Card adventure Chinese invincible version (with introduction) games

Rating: eight point four
  • Upload: Demon Star |
  • Upload date: June 12, 2018

Introduction to the game:

Chinese Invincible Card Adventures Edition (with introduction): Invincible version, unlimited initial life!!! You have entered a world of cards. Whether you can save the villagers depends on cards! Click the Save button in the system menu (the fourth icon) to save the game. Dozens of cards are waiting for you to find, and cards can be freely matched. Note: For beginners, please choose average growth. The other two are more difficult.

Introduction to Chinese Card Adventures

1. Remember not to use the storage indiscriminately, and the access will be broken before further storage; Persimmons must keep 5 synthesis necessities (fortune is the power of the Yuan, and change all lucky clothes before synthesis to increase the synthesis rate).

2. Start to choose the first average type, which is the only acceleration. It is important to attack first;

3. After the start, brush three stones first, go back to the village to get the task, then go into the left Loess Ridge, point the characters, go back and move the zombies, point the iron ox, lead the task to brush 20 zombies in the swamp, and go back to get a pan.

4. Go back and forth to the Flame Island, brush 4 purple stones and replace them with 4 crab tongs. Then go to Crescent Beach to brush Level 8 crabs and replace them with 4 crab tongs. Go to fight Prince Long, finish the task, do the main line and open the west line,

5. The western route gets through the Youming Valley instance, and brushes out five star cadres and Moye. Then go to the front instance and brush the purple material card to synthesize the cadre Moye. Use the replica brush to synthesize Moye and upgrade Moye to gold. There are five gold copies and then pass the western route