Decoration topic > Decoration Budget Quotation >71 Flat Decoration Budget Table
  • It is expected that the actual area of 71 square meters and the budget of the housing decoration plan will be 40000

    No!! A friend of mine bought a bachelor's apartment of more than 30 square meters, which would cost nearly 50000 yuan in simple decoration.
  • Budget table for decoration of a 120 square house

    The basic decoration of 120 square meters is about 25000 to 30000, and the main materials are about 35000 to 35000. Or some owners will choose the main materials, household appliances, furniture, and home accessories to cooperate with the design, and the cost is about 90000 to 100000.
    1. Water and electricity budget: water and electricity installation, calculated as 20 yuan/m2, requires 2400 yuan; Water and electricity materials require 300 meters of wires, 20 meters of water pipes, 10 meters of gas pipes, 30 meters of wire laying pipes, 10 light switches, 20 sockets, totaling 2500 yuan, 2 toilets (3000 yuan), 2 wash basins (2000 yuan), 8 taps and showers (500 yuan), 8000 yuan, and the total budget for water and electricity is 14000 yuan;
    2. Mud tile budget:
    The floor tile in the room is about 95 yuan/m2, and the wall tile in the kitchen and bathroom is about 75 yuan/m2; The skirting line usually selects 600 * 600 Puneng precision vitrified brick, and some well-known brands are more expensive. Considering brick cutting and damage, the floor tile area should be increased by 3% - 8%;
    3. Wall coating budget. If the wall lining is coated with paint, it is calculated as 27 yuan/m2; If primer mode is used for wall painting, 821 putty powder is recommended, and 821 putty powder plus ordinary paint is calculated at 18 yuan/m2; The wall area is generally calculated by multiplying the ground area by 3.5;
    4. Budget of interior doors. The price of indoor doors varies according to different materials. Composite solid wood doors or solid wood doors are usually installed indoors, especially in bedrooms. Composite solid wood doors cost about 1100 yuan/set, and solid wood doors cost about 1600 yuan/set; Three for three bedrooms, about 3300-4800 yuan in total; The kitchen and bathroom sliding doors cost about 2000 yuan;
    5. The lighting decoration is calculated according to the installation of headlights in the living room and the installation of ordinary ceiling lamps in the rest, and the lighting decoration is about 5000 yuan;
    6. Other household appliances: one air conditioner (800w cooling capacity), 2 sets, 1800 yuan/set; 3 HP air conditioners (2800W cooling capacity) 1 set, 5000 yuan/set; One washing machine, 3000 yuan, 11600 yuan in total;
    7. The clearing and transportation cost is 200 yuan, the cleaning cost is 150-300 yuan, and the management cost is 1500 yuan, about 2000 yuan in total.
  • How much is the budget for 76 floor decoration?

    The cost of house decoration depends on your different styles, and the price difference is also very different! Decoration is also divided into: package, basic decoration and full decoration (basic decoration+main materials)! In addition, the types of houses are different, and the price of decoration is also very different. For a 76 ㎡ house, the Mediterranean, simple European, modern and Japanese styles are generally selected for easy matching, and the decoration effect is also very good

    Leveling (calculated according to the internal area of 60)
    Style: Mediterranean, simple European, modern, Japanese (Japanese multi wood modeling)
    Basic installation: 331, 282, 313, 000
    Full installation: 585500, 525600
    Package: 666 yuan/㎡ 666 yuan/㎡ 666 yuan/㎡ 666 yuan/㎡
    Thermocline (the thermocline has one more top surface, and the area will be more than 45%)
    Style: Mediterranean, simple European, modern, Japanese (Japanese multi wood modeling)
    Basic installation: 485200454000
    Full installation: 888500, 628700
    Package: 666 yuan/㎡ 666 yuan/㎡ 666 yuan/㎡ 666 yuan/㎡

    Price given: for reference only! The fluctuation of full package is very large, and the price is given according to the price and practicality
  • We urgently need a detailed list of the luxurious decoration of a 100 square meter house in tabular form. The decoration cost is about 80W

    Home decoration e station Taiyuan adoption rate: 71% Good at: Home decoration recommended for you: other similar questions 2015-09-02 Who has
  • How much is the decoration of 75 square meters? How to make the decoration budget list?

    It was not easy to wait for the delivery of the house, so I wanted to decorate it quickly. However, the decoration list is the most troublesome problem in housing decoration, because it is related to the quality of decoration and the time and money of decoration. They all want to reduce the cost and achieve good results, but good decoration prices are prohibitive, especially the cost of main materials may account for more than half of the cost of home decoration, Faced with all kinds of decoration companies and quotations in the market, how much would it cost to decorate a house? Now let's learn about the decoration budget list!
    Family decoration budget list 1. Direct cost+(direct cost X comprehensive coefficient)=total cost. Direct costs include: materials, equipment auxiliary materials, freight and labor costs. Average freight in the city
    1.5%, and the labor cost is generally about 30 to 50 yuan per working day. The comprehensive coefficient includes profit, various construction charges and taxes, which is generally about 20%.
    The tax is about 3.8%, and the management fee is about 7-10%. If the direct cost is 20000 yuan and the comprehensive coefficient is 20%,
    Then the total cost=20000+(20000X20%)=24000 yuan. The above calculation method belongs to the "transparent quotation" commonly used by large companies, that is, the unit price of each material does not exceed the market guidance price. This is very important for those who require high-end decoration,
    For example, the difference of 1 or 2 percentage points in the total decoration cost of 500000 yuan is the price difference of more than 10000 yuan.
    But the general decoration company adopts a relatively simple method, that is, total cost=material cost+labor cost. 2. The sum of the cost of individual project labor and materials=the total cost If: the material cost of adhesive paint plus labor cost is 15 yuan per square meter, the surface to be painted
    If the product is 150 square meters, the single project price of the wall project is equal to 2250 yuan. The single cost of each project is calculated one by one, and then the sum is the total cost. If the materials or equipment are provided by the user himself, the corresponding material payment or equipment payment shall be deducted. The cost of household decoration is generally estimated by contracting labor and materials. The price of special decoration will be discussed separately. The decoration contract can be signed after the price is agreed by both parties through consultation. The total cost shall be included in the contract at one time. In case of any change, the account shall be increased or decreased separately. 3. Generally speaking, the total cost of decoration should be 10% to 20% of the house price. At present, people focus on the pursuit of comfort. The reasonable distribution ratio of material costs is: 45% for toilets and cupboards, 35% for halls, and 20% for bedrooms. Low grade decoration is available at the cost of 100 to 500 yuan/square meter, medium grade decoration is available at the cost of 500 to 1000 yuan/square meter, and medium and high grade decoration is available at the cost of 1000 to 1500 yuan/square meter, 1500-2000 yuan/m2 is high-grade decoration, and more than 2000 yuan/m2 is high-grade decoration. You can position the decoration standard according to this, and estimate the cost required.
    Conclusion: The above decoration budget list will be shared here. The decoration budget is the most important part of the owners. Fully understand the family decoration budget list, so that we can be smart owners and choose a more convenient and fast way to understand the decoration costs of our own houses.
  • Budget list for decoration of 100 square meters house

    Generally, this will not be given to you. You need someone to help you design the decoration before you have a list! Or find a designer friend or a soft decoration company
  • Budget table for decoration of three rooms, two halls, one kitchen and one bathroom with an area of 120m2

    I will give you a simple budget without drawings and dimensions; 35000 water and electricity for floor tile and floor (including floor heating); 8000 walls (including living room and master bedroom wall background); 18000 top surface; 4000 kitchen (including cabinets, kitchen equipment, wall and floor tiles); 13000 toilets (including shower room, toilet, washbasin, faucet, bathtub, wall and floor tiles); 8000. Lamps and furniture should be purchased around 25000. If you want to make a detailed plan, you must give me the room type drawing and size. The above is for reference.
  • How to calculate the 100 square meter house decoration budget table

    Generally, the quotation will be divided into light industrial auxiliary materials and main materials, depending on which items you need, including unit price, quantity, total price and total price
  • 1100 square meter supermarket decoration budget table template

    1100 square meter supermarket decoration budget table template 188 * * * 2223 After your answer is adopted, you will receive: system rewards 20...
  • Interior decoration budget table given by decoration company

    I'm a dry toolmaker. I suggest you keep this well. Actually, it's not necessary to be so careful. You just need to make sure that it doesn't add items to you later. If you want to save money, the water circuit should move the switch and panel positions as little as possible. The more lines, the more money. Because they are collected in advance, the actual amount is used to calculate the price. In addition, I suggest you break point transformation to save money. In addition, Wall treatment is also the most expensive process. The wall is generally produced by the base layer. The bottom surface layer is leveled with gypsum and puttied. The light wall is pasted with anti crack mesh cloth, one coat of primer and two sides of finish paint. These processes are paid one by one. I suggest you be careful when leveling and puttying the wall. Finally, the floor is paved with bricks and leveled. What is easy to be adulterated is that the floor and wall are paved with bricks and the materials are used. It is better to keep an eye on this. If there is a toilet, the waterproof should be painted three times. For the transformation of water and electricity pipes, the switch moves too much and the cost will be high. When the ground is leveled, pay attention to whether he uses raw materials, whether he uses cement or mixed a lot of sand. In addition to the above, the wall must be closely watched. I hope it helps you
  • How much is the decoration budget for 79 square meters

    First of all, it depends on which city you are in. The price of labor and materials varies from city to city. According to the current market situation, the price of a fully inclusive house is about 11000 square meters. The price of a 79 square meter house is about 80000-90000 yuan.
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