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Start calculation
The budget for this decoration style is: two hundred and sixteen thousand eight hundred and fifty-six element
Labor cost: two hundred and twenty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty-one element
Material cost: forty-five thousand two hundred and fifteen element
Design fee: one hundred and twenty-two element
Quality inspection fee: one thousand two hundred and thirty-one element
Your home decoration budget is about seven point eight nine 10000 yuan
Labor cost: two hundred and twenty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty-one element
Material cost: forty-five thousand two hundred and fifteen element
Design fee: zero element 4999 yuan
Quality inspection fee: zero element 2690 yuan
Questions about quotation? The decoration housekeeper will call you later
The quotation is semi package price of blank, and the actual decoration quotation is subject to the actual measurement
Improve the following information Let us better understand your needs and give priority to serving you
1. The current situation of your house is:
2. When is your house going to be decorated:
3. Name of your community
Company Profile
National one-stop decoration service platform, more than 70% of customers come from word of mouth, and the Housing Committee of China Building Decoration Association has designated the most reliable decoration platform. At present, branches and experience stores have been opened in 16 cities. In February 2017, it was listed on the New Third Board.
Date of establishment
Beijing China
Place of establishment
Home decoration service
Main business
120W people
800W people
Cumulative service

A long desk is provided for the small family study, so that the husband and wife can work and play together!

It is found that many young people are renovation Home Large-sized apartment They will add their favorite entertainment methods to the Homey In design, such as abandoning television . The living room is converted into a leisure area Study And make a double in the study long desk You can work overtime together when you are busy, and play games together when you are free. It's really enviable~

Place a long desk beside the sofa in the living room to make full use of the space in the corner window platform 's study also has a good lighting environment, and can be direct when tired On the sofa Rest.

The desk and TV cabinet are combined, and the balcony is also included in the small living room, so that the area will be more spacious, and the living room and study can be designed together.

about Small family study For example, Storage It is also very important to place a long desk on one side and a metope Make an embedded bookshelf , I don't worry about things no longer.

Even if the balcony is not included in the living room, it can also be used to make a study. The window can be used as a desk for two people. The space on both sides of the balcony can also be used as a hole board a partition And so on.

In fact, a long desk does not need much area. It can be easily achieved by using a corner space of a small apartment, which covers an area of about 2 square meters.

The desks can be connected together to form a front to back layout, so that they are less likely to bump into each other when working, and there is more space for operation and storage.

Or add one in the middle of the long desk Lockers The two working positions are separated, so that they will not disturb each other. That is, the required length will be about 2.4 meters.

A small, compact study with a desk of about 1.4 meters is enough for two people. For newly married young couples, working overtime together will become more interesting.

After reading the design of long desks in these small family study, do you plan to design your own study like this? Instead of preparing a living room that is not used frequently, we should turn it into a studio and entertainment area. Anyway, with mobile phones and computers, TV is almost useless~

Decoration network together upper City decoration 70% users of the platform come from public praise

We promise:

Decoration process 0 Additions

Full refund at any time after signing the bill and before commencement

We are not satisfied with the construction quality. We will bear the cost of smashing and reinstalling

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label: Money saving decoration strategy New House Decoration Strategy Introduction to Small House Decoration

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