Allied war hero Chinese ultimate invincible unlock version (optimized version) games

  • English name: War Heroes France 1944
  • Rating: eight point four
    • Upload: Mr. Xu |
    • Upload date: May 23, 2019

    Introduction to the game:

    Allied war hero Chinese ultimate invincible unlock version (optimized version) : This game is further improved on the basis of the original version of the Allied War Hero Ultimate Invincible, except for the original version of the Ultimate Invincible: Unlimited life and ammunition have unlocked Germany and the Soviet Union, and have been optimized by 17yy, Players can move and shoot more smoothly, and the game experience is better Here comes the Chinese version of the Allied War Heroes. In this tactical team, you play a member of the elite American army. In the story mode of the game, you need to defeat the German army and eliminate all of them. There are also unlimited free modes and exciting zombie modes. Come and try!