morality of High School Students in an All round Way

Part 3: Model Essay on Information Literacy

First of all, the constraint on students is weakened. Digital learning is learner centered and focuses on learning. Therefore, students with poor self-discipline may give up autonomous learning in the absence of supervision and management. Secondly, communication opportunities between teachers and students are reduced. Simply relying on digital learning will lead to a lack of face-to-face communication and exchange between teachers and students, which is easy to make students feel strange and resistant to teachers. Thirdly, students' interest in learning is reduced. For education itself, teachers and students need mutual recognition, mutual trust, mutual communication and other emotional factors to support each other. In traditional classroom learning, students communicate directly with teachers. Their good performance can be recognized and encouraged by teachers, and their questions can be directly answered. However, in the process of digital learning, the lack of such links in teaching will cause students to have negative emotions and lose interest in learning over time.

2、 The Connotation and Application Mode of Blended Learning

(1) Connotation of blended learning

With the continuous deepening of the application of digital technology in college teaching, hybrid learning, which organically combines traditional teaching methods with digital learning, has attracted more and more attention. At the same time, give full play to the characteristics of digital learning and traditional teaching under the network environment, and combine the advantages of both. This combination is called Blending Learning or BlendedLearning, or B-Learning for short. From the perspective of educational thought, this learning method is not simply "teacher centered" or "student-centered", but "combination of dominance and subjectivity", that is, while attaching great importance to students' independent learning and independent inquiry, highlighting students' dominant position in the learning process, we should also pay attention to giving full play to teachers' leading role in the entire teaching process. The mixed learning is realized in many dimensions, such as learning subject, learning environment, learning resources, and learning methods. The mixed learning of "teacher led student subject participation" is finally realized by using traditional classroom and network resources.

(2) Application Mode of Blended Learning

Craig Bamum and Wiliiampaarmann proposed a four stage hybrid learning application model:

1. Teachers build a network learning platform, students can obtain learning resources from the network, teachers guide students' learning process, and students complete online learning tasks.

2. Teachers teach students face-to-face to help students construct knowledge.

3. Realize the communication between teachers and students through online communication, instant messaging, etc., students feedback learning experience, and teachers evaluate students' learning achievements.

4. Teachers help students discuss problems and achieve group collaborative learning through instant messaging software, microblog, WeChat and other network communication means.

3、 The Design of Mixed Learning Mode of Information Literacy Education in Colleges and Universities

(1) Design of teaching system

The teaching system design of information literacy education in colleges and universities mainly includes learning content, learning activities, learning evaluation and other elements. Based on the application experience of blended learning, this study proposes the teaching process of information literacy courses based on blended learning. First, focus on classroom teaching, students learn the basic content of the course, and then learn independently through the online learning platform, and then put forward problems encountered in learning in the classroom, with the help of teachers. After that, students were divided into several study groups to carry out information retrieval practice. At this stage, students will carry out collaborative learning and competition under the guidance of teachers, and finally complete homework and exams, and obtain learning evaluation.

(2) Design of teaching content module

The main purpose of information literacy education in colleges and universities is to combine network information technology in the course explanation, apply the method of integrating theory with practice, embed the literature information retrieval methods of different majors into the actual teaching, and cultivate the students' ability of "information acquisition", "information analysis" and "information processing" through case analysis and practical operation. Therefore, the main content of learning should be multi-level, progressive and practical.

(3) Design of learning activities

1. Classroom learning. During classroom learning, teachers and students can communicate intuitively and carry out activities such as questioning and discussion.

2. Online learning. Students use network resources to carry out structured learning according to their own learning progress, and consolidate and evaluate different links from their own learning situation.

3. Web based group learning. Learners can use network communication to communicate with teachers and other team members, receive guidance and share experience, and can also conduct online tests, group discussions and other activities.

(4) Evaluation of learning activities

The evaluation of learning activities refers to the evaluation of a series of learning activities and learning achievements of students by adopting various technical means in the teaching system according to scientific standards in order to achieve the goal of cultivating students. It mainly involves the evaluation of students and teachers. The evaluation of blended learning activities refers to the evaluation of students' learning performance in various aspects of face-to-face learning activities and online learning platform in blended learning activities, with the focus on the evaluation of students' learning performance. Paper or electronic homework, group collaboration, online testing, etc. can reflect the performance of learning, and then students' learning performance can be evaluated from multiple perspectives, such as the mastery of knowledge and skills, the use of learning methods, and learning attitudes.

4、 Conclusion

Part 4: Model Essays on Information Literacy

1.1 Information awareness

Postgraduates' information awareness is relatively weak. In the survey, only 38.5% of graduate students think that the impact of information on individuals and society is very important, and 61.5% of them think that it is relatively important, unimportant and irrelevant. The survey results show that most graduate students ignore the importance of information at this stage. The cultivation of postgraduates is the cornerstone of national talent cultivation. Postgraduates' information literacy must follow the pace of information development. Therefore, practical and effective methods should be proposed for postgraduates to strengthen their information awareness.

1.2 Information capability

Postgraduates lack information ability. Information ability refers to the ability of postgraduates to acquire the information knowledge they need through information technology tools and effective information query ways. In the survey, when respondents need some information, only 13.3% of them are very clear about where to get it, accounting for 59.8%, 21.3% and 5.6% respectively. Information ability restricts the development of graduate students, and effective improvement of graduate students' ability is the most important thing to cultivate graduate students' information literacy.

1.3 Information security and ethics

The neglect of postgraduate information security and information ethics training. The survey results show that 6.6% of graduate students know about the relevant laws on information, 43.4% do not know very well, 37.8% do not know, and 12.2% have never heard of them. From this analysis, graduate students did not pay attention to the intellectual property rights of others or themselves. Comply with information laws and regulations, resist illegal information behaviors, respect others' intellectual property rights, and correctly handle the relationship between information development, dissemination, and use; The rights and obligations of publishing and distributing teaching publications, as well as the standardized management and application of network information, are basic knowledge that graduate students must be familiar with. At the same time, they also need to have the information moral awareness of standardized management. Considering the three main points of the problem, the cultivation and improvement of graduate students' information literacy is an urgent problem.

2. Propose a plan to improve graduate students' information literacy based on WeChat

WeChat is a smartphone application launched by Tencent Holdings Co., Ltd. (Tencent) in January 2011 that supports text, voice, video and group chat functions. According to the official data, as of October 2013, the number of WeChat users had exceeded 600 million, the number of college students using WeChat reached 64.51%, and the number of education industry users reached 0.85%. In view of the problems existing in the current situation of graduate students' information literacy, combined with the influence of WeChat in colleges and the advantages of WeChat itself, the author proposes a plan to improve graduate students' information literacy based on WeChat. The cultivation and improvement of information literacy essentially belongs to learning. Learning needs to be carried out under the guidance of advanced educational ideas and theories. Learning information literacy in WeChat is in line with constructivist learning theory. Constructivism learning theory itself came into being in the early 1990s with the development of multimedia and network technology. To achieve constructivist learning, the diversified characteristics of network communication technology provide a particularly suitable learning environment, which effectively promotes the development of graduate students' information literacy learning. Based on the constructivist learning theory, "situation", "collaboration", "conversation" and "meaning construction" are defined as the four elements of the learning environment. The author finds that the characteristics and advantages of using WeChat platform are completely consistent with constructivist learning. Therefore, in view of the status quo of graduate information literacy and the characteristics of WeChat platform, the following strategies are proposed to improve graduate information literacy.

(1) Cultivating graduate students' awareness of information literacy is to make research

Students are in the "situation" of information literacy. WeChat is an instant messaging software that can share text, pictures and videos with friends. When graduate students enter the university, they add a service number "Postgraduate Information Literacy", use the WeChat public platform, the theory of information awareness, strengthen graduate students' information awareness, and establish a WeChat information literacy environment. Freshmen begin to cultivate their information awareness from the time they enter the school, and they are edified and trained in the information literacy environment. On the basis of introducing the application methods of basic tools, we should not only pay attention to the cultivation of postgraduates' ability to retrieve, obtain and control information, but also to the cultivation of information creation and communication ability. We can also let students understand the development frontier of the discipline and communicate and exchange in time according to the development trends of arts and sciences, which is very necessary for the cultivation and improvement of scientific research ability.

(2) The improvement of graduate students' information ability requires research

Students should contact and exchange more, and gain experience through exchange. WeChat can integrate learning resources with information literacy training related materials, and can conduct timely Q&A and real-time online communication, so as to achieve "the remoteness of the world is like a neighbor", so that users who subscribe to this WeChat across the country can "group chat" and exchange experiences. "Collaboration" is a necessary factor in the learning process. Graduate students can collect and analyze learning materials and send them to the circle of friends to share with them. Friends can comment, forward, like, collect and send them to friends, so as to achieve the wide dissemination of information literacy materials. "Conversation" is also a function that cannot be underestimated in WeChat. It can carry out real-time intercommunication and discussion, which helps to improve learners' ability of cooperation, discussion and reflection. WeChat applications "collaboration" and "conversation" provide a good environment for the cultivation and improvement of information literacy.

(3) Information morality and security of graduate students can not be ignored

Important issues. Postgraduates need to pay attention to the improvement of moral and legal awareness of the information society and the cultivation of social responsibility. The traditional teaching form is single, which is not enough to attract students' attention. Many students have a vague understanding of information ethics and security, ignoring the impact of intellectual property on others and their own protection. Theoretical education will make learners feel bored and uninterested in learning. Information technology can visually provide examples of real phenomena, cases or stories, and can record micro lectures for dissemination on the WeChat platform. "Postgraduate information literacy".

3. Advantages of using WeChat to improve graduate students' information literacy

In China's colleges and universities, almost all college students can access the Internet. Taking Chongqing Normal University as an example, for every student who can access the Internet, the network operator gives away campus wireless, which is more helpful for us to use WeChat platform, not limited to fixed time and place, to learn information literacy. Postgraduates have more free time to spend, and schools are basically equipped with laboratories, self-study rooms or research rooms. Students also have better conditions than undergraduates in using the network. The curriculum system of most graduate students includes public courses, professional basic courses and professional courses. According to the questionnaire results of "postgraduate information technology and curriculum integration", the author found that 42.6% of colleges and universities did not offer information literacy courses for "whether information literacy courses are offered in graduate courses". In view of the importance of information literacy education, the author suggests that a comprehensive course of information literacy knowledge should be set up on the WeChat platform, and micro videos of information literacy courses should be made, so that graduate students can arrange their learning time independently and reasonably.

3.1 Software feasibility analysis

It is proposed that the combination of WeChat and postgraduate information literacy is a new form. WeChat has the advantage of supporting mainstream intelligent operating systems and common application platforms, such as iPhone Android、WindowsPhone、 Saipan, Blackberry (Blackberry). There is no barrier between different systems, breaking the traditional limitations, so that each user can easily use, and the operation is simple and easy to understand. Among them, instant messaging and floor type message dialogue make chatting simple and convenient. The registration method is QQ number and mobile phone number (mobile phone numbers in more than 100 countries are supported), which makes communication easier and barrier free.

3.2 Application analysis of graduate students

Postgraduates have basically possessed the ability of self-control. They will also carry out independent learning with a goal in their learning, and will not affect their own learning due to external interference. Therefore, postgraduates are more suitable for this kind of informal learning. Through mobile phones, which are necessary mobile devices, they can promote their own information literacy on the WeChat platform of information literacy anytime and anywhere in the network environment, Understand your information literacy needs, use WeChat as a platform to obtain information and analyze information, so as to improve your information literacy ability.

4 Conclusion

Part 5: Model Essay on Information Literacy

From the above description of Chinese and American courses, it can be found that both countries have paid attention to the concept education of innovation and change, but from different perspectives. The United States emphasizes that students should use information technology to realize their own ideas of innovation and change. China attaches more importance to applying innovation and change to solving practical problems and solving existing problems creatively. In terms of communication and cooperation, China's new curriculum standard expresses the application of information technology tools to provide information, exchange ideas and develop cooperation, and still emphasizes the use of information technology tools; What NETS-S emphasizes is the communication process. The cultivation of team spirit not only focuses on team cooperation, but also reflects personal value. In addition, NETS-S also pays special attention to the cultivation of ability and plans the way of lifelong learning for students.

2、 Analysis on the Curriculum Setting Form of Information Literacy Education

In China, the new curriculum standard stipulates that the curriculum of information literacy training in middle schools is divided into two parts: compulsory and elective. The main part is the information technology curriculum. The national unified class hours, and the compulsory part is a module - information technology foundation. There are five modules in the elective part, and each module has 2 credits. From the perspective of regulations, the setting form of the elective module has a strong instrumentality, utilitarian assessment and certain compulsion. From the perspective of the content of the elective module, for ordinary high school students, it also has a certain professional background in computer science and technology, which is difficult for most ordinary high school students. In the United States, because every state or even every school has a certain degree of autonomy, there is no unified model for the form of curriculum. For example, some middle schools do not offer independent information literacy courses, but infiltrate relevant content into other courses; Some middle schools only offer elective courses; Some middle schools provide more than one course, allowing students to take one compulsory course and the rest optional courses. From the perspective of the curriculum in China and the United States, there is a strong sense of professionalism, and the courses cross each other, which depends on the characteristics of information technology itself, but it is still necessary to consider how to solve the problem of curriculum content overlap. In addition, the information literacy education in both countries takes into account the continuity and convergence of the previous and subsequent courses, so as not to break the knowledge chain of students, so that students can have similar knowledge accumulation.

3、 Analysis of Information Literacy Education Curriculum Evaluation

After the promulgation of the new curriculum standard in China, the evaluation method of information technology literacy has undergone the transformation from basic knowledge and basic skills assessment to various comprehensive evaluation and incentive evaluation. There are also written tests, machine tests or combination of written and machine tests. The new curriculum standard no longer only takes basic knowledge and basic skills as the main evaluation method, but also attaches great importance to process and method, emotional attitude and value, which weakens the assessment mechanism in terms of evaluation methods. At the same time, the new curriculum standard requires teachers not only to use scores as the main means of evaluation, but also to pay more attention to the use of evaluation incentives and commendation suggestions, so as to facilitate the development of students' personality through multiple channels. The United States is relatively advanced in evaluation methods and technical support for evaluation. It has specialized institutions to design and research the evaluation system, and has a relatively complete and reasonable evaluation index system. Use virtual reality technology to let students face real scenes and solve real problems. Problems are divided into simple tasks and complex tasks. Simple tasks are completed with multiple-choice questions. Complex tasks require a variety of information technology skills. The evaluation organization analyzes and measures according to rigorous and detailed evaluation standards, and the gain and loss of each score must be rule-based and documented, which ensures the fairness and objectivity of the exam. When the final achievement is formed, it is humanized to a certain extent, and is often assessed by a hierarchical system. There are many differences in curriculum evaluation between China and the United States. The United States can achieve the goal of comprehensive evaluation of students' cognition, technology and other aspects by investigating students through virtual reality, but China is still limited to the knowledge points of information literacy and the use of software, which is basically in the stage of knowledge evaluation; The curriculum evaluation of students in the United States pays attention to the comprehensive application of knowledge, and China usually uses the sea battle technique to improve the performance. Through comparison, we can find that there is still a certain distance between us and the United States in terms of software and hardware facilities, methods and reports for evaluation of students' information literacy courses.

4、 Summary

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