except so-and-so , none of them was worth a dime

Aristotle: "Ah, my friends, none of them are friends!"

have a hundred things to do

We always like to take "letting nature take its course" to deal with the thorns and difficulties on the road of life, but we seldom admit that the real letting nature take its course is not demanding after doing everything we can, rather than doing nothing with both hands—— From network

Gut dumping

Moonlight shines on my hometown and my feet tread on my life.

a single word of gold

The great name of Zhuge hangs high in the universe, and the remains of his ancestors and ministers are clear—— Du Fu's Five Poems on Remembering Historic Sites

I seem too sweet

I know that you love me like God loves a lamb, and a loving mother loves a baby. Your kind and kind feelings make me feel all kinds of warmth and intoxication.

Good things must happen to me

Self confidence comes from strength, and strength comes from hard work.

Xu Wen 1

Since having you, life is no longer lonely. Since I have you, I miss you at night. Since I have you, love is no longer lingering.

Embrace yourself

The world is very big and complex. I hope that even if you are used to seeing Rashomon in the world, you can still keep your sincerity towards feelings. [Posted Audio] [Posted Audio]

Yisheng is the king of the world

It's really nice to hear that the whole joy has exploded!

Oi ri, I'm really sleepy

I am very happy to mix this song and soak the romance of Faye????

How long will it take to retrieve the steam account? Team only remembers the method of retrieving the nickname account - technical article

From August 30 to September 3, through five days of anxiety and freedom, I finally found my own account after investing 300 yuan. These 5 days

Taufik Hidayat 2011 (Taufik Hidayat) - Technical article

Xie Invite: Of the four heavenly kings, the other three have quite long careers, and Taufik is the shortest one. As you can imagine, a 17-year-old boy

Which is better, e5 processor or i5 (computer configuration of game studio 60) - technical article

This issue brings an E5 1650 that can be overclocked. The price is 295 yuan, which is quite expensive. Left E5 1650 oc3.9

Excel Character Number Function - Statistical Method of Excel Byte Number - Technical Article

nine thousand two hundred and eighty-eight
eight hundred and sixty-four