Squirrels in Autumn Published on 2022-06-29

Ask how to design your own house

Label: own, house, design

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winonafirst1 Published 1 day ago

Ask how to design your own house. First, it's OK to put it on the picture. Second, the computer desk can be placed against the wall. Because I heard that the first north and the second south or the first east and the third west are good. The first west and the third east are taboos. Later, I said I don't believe in superstition. It's not good to face the toilet with your head in front of it. The window curtain can be equipped with a screen window, which is light and ventilated. Others will not be evaluated, and there is no specific size.
I hope it helps you

Other answers

  • Rain floating in the water Published on 2022-06-30

    You should mainly consider the choice of house materials for decoration. Must be practical to avoid shoddy decoration.  
    Place it in the design and view the two bedroom from the graphics. A toilet. I don't know whether the bathroom door is facing the entrance door. The house type is square and upright. You'd better not design it by yourself, but leave it to the home decoration company. You will be dissatisfied with how you design it until the end. When you regret it, you can only complain that you are very unhappy psychologically and can't have a house. Instead, because you haven't designed it well, it's uncomfortable to live in. If you choose a decoration company, if you are not satisfied, you can find other reasons to rework and have one or two remedial opportunities. Even if you don't have a good decoration, you don't have to blame yourself.  
    If you are young, you'd better choose simple and generous ones. Because you will change rooms later. There is no need to design too much. If the elderly live, it is better to choose warm and comfortable, convenient to take and put things

     Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house
  • 8668 God light Published on 2022-06-29

    Since your own decoration is about individualization, different people have different opinions on the decoration style and color matching. It is difficult to reach a consensus because everyone is different in age, vision and preferences. I recommend a website for you. Click the logo of the expert group at the bottom to enter, and then click the yellow "DIY for home decoration" at the top You can design your room according to your own preferences. The colors of the walls and floors can be changed at will. The doors and windows can also be changed at will. The curtains and furniture can be matched at will. You can see the effect at that time. If you don't like it, you can change it immediately. It is very convenient and simple. Your home is designed by yourself, Experience the happiness of DIY design in person. Go and have a try. It will be helpful for your room design! I hope you can get happiness from this DIY design!
    I hope it can help you.

     Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house
  • 2012 at the foot of Wushan Mountain Published on 2022-06-28

    Now the decoration is to pay attention to personalization. As for the decoration style and color matching, different people have different opinions. Everyone has different ages, different eyes, and different preferences. It is difficult to have a consensus. I recommend a website for you. Click the logo of the expert group below to enter, and then click the yellow "DIY for home decoration" on the top You can design your room according to your own preferences. The color of walls and floors can be changed at will, and the doors and windows can also be changed at will

     Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house
  • Just love you Published on 2022-06-27

    1. Use the plan layout of the room. If the living room and dining room are connected with the kitchen, it is still a common method to rely on the windows on both sides of the living room and kitchen for lighting.
    2. Increase the effective daylighting area of the window, but if the building owner is brick concrete, this should be discussed.
    3. Use finish paint and floor tile close to white as far as possible to facilitate reflection.
    4. The main rooms must be lighted, and the toilets are usually the ones that cannot be lighted. The exhaust should be properly treated.
    I hope it will be useful to you

     Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house
  • Little grass Published on 2022-06-26

    Design your room according to your own preferences. The colors of the walls and floors can be changed at will. The doors and windows can also be changed at will. The curtains and furniture can be matched at will. You can see the effect at that time. If you don't like it, you can change it immediately. It is very convenient and simple. Your home is designed by yourself, To experience the happiness of DIY design, go and have a try. It will be helpful for your room design. But it is also to go online to find the designed software and learn to operate it

     Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house  Ask how to design your own house

Ask how to design your own house to expand Q&A

The house design of 144 is better than the living room and dining room

If I do it, I will put the TV wall in the middle of the room and use it as a partition in the dining room

I have a 35 square house and want to know how to design it better

It's better to find a professional company.

How to design the house, especially the living room and dining room

I don't quite understand the design you said. I can tell you what to install for reference. If the living room and dining room are to be beautiful, it is better to have a suspended ceiling above and a wooden floor below. In this way, it is high-end and grand. You can install the restaurant in a classical style. In addition, if the interior door is installed with some high-grade solid wood doors, it is quite good together.

What should the ceiling of the living room of a house designed like this look like

You should first figure out how to decorate and what pattern. Let's put it this way. Water and electricity must be done first, because they are to be done in the wall or underground. In short, they are in the dark, which means that water and electricity are to sit under all other decorations, so they must be done first. But water and electricity must conform to your decoration style. Where do you want to install lights, what lights, Where to put the washing machine and microwave oven? These should be arranged in advance. Then we can determine the location of the socket, faucet and water, and calculate the length of wires and pipes! So 1, we need to have the decoration design drawings of the whole house, which should be completed by you and the designer. 2, we need to do a good job in water and electricity (broadband network, satellite TV) in advance, and the toilet should be waterproof. 3, we need to buy decoration materials. 4, carpentry 5, walls, ceiling 6, floor (floor or floor tile) 7, lighting, doors, locks, kitchen cabinet installation, sink and sewer installation, Installation of gas cooker and range hood 8, purchase
You should first figure out how to decorate and what pattern. Let's put it this way. Water and electricity must be done first, because they are built in the wall or

Build your own house Excuse me

How large is the area? Please introduce first - length and width), sitting direction, design requirements, surrounding conditions of foundation

Could you please come down to the house with the attic

In fact, I was questioning before. Later, my friend gave me some advice. Now let's share that advice! There is only a preference problem. The advantage of having an attic is that it has an increased area. Some or no building area is included, and there is no need to pay heating and property fees. You can display some things or live in people. There is also a bad side, but it is not caused by the attic itself. One is that the top floor is very tired, and the elderly are inconvenient. The other is that it may leak rain, and it is hot in summer and cold in winter. In general, spiral stairs are installed at the top floor decoration to the attic to reduce space utilization. Because the attic usually has insufficient floor height, ceiling is not suspended as far as possible, and waterproof layer is available. The rest is no different from flat floor home decoration.
In fact, I was questioning it before. Later, my friend gave me some advice. Now let me share that advice with you! There is only a preference problem. The advantage of having an attic is that it has an increased area. Some or no building area is included, and there is no need to pay heating and property fees. You can display some things or live in people. There is also a bad side, but it is not caused by the attic itself. One is that the top floor is very tired and the elderly are inconvenient

Hello, I'm from Yichun, Jiangxi Province. My house is looking for a designer. I want to ask what your design content includes, how to charge, etc

Hello, I'm from Yichun, Jiangxi Province. I want to find a designer for my house. I want to ask what your design includes
If you need home lighting decoration design, I may be able to help you a little. I do this.

Ask about the interior design, but give you a house to design and make the interior effect picture

There are usually three ways in the market. The first is to have suppliers provide design materials for their products to design companies. The second is to make them according to the design drawings. The third is to let designers help choose similar decorations with composite design style according to their own financial resources when the customer's requirements are not high

I want to know how to design the dining hall entrance

It's better to separate the dining room from the entrance.

When the house is going to be decorated, I want to ask how to talk with the decoration company about the design scheme

1. Communicate with the designer 1) own ideas. Tell the designer his vague ideas, but this does not require very specific. And you have to emphasize that you provide immature ideas. Relatively speaking, you prefer designers to provide better ideas, which is conducive to giving full play to the role of designers. What needs to be clearly mentioned is the level of decoration you want your house to reach. 2) Tell the designer your career. You don't need to tell the other party which company you work for. You just need to tell a wide range of professions, such as company staff, artists, athletes, entrepreneurs or teachers. Why care about this? Because different industries have their own characteristics, the saying goes that "three words cannot leave the same line" is also the truth. For example, civil servants want their houses to be decorated as simply and generously as possible; When I get home, I often don't like to see the wall of my home is still white. 3) Family members. Generally, there are several people in a family. As a small group, the house decoration has to

Are there any friends from Lianchuang Architectural Design Company? Is it easy to rent a house near there

In the area near Lujiazui Financial Center, it must not be easy to be cheap. Think far ahead! If the economic situation is good to a certain extent, just look for it, hehe!

Are there any designers or comrades who like to decorate houses

Look at the color of your furniture and walls! Most of the solid wood is painted with varnish, but the solid wood door frame is easy to crack~

Could you tell me how much the interior decoration and design of a 200 square house will cost

One hundred thousand for ordinary decoration, and one hundred and five million for two hundred square houses

Ask the weak how to decorate the loft house

In brief, LOFT decoration can pay attention to the following points: pay attention to the overall sense of space. During the loft decoration design, pay attention to the scale of vertical elevation and the visual effect of horizontal extension. Only by doing these two points can the style of loft space be perfectly reflected. The appearance of loft decoration of the boundary between the working area and the living area is a challenge to the concept of division of the working and living environment of modern people. Therefore, in the design process, the working area and the living area can be divided in the same space. It is unnecessary to distinguish them clearly, and the two areas can also overlap. When designing loft space for dividing independent space, it is better to use relatively simple objects to divide relatively independent space. The functionality of each space is different, which can make the indoor layout more clear and reasonable. The consideration of lighting, sound insulation and ventilation in various indoor designs is also one of the considerations for loft decoration,
In brief, the following points can be noted for LOFT decoration:
Pay attention to the overall sense of space
When carrying out loft decoration design, pay attention to the scale of indoor vertical elevation and water

Ask the weak how the house loan is cost-effective

The house loan is generally based on your own income. It is best to use provident fund loan if you have provident fund, and the less the term, the better

Ask the weak how to decorate the corridor of the house

The overall decoration of the corridor mainly focuses on the following aspects: lighting is the most important design point of the corridor, especially when the natural lighting of the corridor is poor, sufficient lighting can improve the dim corridor. However, the more lights, the better. You can choose the number of lighting fixtures according to the size of the indoor area. Generally, yellow light is the main light, which is conducive to creating a warm indoor atmosphere. Corridor length There are also certain requirements for the length of the corridor in the overall decoration of the corridor. Generally, if the corridor is too short, corridor doors should not be installed. Otherwise, people will feel pressured. In addition, there are too many doors in a short distance, which is likely to cause suspicion between family members. The setting of corridor doors is mainly adjusted according to the length of the corridor. The materials for the overall decoration of the material corridor mainly include the selection of corridor doors, floors, etc. Generally, the corridor doors are combined with solid wood and glass, which not only ensure the firmness of the door, but also have a transparent design. If the whole wood door is used in the overall decoration of the corridor
The overall decoration of the corridor mainly focuses on the following aspects:
Lighting is the most important design point of the corridor, especially

The weak asked how to decorate the house on the bottom floor

First, make sure that the floor at the top does not leak when it rains heavily. The second top floor is hot in summer and cold in winter. You should stick insulation materials under the floor to keep warm in winter and cool in summer.

After buying the house, I want to ask you how to decorate it

The house will be decorated after you buy it. If you are not in a hurry to live, you can also decorate it later. It doesn't matter. Judging from your mood, it's really troublesome to find a decoration company. There are too many decoration companies now, and the fish are mixed up. It's confusing to choose too many. It's better to think about it. It's easier to find a good decoration company. It's reassuring. Suzhou Hongbang's decoration service and quality are up to standard. I've cooperated with them before, and I'm very satisfied. What they do is green decoration. The boss is also very honest and puts himself in our shoes. They can meet any needs, so I am very happy to cooperate with them.
Field investigation is required to produce renderings - hehe - to highlight the comfort of the bedroom and the style of the living room

Where can I buy a house in Fuzhou Drum Tower

I like Rongxin Lan County. Very good. On May 25th, the market opened today. I couldn't get through to the phone before. I couldn't even make a reservation. It was too hot

Could you tell me what kind of lights should be installed in this house

It can be installed with pendant lamp or ceiling lamp with shape

Ask how to design your own house

I would like to ask how much the designer costs

The general decoration cost is included in the decoration company. If you look for a decoration designer alone, it is generally one or two thousand... Generally, no one can find it. It's OK to use the Internet as information, unless it's a luxury house
If necessary, you can check my information. I am a designer in Shenzhen

Ask about the house price

You are asking how much the decoration can cost now, or how much the total price is, the total price is within 1 million yuan, and the price of the house does not mean how much you can sell more if you spend more on the decoration, but mainly the price and quality of the house itself,
You are asking how much the decoration can cost now, or how much the total price is, the total price is within 1 million yuan, and the price of the house does not mean how much you can sell more if you spend more on the decoration, but mainly the price and quality of the house itself,
You are asking how much the decoration can cost now, or how much the total price is, the total price is within 1 million yuan, and the price of the house does not mean how much you can sell more if you spend more on the decoration, but mainly the price and quality of the house itself,
About one million.
About one million.
About one million.

The house I just bought wants to ask which website in Maoming has a good design and decoration scheme

Maoming's words, you can go, people, people, outfit, repair, net, look, look

I want to ask how much it costs to hire a designer to decorate the house

Generally, a house is designed according to your requirements, and the cost is between 4000 and 10000. If you find a decoration company, there may be free design or fee concessions. Generally, good designers need to charge.

Hello, I'm from Yichun, Jiangxi. My house is looking for a designer. I want to ask about your design

If you need home lighting decoration design, I may be able to help you a little. I do this.
If you need home lighting decoration design, I may be able to help you a little. I do this.

Hello, I'm from Yichun, Jiangxi Province. My house is looking for a designer. I want to ask what your design content includes, how to charge, etc

If you need home lighting decoration design, I may be able to help you a little. I do this.

Excuse me, where is the best place to buy a house in downtown Xintai

93 square meters, Donghu, 6 floors, storage room 12 square meters, has been decorated and is now living. 6th floor? Forget it, too high comments | Share 2
Raise the price. If you go to the intermediary, you will know that they will refuse to do so for various reasons, and then let you choose 2010-04-19 ...
July 1, 2014 18:54 Enthusiastic netizens | From: Post Bar Xintai Bar Yangchun Community, I have a set of, originally planned to tie
July 1, 2014 18:54 Enthusiastic netizens | From: Post Bar Xintai Bar Yangchun Community, I have a set of, originally planned to tie

How about the house in Runcheng, Qingjiang

The environment is fairly good. It is far from the urban area. You must have a car at home. Waiting for the bus is not very realistic. At present, shopping, shopping, school, medical treatment and other aspects need to be improved.
There are schools, supporting kindergartens and supermarkets. The distance is the same as Wujiagang Railway Dam.
Ha ha, a suburban house is still so expensive. My relatives bought 2500 yuan per square meter in the first phase, but now they have bought 4500 yuan
In Hong Kong, where the distance to the city center is more than 20 minutes, the house price is less than 1/6 of that in the city center

I want to ask which decoration company in Luoyang is better, including cost design, etc. I recently got the key to the new house I want to decorate

I have eight years of experience in the decoration industry and give you three suggestions: First, the construction quality of the decoration company depends on the craftsmanship of the construction personnel. Generally speaking, the carpentry and oil craftsmanship of southerners is very reliable. It is better to choose northerners as bricklayers. Choosing a decoration company is actually choosing after-sales service. The current after-sales service can not be chosen and there is no guarantee. One person's words. Second, there are hundreds of decoration companies in Luoyang, and I personally suggest not to go to the big ones. In fact, the decoration is just like that. Find a local company in Luoyang, and the service attitude is good. Large companies open so many stores and spend so much publicity money on consumers. Thirdly, it is suggested to find a local company in Luoyang to generate income for the local national economy.
There is no best decoration company in the world, and only the one that is suitable for you is the best. But I tell you how to compare the decoration companies. You must not look at the single quotation of the decoration companies. You should compare the items that the decoration companies must decorate with the materials selected

I decorated a house in Zibo Yikangju Decoration Company, and their designer recommended Marco Polo tiles to me. I want to ask how about the quality

There are good and bad ceramic tiles. Each brand ceramic tile basically has several ceramic tiles of different grades. In order to help you identify and evaluate the quality of ceramic tiles, we suggest you refer to the following principles:
1. When choosing ceramic tiles, you must consult the grade of ceramic tiles [superior products (A), first-class products (), qualified products)]. Try to choose superior products here.
2. Pay attention to the appearance of ceramic tiles. Good ceramic tiles should be free of defects such as concave convex, bulge, and warping angle, but should be straight and flat with no cracks, damages, defects, or impurities adhered to the surface.
3. The glazed surface of ceramic tile shall be uniform, flat, smooth, bright and consistent in color. (If the tile surface has particles, is not smooth, has different shades of color, is uneven in thickness, or even uneven in concave and convex, it is a bad product

Ask how to design your own house

I'm going to decorate the house. Is the design of Shanghai Zhenrong space reliable

After checking several designers of Zhen Rong, they all have rich experience, and the construction team is also a fixed staff, which should be reliable.

Ask what software was used to draw the house design drawing

This is an AUTOCAD drawing. At present, the most stable and simple version is CAD2004. The advanced version, such as CAD2008, has too many functions. If the computer is poor, the response will be slow. It is recommended that you install CAD2004. Remember to download the Chinese package. The Chinese prompts will be clearer. My home is being decorated. I draw and design every day!
I think it is appropriate to build a three room, two living rooms and two bathrooms with an area of 150 square meters. If the design is reasonable, there can be more small study rooms. If there are more, the living room and rooms will be stingy.
The master bedroom is generally 3.5 meters * 3.5 meters, of course you can do it more grandiose, but I see that if the bedroom is larger than the living room, the geomancy is not good, if it is smaller, 3.2 meters * 3.2 meters is also OK. It is not recommended to be smaller. The bathroom looks like you, at least 1.7 meters * 2.5 meters, otherwise it will be uncomfortable!
I want to draw a design drawing of the corridor house in the building. What kind of software is easy to use? The design is clear and intuitive, and I want to design a house of 150 square meters

How to design the house, especially the living room and dining room

I don't quite understand the design you said. I can tell you what to install for reference. If the living room and dining room are to be beautiful, it is better to have a suspended ceiling above and a wooden floor below. In this way, it is high-end and grand. You can install the restaurant in a classical style. In addition, if the interior door is installed with some high-grade solid wood doors, it is quite good together.

Ask about the house price

You are asking how much the decoration can cost now, or how much the total price is, the total price is within 1 million yuan, and the price of the house does not mean how much you can sell more if you spend more on the decoration, but mainly the price and quality of the house itself,
About one million.

My house is going to be decorated. I want to ask the designer who works in Chengdu as a pure designer

For construction, you can find the best decoration team in Chengdu, Chengdu Liugong Decoration

What should the ceiling of the living room of a house designed like this look like

You should first figure out how to decorate and what pattern. Let's put it this way. Water and electricity must be done first, because they are to be done in the wall or underground. In short, they are in the dark, which means that water and electricity are to sit under all other decorations, so they must be done first. But water and electricity must conform to your decoration style. Where do you want to install lights, what lights, Where to put the washing machine and microwave oven? These should be arranged in advance. Then we can determine the location of the socket, faucet and water, and calculate the length of wires and pipes! So 1, we need to have the decoration design drawings of the whole house, which should be completed by you and the designer. 2, we need to do a good job in water and electricity (broadband network, satellite TV) in advance, and the toilet should be waterproof. 3, we need to buy decoration materials. 4, carpentry 5, walls, ceiling 6, floor (floor or floor tile) 7, lighting, doors, locks, kitchen cabinet installation, sink and sewer installation, Installation of gas cooker and range hood 8, purchase

The newly bought house needs to be decorated. Please ask whether the design of the lower air conditioner outlet on the balcony is against the rules

No violation. In the actual design and installation process, it needs to be flexible according to the home decoration, and the size of the air outlet/return outlet depends on the size of the indoor unit capacity. In general, the size of air outlet of air conditioner is 15cm × 60-100cm for air outlet, 23cm × 60-100cm for return air, 35cm × 35cm for manhole. The width of air outlet and return air can be basically determined, but the length should be reasonably designed according to the length of indoor unit and decoration environment.

I want to know which website has a good design and decoration scheme for the house I just bought

A lot. It seems that there is a special Internet cafe for your place, depending on where you are?

Which soft decoration design company is the most professional in Shanghai if you want to rebuild the house

Is it an old house? I don't know how old the house is. If it takes a long time, many facilities inside should be checked, such as whether the wall skin is gray wall [if there is alkalization, the base layer should be removed and the new one should be made], and whether the water and electricity wires are aging. Especially where there is a need for demolition and modification, such as the wall, professional designers or workers need to see whether it is a load-bearing wall
The Collection of Interior Design Materials is very good. Our class has a copy of it in our freshman year. The content is comprehensive and the price is 68 yuan.
What district is your home in? Recommend several decoration companies to you. They are all quite powerful. Dongyi Risheng, Longfa, Yuanzhou, Yezhifeng, and Zixiangke are all good. I suggest you go to the company and make more comparisons. See which is more suitable for you
Then you can search Changsha soft decoration on Baidu. The first one is usually of good strength. My brother just finished the indoor soft decoration last month. The new home is really good, with high taste and beautiful. I found Qianji's whole home. I helped him find a circle and saw Changsha soft decoration. Qianji's work is quite professional. Wangde Mansion

Which soft decoration design company is the most professional in Hunan if you want to rebuild the house

In Hunan, Jinqilin's soft decoration is quite good. My relatives said that it has been established for a long time and has rich experience. There are also quite a few one-stop services

Decoration strategy navigation

As the first Internet decoration service platform listed on the market, Kaifang Decoration Network provides you with home decoration related guarantees such as home decoration guarantee, main material quality guarantee, zero increase guarantee, construction quality guarantee, construction delay guarantee, after-sales complaint guarantee, etc. One stop decoration service platform of Yijia Decoration Network has served 70 million users for 7 years. Sixteen branches across the country raised 200 million in round A financing, and successfully landed on the NEEQ. 70% of the customers came from word of mouth. Through the above information, I hope you have got the information you care about: how to design your own house.

http://www.17house.com/sb/jzsjwenda/e6e85c7bb7df0b53.html |Ask how to design your own house