Platform services

Stable, safe and trustworthy

On January 30, 2021, the official website of Southern Metropolis Daily,, will be launched. Founded in 1997, Southern Metropolis Daily is one of the serial newspapers of Southern Newspaper Media Group, focusing on Guangzhou

Platform advantages

Survive with quality, promote development with reputation, and take the speed of issuing orders as its own responsibility

Aoyi News is the core news platform of Guangdong Nandu All Media Network Technology Co., Ltd., and has the qualification for Internet news information gathering, editing and publishing services. Aoyi News has built a three-dimensional matrix communication system, including

Station Master's Experience

Time proves everything. We always believe that only after sales can we have a future!

China System, Shensangda, data governance, China Electronic Cloud, digital transformation, ICT Cloud, digital economy, data assets, digital city, digital government, digital consulting, digital China, China Electronics, China Electronics

System advantages:

Southern Metropolis Daily - to be a first-class think tank media in China - Nandu News Eye, Urban Life Circle -

Shensangda - digital and information service provider

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What we have

Southern Metropolis

On January 30, 2021, the official website of Southern Metropolis Daily,, will be launched. Southern Metropolis Daily was founded in 1997,

Aoyi Network

Aoyi News is the core news platform of Guangdong Nandu All Media Network Technology Co., Ltd., and has the qualification for Internet news information gathering, editing and publishing services. Aoyi


China system, Shensangda, data governance, China electronic cloud, digital transformation, ICT cloud, digital economy, data assets, digital city, digital government,