Matchmaker brave trial Chinese invincible version games

  • English name: Stickman
  • Rating: eight
    • Classification: action |
    • Size: 2.6 MB
    • Upload: Izongten |
    • Upload date: March 20, 2023

    Introduction to the game:

    Matchmaker Braves Test Chinese Invincible Version : Also called Matchmaker Fighter Chinese Invincible Or Matchmaker arrogantly leaked the Chinese invincible version, and the game started invincible mode, In invincible mode: the player's life is invincible and his Qi is infinite A very good matchmaker game, after the sinicization, so that players can easily understand the instructions. Super aggressive fighting action, colorful moves and powerful weapons give players unlimited passion. In the game, the match man fighter starts his experience journey. The player should help him eliminate all enemies, complete his adventure journey, and become a real match man.