Ranking list of agile games

Legendary final trial invincible version games

  • English name: Sans Fight
  • Rating: eight point six
    • Classification: agile |
    • Size: 2.17MB
    • Upload: Fei Shanlang |
    • Upload date: 2022-06-08

    Introduction to the game:

    The final trial under legend The game starts invincible mode, In invincible mode: Unlimited life, which can be used to practice avoiding boss attacks The most mysterious big Boss in the legend appears at the end of the line of sight, and endless violent force surges forward. This is the final judgment! Will you face hell or heaven? A pixel agile game. The transplantation version of BOSS battle under the legend of the popular single player works has restored all the scenes of fighting with Sans. In the game, you need to control the small heart to avoid the attack from BOSS, and then select the attack mode in the following four options. Friends who have played under the legend must not miss it!

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