Nangong Yiyi Published on 2022-06-29

Who can tell me how long it takes for a new house to be renovated

Label: Move in, new house, how long, decoration, who

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WZYHJM1021 Published 2 days ago

Who can tell me how long it takes for a new house to be decorated before it can be moved in for about 3 months? The majority of formaldehyde in the house is furniture formaldehyde, so formaldehyde should be removed before moving in. You can use cyclokang nano aldehyde removal enzyme to directly spray on the surface of pollutants, quickly absorb surrounding formaldehyde, benzene series, ammonia, TVOC and decoration pollutants, form a dense protective film on the surface, and degrade formaldehyde, benzene compounds TVOC and other harmful substances release negative ions to interact with harmful pollution sources to achieve long-term elimination. However, metal, curtains, clothes, cloth sofa and wallpaper can't be sprayed. Wooden and leather can be used. It can quickly remove formaldehyde from the surface, but it will form a protective film to further remove formaldehyde. I hope it can help you to adopt

Other answers

  • Rainbow and sunshine Published on 2022-06-30

    Generally speaking, it is better to open the window and ventilate for more than two months after the new house is decorated. Because newly decorated and newly purchased furniture houses mainly contain five major pollutants, including formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, volatile organic compounds, and radioactive radon, improper control will harm human health.

     Who can tell me how long it takes for a new house to be renovated  Who can tell me how long it takes for a new house to be renovated  Who can tell me how long it takes for a new house to be renovated  Who can tell me how long it takes for a new house to be renovated  Who can tell me how long it takes for a new house to be renovated
  • Qingshui Summer Palace Published on 2022-06-29

    If the ventilation is good, it will take at least 2-3 months. Why does it take so long to move in? Because there will be a lot of formaldehyde in the house after decoration, these toxic substances will damage human health and easily cause respiratory diseases, infertility, white blood and other diseases. Normal people can stay in 2-3 months.

     Who can tell me how long it takes for a new house to be renovated  Who can tell me how long it takes for a new house to be renovated  Who can tell me how long it takes for a new house to be renovated  Who can tell me how long it takes for a new house to be renovated  Who can tell me how long it takes for a new house to be renovated

Who can tell me how long it takes for a new house to be renovated before it can be moved in and expanded

How long will the new house be available after decoration

Many owners are asking: "How long can I stay after decoration?"? Some people tell you that you can move in in one month, two months or three months, but this is often not the case. Many owners have waited for one or two months after finishing the renovation of their new house, and when they are ready to move in, they find that the room still has a strong smell, and then they flinch. Here, we will discuss with everyone: "How long can we move in after finishing the renovation?" 's question! 1. Decoration pollution has a process of volatilization, ranging from 2 or 3 months to half a year. What we should know is that the speed of volatilization is also closely related to temperature. The volatilization is slow in the cold weather in the north and fast in the hot weather in the south. 2. The reason why they dare not move in after decoration is that they are afraid of decoration pollution, which mainly comes from decoration materials. Each family's decoration style and materials are different. The materials used are also different. 3. Some people also said that after putting vinegar, water, pineapple, tea, plants and other things in the room, you can feel at ease

How long can I get pregnant after the new house is decorated

Generally, new houses can only be moved in after three months or six months of decoration, because new and newly decorated houses contain many harmful substances, such as formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, ammonia, etc; Moreover, the humidity in the newly decorated house is relatively high, which makes harmful substances and dust particles easily stay indoors, which will increase the malformation rate of the fetus. Therefore, we must choose products with environmental protection signs when decorating, and we should not move too quickly. After that, we should keep the house ventilated.
In addition, there are many household filters that can filter formaldehyde, which will play a role in the house

How long will the new house be renovated before you can live in it? With a baby ready to get married, you just renovated the house

One year later, and half a year later when I was really worried, I would put more potted plants in the house and open more windows for ventilation

How long will the baby stay after the house is decorated

In a ventilated and breathable environment, it usually takes at least 3 months for ordinary formaldehyde decoration materials to stay safely, but they will still have a taste. If it is not ventilated and the materials are poor, it is better to do so for half a year.

If you are a baby, you are advised not to live under one year old. If you are over one year old, you can live at least half a year later. Otherwise, it will be bad for your child.

Raise more pots of hanging orchids indoors to purify the air
I hope that the answer of Zhongju Home Decoration 360 can help you, thank you!

How long will the house be renovated before you can move in

How long can we move in after the house is decorated is a concern of many owners. Because everyone wants to move into a new home quickly, but at the same time, they are worried about whether pollution will harm their bodies. So today, Fei Mojun came to tell you how long it will take to move in after the house is decorated. 1、 How long can a new house be occupied after decoration? The building materials we decorated contain more or less formaldehyde. So for ordinary people, the new house can be occupied at least 2 to 3 months after decoration. The newly decorated house must pay attention to ventilation. If ventilation is not well done, indoor pollution is likely to cause respiratory diseases, so hang up and dry for 2-3 months. 2、 How long will it take for pregnant women to move in? Pregnant women should not move into the newly decorated new home soon, and the later they move in, the better, especially in the early pregnancy, because the first three months of pregnancy are unstable. If harmful and toxic substances are inhaled at this time, it will directly cause the baby to be unhealthy, so at least half a year later, we should consider moving in. If reality allows, the later the

How long can pregnant women stay in the new house after decoration

It's better to live in the first half of the year. You really need to hurry to live in. During this period, open the doors and windows for ventilation, plant some green plants in each room, and put a few piles of tea on the corner of each room, or on the furniture to exhaust the odor and purify the air, or you can use that Dialin. This has some effect on removing decoration pollution,

How long will the new house be decorated? How long will the baby stay

If the materials are poor, infants cannot be allowed to live in within one year. Formaldehyde in decoration materials cannot be removed in a short period of time. It usually takes 2 to 3 years to make it harmless to the human body. This requires you to maintain good living habits, often ventilate your home, and use an air purifier at night.

Who can tell me what to put in the new house

After decorating the house, many people like to use onions to remove the smell (1). First, buy some onions, cut them up, and put them in the place with strong smell, and update them every 2-3 days. Note: This method can only temporarily remove the odor from the sense of taste, and cannot really eliminate the harm. For health, it is necessary to scientifically and comprehensively control the planting of plants: 1. Plants that can be planted (1) roses and roses absorb sulfur dioxide. (2) Osmanthus fragrans has the function of vacuuming. (3) Mint works. (4) Ivy and iron trees absorb benzene. (5) Evergreen and daisy remove trichloroethylene. (6) Silver bract taro, aloe and tiger tail orchid absorb formaldehyde. 2、 Plants not allowed to be planted indoors (1), orchids: its fragrance will make people overexcited and cause insomnia. (2) Bauhinia flower: the pollen it emits is like

How long can I stay after the house is decorated? How long can I stay after the house is decorated

Under normal circumstances, newly decorated rooms should be moved in 2-3 months later. It is better to find a formaldehyde treatment company to check if the formaldehyde does not exceed the standard before moving in. It is necessary to raise some plants in the room, such as inverted magnolia, tiger tail orchid, Yiwei orchid, tortoise back bamboo, aloe, etc., which can also remove formaldehyde. 1、 How long can the newly decorated house be occupied? I believe that most friends who have just finished the decoration will ask similar questions. If the ventilation is good, it will take at least 2-3 months. Why can it take so long to move in? Because there will be a lot of formaldehyde in the house after decoration, and these toxic substances will damage human health, and easily cause respiratory diseases, infertility, white blood and other diseases. Normal people can stay in 2-3 months. 2、 How soon can babies stay in the newly decorated house? It's better to put the baby in the newly decorated house after six months. My neighbor had a 2-year-old baby before. He moved in three and a half months after the new decoration. After two months, he still coughed for a long time. Later, he asked whether it was related to the new decoration, but he doubted it was related to the decoration,
Under normal circumstances, the newly decorated room should be moved in after 2-3 months, preferably

How long after the house is decorated, it will not cause harm to the body

Generally, it needs ventilation for 1-2 months. If it is two or three months in summer, it is the best. At present, the indoor environmental pollution in China is the problem of building, decoration and furniture pollution in the development and construction of our cities and new villages. Since 2003, the China Indoor Environment Monitoring Committee has carried out research on the relationship between indoor environmental pollution and home decoration, and analyzed the indoor environmental pollution detection data of 5000 newly decorated families in Beijing. The results show that the ventilation, furniture, and floor materials of families are directly related to indoor environmental pollution, According to the investigation and analysis, more than 60% of newly decorated families have different degrees of pollution; Formaldehyde is the main pollutant of newly decorated families, accounting for more than 80% of the survey figures; The selection of floor materials in decoration is directly related to indoor environmental pollution. Formaldehyde content of families with composite floor on the ground is higher, benzene and volatile organic compounds content of families with solid wood floor is higher than that of families with composite floor; Furniture pollution is the main problem causing pollution. Make your own furniture in the room
Generally, after decoration, you should have at least half a year of ventilation before you can move in,

How long will the house be decorated before it does no harm to the human body

Don't rush to live in the newly decorated house. It should be placed for at least one month, while the medical experts recommend three months. Don't forget to ventilate when it is vacant. Secondly, some formal and legal new scientific and technological products on the market, such as photocatalyst technology, can be used to expel harmful indoor gases, and plants, fruits, waste tea bags, etc. commonly used by the people can also be used to absorb gas; Third, disinfect the room comprehensively before living, such as spraying peracetic acid solution and other substances on the wall, or fumigating the room with vinegar; Finally, to be on the safe side, it is best to find a professional testing unit to test the content of toxic and harmful substances before moving in, and then move in after confirming that the content is up to standard.

How long will the new house be renovated

After the new house is decorated, it cannot be moved in immediately, because a lot of decoration materials leave a large amount of formaldehyde, which seriously pollutes the indoor air and brings certain harm to the physical and mental health of residents. How long can the newly renovated house be occupied? This depends on the indoor air quality. How long can I stay in the newly renovated house? This problem is not difficult to solve. It cannot be determined according to the length of time. If the air reaches the standard after interior decoration, you can move in immediately; However, if the house has been decorated for more than half a year, but the indoor air is still not up to the standard, then you can still not move in. Generally speaking, it is better to open the window and ventilate for more than two months after the new house is decorated. Research shows that newly decorated and newly purchased furniture houses mainly contain five major pollutants, including formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, volatile organic compounds, and radioactive radon. Improper control will harm human health. In addition, the release period of decoration pollutants is very long, reaching 3-15 years. And the number of deaths caused by indoor air pollution has reached 11000 or 10000 every year

How long will it take for pregnant women to live in the new house

It depends on the environmental protection of the selected materials. In order to ensure good health, it is recommended to check in after passing the indoor environment test.

How long will the new house be decorated? How long will it take for pregnant women to live? How long will the formaldehyde dissipate

The reason why the newly decorated house has such a strong smell is that it contains a lot of formaldehyde and benzene. If you move into the new house immediately when the formaldehyde exceeds the standard, your health will be seriously affected. It is generally manifested as a series of respiratory diseases, which can also lead to abortion of the fetus when it is serious, and may also cause intellectual impairment of the baby after birth. In my opinion, the newly decorated house is not suitable for pregnant women to move in at once, which is also for the health of pregnant women and the fetus in their belly. How long can pregnant women stay in the newly decorated house. I think it should be determined according to the formaldehyde content of the actual location. You can go to the house regularly to smell the smell to see if it is still strong. If it is still strong, you will have to wait for a longer time to let pregnant women stay. If there is basically no smell, you can consider letting pregnant women move in immediately. If you want to be safe, you can also ask the indoor testing agency to check the formaldehyde content. When the formaldehyde content will not affect pregnant women, pregnant women can also move in. no

New house delivery process How long will it take for a new house to be renovated before you can move in

It's a happy thing to buy a new house, but there are also many troublesome things to understand, such as the process of new house delivery, how much it costs, etc. These must be understood first, so today is to introduce the process of new house delivery in detail for everyone? How long will the new house be renovated before you move in? 1、 New house delivery process 1. The developer sends a house receipt notice, which includes the time of house receipt, the fees to be paid, and the handling of the house not received on time. The forms of notification include telephone, fax, letter, etc. To be prudent, developers can also use registered mail in addition to telephone, fax and other forms of notification. Otherwise, it is difficult to prove that they have sent a notice of house acceptance to buyers, which may lead to adverse consequences of bearing the responsibility for delayed delivery. 2. Provide the Housing Quality Guarantee and the Housing Operation Manual, and the developer will verify the owner's materials within the agreed time and place; The owner receives the Completion Acceptance Record Form, the Technical Report on House and Land Surveying and Mapping, and the Residential Quality Guarantee
It's a happy thing to buy a new house, but at the same time, there are

How long will the new house be available after decoration

Under normal circumstances, about one month is enough. Since you are not in a hurry, and there is a baby, it would be best to stay for another period of time (three months as you said). By the way, how to remove the smell after decoration? Methods for decoration odor Summarize the paint smell: there is a strong paint smell on the newly painted wall or furniture. To remove the paint smell, you only need to put two pots of cold salt water indoors to remove the paint smell in one to two days. You can also soak onions in a basin, which is equally effective. When decorating a new house, you can use plants to remove odors. There will always be some odors, thick or light. There are many ways to remove odors. The best way is to ventilate the room. Summary of methods for removing decoration odor. ■ When decorating a new house, you can use plants to help remove the odor. There will always be some odor, thick or light. There are many ways to remove the odor. The best way is to ventilate the room. If some plants are selectively placed in the new house, it will be more helpful to purify the air. So, what plants are suitable? Hanging orchid: It is understood that there is a kind of hanging

How long will the baby stay after decoration

The best time for babies is half a year to one year later. The newly decorated house has a high formaldehyde content. The most effective way is to ventilate frequently. Put some green plants such as green apples and Clivia in the room to absorb formaldehyde. Active carbon can also be used. If the adsorption is full, replace it. Monitor the formaldehyde content before moving in, and feel more secure.

How long has the house been decorated? Pregnant

After the new house is decorated, it is recommended to leave it idle for half a year before moving in. The safety factor will be higher. It can also test the air quality of the house. If it reaches the standard, you can move in at any time. When buying materials, you must consider safety issues

How long can I stay after the house is decorated

It is impossible to say that there is no pollution in the decoration of the court. It is just a matter of whether there is more or less pollution, whether the pollution exceeds the standard or not. Maybe everything you buy does not exceed the standard, but when they are put together, it is inevitable that they will not exceed the standard. Therefore, the indoor environmental pollution deserves our serious treatment: Step 1: Open the window for ventilation. After the decoration, the pollution will definitely exceed the standard by several times or dozens of times. So in the initial one to two weeks, nothing will work. The best way is to open the window for ventilation, so as to discharge the main indoor pollutants to the outside as soon as possible. In addition, in order to accelerate the indoor and outdoor air exchange, you can also use electric fans to blow. Step 2: After the first step, the indoor pollution has changed from dozens of times to several times or almost does not exceed the standard. At this time, the pollutant emission enters a slow release process. No matter how much ventilation you have, it is impossible to remove it at once. At this time, you should be ready to fight a long war. You can use the following methods: first, flowers and plants, such as hanging orchids, cactus Green plants, etc., all of which have a certain absorption effect, can

How long can I stay after the house is decorated

After the house is decorated, the indoor pollution is relatively serious. It is better to move in after the formaldehyde and other pollutants are effectively treated. The harm of formaldehyde is very big, so we should pay attention to it. Don't ignore the harm of formaldehyde because you are eager to move into the newly decorated house. Then it will affect your own health finally. Therefore, how long you can stay completely depends on the time of indoor formaldehyde treatment. If you want to remove formaldehyde quickly, you'd better find a special formaldehyde removal agency and a room. Only in this way can formaldehyde be treated quickly and efficiently, and you can move into a new house as soon as possible.

Who can tell me how long it takes for a new house to be decorated before it can be moved in

How long will the house be renovated before you can move in

After the new house is decorated, people usually leave the house vacant for a period of time in order to distribute the harmful gas of decoration pollution, commonly known as air drying room. Some owners asked whether the air drying time could be shorter because of the high temperature in summer and the rapid release and volatilization of formaldehyde? Some families with poor conditions can't wait to move into new houses as soon as possible because of the continuous high temperature. Industry experts pointed out that finding a reasonable time to move into a new house is a course that owners have to do after decoration. At present, there is no uniform standard for how long the room can be safely occupied. Some said it would take half a month, some said it would take only one month, some said it would take three months to start, and nearly 30% thought it would take more than half a year. In fact, the length of the drying room is determined by the number of pollution sources, and time cannot be cut across all. In fact, everyone's cautious attitude towards the new house is not without reason. An expert who specializes in indoor environment management said, "If the newly decorated house has not undergone any treatment, it will not be long to dry for a year."

New house delivery process How long will it take for a new house to be renovated before you can move in

Phenol, lead, asbestos, etc. In order to overcome the "new house syndrome", after moving into a new house or decorating a room Such as hanging orchid, cactus, etc. The above is about the delivery process of the new house and how long it will take for the new house to be decorated

How long can the new house be renovated, and how can you check whether you can move in

The current paint can be used immediately, and even can be used for advertising on the street. It used to take two or three months or even half a year, but now it's gone. Anyway, pay attention to ventilation at ordinary times. It doesn't matter. You don't mean that the furniture is old

New house decoration, head ache

November 11, 2008 Decoration effect drawing of duplex house 38 January 27, 2010 Decoration budget of 100 square meters house 16
November 11, 2008 Decoration effect drawing of duplex house 38 January 27, 2010 Decoration budget of 100 square meters house 16
November 11, 2008 Decoration effect drawing of duplex house 38 January 27, 2010 Decoration budget of 100 square meters house 16
November 11, 2008 Decoration effect drawing of duplex house 38 January 27, 2010 Decoration budget of 100 square meters house 16

The problem of moving in after the new house is decorated

When the new house is decorated, some harmful gases (formaldehyde) and garbage will be produced when the glue, wooden board and painting are done in the house, so please pay attention to the following points before moving in:
1. Timely clean the decoration garbage left during the decoration of the house, and thoroughly clean the space (corner) in the house.
2. When the weather is fine, the glass and door of the newly decorated house should be opened to strengthen the ventilation in the house, so as to accelerate the volatilization and emission of harmful gases in the house.
3. After the front is finished, use disinfectant alcohol to thoroughly make an effective treatment on the interior of the cabinet in the house to prevent some bacteria left in the corner of the cabinet.
4. Buy some green plants at the flower market and keep them in the house, such as: (small ornamental osmanthus trees, tortoise shell bamboos, rubber trees, Clivia)

The new house in Beilun, where formaldehyde can be measured, is well decorated and dare not move in

I'm from Liren Garden. Last time my home was decorated, my husband was eager to live in. The child I was considering was here, and I firmly opposed to living in. The two quarreled. Later, I found the ice worm from Zhejiang University in Ningbo to detect it. Finally, we used scientific data to calm our quarrel~

The new house in Beilun, where formaldehyde can be measured, is well decorated and dare not move in

I'm from Liren Garden. Last time my home was decorated, my husband was eager to live in. The child I was considering was here, and I firmly opposed to living in. The two quarreled. Later, I found the ice worm from Zhejiang University in Ningbo to detect it. Finally, we used scientific data to calm our quarrel~

The new house can be occupied for a long time after decoration

How long can you stay after the decoration of the new house is a headache for many people who decorate the new house. Tell me about how hard you bought a house without decoration! It's really hard to say. If you decorate, you will often encounter excessive formaldehyde after decoration, which will have a great impact on the health of your family. Therefore, the decoration of new houses should be put aside for at least 2 months. If you are not sure, it can be extended to more than 3 months. At the same time, some formaldehyde removal plants can be considered to be placed in the house, which will play a more active role in formaldehyde removal. 1、 Characteristics of Chlorophyte: It is easy to breed and has strong adaptability. It is one of the most traditional indoor hanging plants. Its leaves are slender and soft, and small plants are drawn from the leaf axils. They hang down from the basin edge and stretch like flowers. They are evergreen all the year round. Efficacy: It can absorb more than 80% of harmful indoor gases, and has a strong ability to absorb formaldehyde. Generally, 1~2 pots of hanging orchids are kept in the room, and the toxic gas in the air can be absorbed completely, so hanging orchids are also known as "green purifiers". 2、 Characteristics of the tiger's tail orchid: the leaves are clustered, the sword leaves are just upright, and the leaves are complete

Decoration of new house

My house is being renovated! I just bought a house just like you. I know nothing about decoration. Let me give you some advice. I finally found a decoration company to install it for me. His design is more professional than we thought! The price is 20003000 more expensive than our own installation! But it's easy! Or you can go online and look for some decoration websites, or you can go around your neighborhood to see how your neighbors install them! It usually takes 3-6 months from decoration to check-in. Generally speaking, the total cost of decoration should be 10% to 20% of the house price. At present, people focus on the pursuit of comfort. The reasonable distribution ratio of material costs is: 45% for toilets and cupboards, 35% for halls, and 20% for bedrooms. Low grade decoration with a cost of 100-500 yuan/m2, medium grade decoration with a cost of 500-1000 yuan/m2, medium grade decoration with a cost of 1000-1500 yuan/m2, high-grade decoration with a cost of 1500-2000 yuan/m2, and super high-grade decoration with a cost of more than 2000 yuan/m2

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Who can tell me how long it takes for a new house to be renovated before you can move in

How long will the new house be available after decoration

Many owners are asking: "How long can I stay after decoration?"? Some people tell you that you can move in in one month, two months or three months, but this is often not the case. Many owners have waited for one or two months after finishing the renovation of their new house, and when they are ready to move in, they find that the room still has a strong smell, and then they flinch. Here, we will discuss with everyone: "How long can we move in after finishing the renovation?" 's question! 1. Decoration pollution has a process of volatilization, ranging from 2 or 3 months to half a year. What we should know is that the speed of volatilization is also closely related to temperature. The volatilization is slow in the cold weather in the north and fast in the hot weather in the south. 2. The reason why they dare not move in after decoration is that they are afraid of decoration pollution, which mainly comes from decoration materials. Each family's decoration style and materials are different. The materials used are also different. 3. Some people said that in the room
The newly installed house is not only polluted by formaldehyde, but also contains benzene, ammonia, TVOC, etc. After decoration, the furniture should be put in place and the door should be opened,

How long can pregnant women stay after the new house is decorated

The new house should be ventilated for three months after decoration before you can move in. The newly decorated house contains high levels of methanol and benzene, which can be used as a photolysis medium..

How long will the new house be pregnant after decoration

After the new house is decorated for half a year, you can stay pregnant. Pay attention to the use of environmentally friendly materials for decoration, and pay attention to ventilation after decoration. You can ask the environmental protection department to test the indoor air content of formaldehyde and phenol, which is more accurate.

How long can I get pregnant after the new house is decorated

Generally, new houses can only be moved in after three months or six months of decoration, because new and newly decorated houses contain many harmful substances, such as formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, ammonia, etc; Moreover, the humidity in the newly decorated house is relatively high, which makes harmful substances and dust particles easily stay indoors, which will increase the malformation rate of the fetus. Therefore, we must choose products with environmental protection signs when decorating, and we should not move too quickly. After that, we should keep the house ventilated. In addition, there are many household filters that can filter formaldehyde, which will play a role in the house

How long will the new house be renovated before you can live in it? With a baby ready to get married, you just renovated the house

One year later, and half a year later when I was really worried, I would put more potted plants in the house and open more windows for ventilation

How long will the baby stay after the house is decorated

In a ventilated and breathable environment, it usually takes at least 3 months for adults to stay in the ordinary concentration of formaldehyde decoration materials, but they still have a taste. If it is not ventilated and the materials are poor, it is better to do so for half a year. If you are a baby, you are advised not to live under one year old. If you are over one year old, you can live at least half a year later. Otherwise, it will be bad for your child. Raise more pots of hanging orchids indoors to purify the air. I hope the answer of Zhongju Home Decoration 360 can help you, thank you!

How long will the house be renovated before you can move in

After the new house is decorated, people usually leave the house vacant for a period of time in order to distribute the harmful gas of decoration pollution, commonly known as air drying room. Some owners asked whether the air drying time could be shorter because of the high temperature in summer and the rapid release and volatilization of formaldehyde? Some families with poor conditions can't wait to move into new houses as soon as possible because of the continuous high temperature. Industry experts pointed out that finding a reasonable time to move into a new house is a course that owners have to do after decoration. At present, there is no uniform standard for how long the room can be safely occupied. Some said it would take half a month, some said it would take only one month, some said it would take three months to start, and nearly 30% thought it would take more than half a year. In fact, the length of the drying room is determined by the number of pollution sources, and time cannot be cut across all. In fact, everyone's cautious attitude towards the new house is not without reason. An expert who specializes in indoor environmental management said, "If the newly decorated house has not undergone any treatment, it will not be long to air it for a year.". Usually, I asked several technical personnel of management companies

How long will the house be renovated before you can move in

After the decoration of the new house is completed, everyone always wants to change from one environment to another as soon as possible, and can't wait to start a new life. However, various phenomena show that such a practice is too hasty. Because in the process of house decoration, we will use all kinds of decoration materials, which will more or less contain harmful and toxic substances, such as ammonia, formaldehyde, ethylene, benzene, methanol, etc. Once the volatilization period of these substances is too long and long-term ventilation can not be solved, the impact and harm to human body will be incalculable. Then, let's analyze the matters needing attention before the new house moves in! 1、 How long can the newly decorated house be occupied? Generally speaking, if the ventilation condition is good, at least 5-6 months can be occupied. Because formaldehyde is the most harmful gas in different degrees, it is said that its residual period can be up to 15 years at most. When the indoor formaldehyde reaches a certain concentration, it will greatly damage human health. It may cause

How long will it take for a pregnant woman to move in after the house is decorated

Generally, new houses should open windows for ventilation for about 2 months after decoration. If a pregnant woman is pregnant, the baby is taking shape 4 months ago, and harmful substances such as formaldehyde will directly affect the fetus. The fetus is stable after 4 months, but at the same time, the impact of air pollution on cell apoptosis and development should not be ignored. If you are not sure whether the house is suitable for pregnant women to live in, you can ask the environmental protection department to carry out air quality inspection at home to detect the content of harmful gases and heavy metals in all corners of the room. After getting the accurate value, we can refer to the relevant data to decide whether to live or not. In addition, some bamboo carbon products can be placed in the bedroom, living room and other places at home to speed up air purification. Some people choose to put air fresheners, which is not advisable. It just uses the smell of spices to cover up the smell of harmful gases, and the actual harm still exists. The quality of fresh products on the market is different, so pregnant women should choose carefully. If plants are planted, they can be put indoors for photosynthesis during the day, and they should be moved outdoors at night to release carbon dioxide.
It's better to take a long time. It's better to use something that can remove formaldehyde

How long can pregnant women stay in the new house after decoration

It's better to live in the first half of the year. You really need to hurry to live in. During this period, open the doors and windows for ventilation, plant some green plants in each room, and put a few piles of tea on the corner of each room, or on the furniture to exhaust odor and purify the air. Or you can use the Dialin spray, which has a certain effect on removing decoration pollution,

Decoration strategy navigation

As the first Internet decoration service platform listed on the market, Kaifang Decoration Network provides you with home decoration related guarantees such as home decoration guarantee, main material quality guarantee, zero increase guarantee, construction quality guarantee, construction delay guarantee, after-sales complaint guarantee, etc. One stop decoration service platform of Yijia Decoration Network has served 70 million users for 7 years, and 16 branches across the country raised 200 million in round A financing. 70% of the customers have successfully landed on the NEEQ. Through the above information, we hope you have obtained the information you care about: who can tell me how long it will take for a new house to be decorated before you can move in. |Who can tell me how long it takes for a new house to be renovated