Decoration school

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Start calculation
The budget for this decoration style is: two hundred and sixteen thousand eight hundred and fifty-six element
Labor cost: two hundred and twenty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty-one element
Material cost: forty-five thousand two hundred and fifteen element
Design fee: one hundred and twenty-two element
Quality inspection fee: one thousand two hundred and thirty-one element
Your home decoration budget is about seven point eight nine 10000 yuan
Labor cost: two hundred and twenty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty-one element
Material cost: forty-five thousand two hundred and fifteen element
Design fee: zero element 4999 yuan
Quality inspection fee: zero element 2690 yuan
Questions about quotation? The decoration housekeeper will call you later
The quotation is semi package price of blank, and the actual decoration quotation is subject to the actual measurement
Improve the following information Let us better understand your needs and give priority to serving you
1. The current situation of your house is:
2. When is your house going to be decorated:
3. Name of your community
Company Profile
National one-stop decoration service platform, more than 70% of customers come from word of mouth, and the Housing Committee of China Building Decoration Association has designated the most reliable decoration platform. At present, branches and experience stores have been opened in 16 cities. In February 2017, it was listed on the New Third Board.
Date of establishment
Beijing China
Place of establishment
Home decoration service
Main business
120W people
800W people
Cumulative service

What should be done in the disclosure of decoration commencement? Do a good job in the disclosure without leaving hidden dangers

new house renovation The family is tired and happy. So where should we go in the first step? 99% of them went wrong Decoration master I suddenly understood that the commencement disclosure is the top priority!

Significance of commencement disclosure

Our general choice for decoration decoration company There are many, so the commencement disclosure is a technical disclosure of each construction link by professional technicians, which is mainly divided into design disclosure and construction disclosure.

Design disclosure of commencement disclosure

In a nutshell, it is the combination of a design chart Give a brief introduction to let the constructors and the owner understand the key points and precautions. If they do everything according to their own ideas, it will really annoy the owner and make him feel worthless.

Construction disclosure of commencement disclosure

The main purpose of construction disclosure is to avoid construction mistakes. Professionals will call the names and mark the places where mistakes are likely to be made, and ask the construction personnel to strictly follow the specifications, otherwise they will be disqualified.

Written procedures for commencement disclosure

The paperwork is a strong evidence of problems. If there is a conflict between the decoration company and the owner during the construction process, it is generally measured in terms of words. We need to pay attention to the following three points: for the equipment that needs to be retained during the construction, the contract should clearly specify the quantity, quality and protection measures; Problems on the construction site, if any TOILET Blocking and anti-theft function Door lock Damage generally requires both parties to sign for confirmation; Special fabrication on site shall be confirmed by the Owner before construction.

Precautions for commencement disclosure

The first disclosure materials must be complete. If they are missing, they must be supplemented in time, and the decoration company personnel must be asked to explain in black and white, and the drawings must be complete; Second, if you don't understand, ask for mutual confirmation. Since you are not in the same line, you may have questions when communicating. As an owner, you must be aware of them; The third caution makes it easy to leave hidden dangers in the safety of a ship of ten thousand years. With more care and responsibility, our house decoration can avoid potential safety hazards.

The original commencement disclosure is the first step in the decoration Decorated The owner must have a look to bring you more comfortable life, which requires us to enrich in advance Decoration knowledge Oh.

  Decoration network together upper City decoration 70% users of the platform come from public praise
We promise: Decoration process 0 Additions
Full refund at any time after signing the bill and before commencement
We are not satisfied with the construction quality. We will bear the cost of smashing and reinstalling

The article is reproduced from the official media or other websites, and the copyright belongs to the original author. The purpose of reprinting on this website is to make the information more widely spread so as to better play its value. If it involves copyright and other issues, please contact this website. This website will deal with them as soon as possible after verification and confirmation.

label: Commencement disclosure

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