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Start calculation
The budget for this decoration style is: two hundred and sixteen thousand eight hundred and fifty-six element
Labor cost: two hundred and twenty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty-one element
Material cost: forty-five thousand two hundred and fifteen element
Design fee: one hundred and twenty-two element
Quality inspection fee: one thousand two hundred and thirty-one element
Your home decoration budget is about seven point eight nine 10000 yuan
Labor cost: two hundred and twenty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty-one element
Material cost: forty-five thousand two hundred and fifteen element
Design fee: zero element 4999 yuan
Quality inspection fee: zero element 2690 yuan
Questions about quotation? The decoration housekeeper will call you later
The quotation is semi package price of blank, and the actual decoration quotation is subject to the actual measurement
Improve the following information Let us better understand your needs and give priority to serving you
1. The current situation of your house is:
2. When is your house going to be decorated:
3. Name of your community
Company Profile
National one-stop decoration service platform, more than 70% of customers come from word of mouth, and the Housing Committee of China Building Decoration Association has designated the most reliable decoration platform. At present, branches and experience stores have been opened in 16 cities. In February 2017, it was listed on the New Third Board.
Date of establishment
Beijing China
Place of establishment
Home decoration service
Main business
120W people
800W people
Cumulative service

For the baby's health, it is necessary to know the taboos of children's room geomancy

Every parent hopes that their children can grow up healthily and happily. Every parent will devote their efforts to their children Children's room Of renovation I value it very much and will spare no effort to build a perfect children's room. Then some geomantic taboos of children's room are also what parents must know. Today, we will bring you some taboos about geomancy in children's rooms.

I Children's bedroom Geomantic omen   

1. The children's bedroom should not be set beside the machine room or under the balcony. It is easy to cause neurasthenia when it is set beside the machine room.

2. In the bedroom door No mirror door shall be set at the place to avoid much gossip.   

3. Bedroom ceiling It should be flat, preferably milky white (dark color is bad); The ceiling can be decorated with vertical and horizontal wooden strips, but various strange ornaments cannot be suspended.

4、 Bedroom floor Do not pave dark red carpet and long wool carpet to avoid bronchitis.

5. Don't hang too many wind chimes in the bedroom to avoid neurasthenia.

6. The bedroom should be bright; The main color should not be pink, bright red or dark black, so as to avoid the irritability of personality.

7. The bedroom is small and cannot be decorated too complex, which makes the space look lucky.

8. Don't close or lock the dolls in the bedroom.

9、 bedroom door Do not hedge with the toilet door.

2、 Children's room daylighting and geomancy

Children's room daylighting is very important. If the light is not good enough, it will affect children's eyesight. How to deal with daylighting methods?

First: natural lighting in children's room, not only Environmental protection and energy conservation It is more conducive to the physical and mental well-being of children. The children's room should be on the sunny side rather than on the sunny side, which is conducive to children's positive, healthy and sunny development.

Second: The light in the children's room is similar to the color, which can also affect the children's mood. Generally speaking, the overall illumination of children's room is higher than that of adults room As children are usually lively and active, they should pay special attention to the brightness of light in their rooms. It is not advisable to choose lights with too stimulating color to avoid making it more difficult for children to calm their thoughts.

In addition, many parents also like to choose lampshades with special shapes or patterns for their children, which will also affect the stability of the lights, make the luminosity of different positions in the room inconsistent, and also affect the children's mood, even hinder the mood of reading. Metaphysics has always advocated a soft layout. It is best to use round or flat lights in children's bedrooms, avoid sharp corners, and match the appropriate brightness to create a comfortable space.

Children need absolutely sufficient light source. When learning, children need stable and moderate light; Before going to bed, children need gentle and soft lights.

3、 Children's room bed feng shui

1. The child's bed cannot be set under the beam.

2. If the bed faces the window, the sun should not be too strong. If the sun is too strong, it is easy to be upset.

3. The bed cannot be on the balcony (after expansion, Crib It is not suitable to be close to the French windows of the balcony.

4. The bed is not available Kitchen stove Go up and down (prone to skin disease, upset and irritable), and do not go up and down in the toilet.

5. The foot of the bed is not straight towards the door (the foot is prone to sprain) or closestool

6. The head of the bed does not flush the door, and is not reliable in front of and behind the toilet.

7. The bed cannot be placed directly under the shrine.

8. No recorder can be played at the bedside (it will weaken the brain).

4、 Children's room desk Geomantic omen

1. Do not rush the door behind the desk or from left to right.

2. The desk cannot face the toilet or lean against it Toilet bathroom ; The left and right shall not collide with the bathroom door of the toilet.

3. Do not go up and down on the kitchen stove or the bathroom.

4. It is better not to be oppressed by high objects in front of the desk (the bookshelf on the desk is unlucky).

5. The desk cannot face the lane, road or water tower outside the house.

V Wall decoration

The wall decoration of children's room is mainly pure and interesting, encyclopedia Small bookshelf It is a good choice to make children grow up in a vibrant and curious environment.

wallpaper It is not easy to be too fancy and complicated, and pink is not suitable. Too fancy and complicated wallpapers and pink wallpapers are not easy for children to focus their attention, which can easily lead to confusion and irritability. It is not allowed to post strange animal portraits. If they are visible, there will be spirit. When children see them, they will be frightened and behave strangely. Do not post pictures of warriors and fighters to avoid children's aggressive habits.

In addition, star posters or statues are not allowed on the wall Fengshui in children's room All are taboos.

The above is the taboo of Feng Shui decoration of children's rooms that I have checked for you. Parents should pay more attention when decorating their children's rooms. It is the wish of every parent to hope that their children will become dragons and their daughters will become phoenixes. We hope that every parent can build a perfect children's room for their children to grow up happily in childhood.


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label: Children's room geomantic omen taboo

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