Decoration topic > Decoration Budget Quotation >6w Home Decoration Budget Table
  • Home Decoration Budget Table

    When the budget for home decoration is well prepared, the overall plan or the general direction will be determined, otherwise you will encounter many headaches after starting decoration. The budget, to put it bluntly, is to determine how much to spend. The cost of home decoration, the number of projects, the cost of each project, the main materials to be purchased by oneself, the company to which the decoration project will be given, and how to control the process should all be known. For the first-time decorator, I have roughly divided three steps for your reference. First: reserve knowledge. It is necessary to start the knowledge reserve before decoration if the plan is drawn up for even longer. The best way is to use the Internet, which is simple and fast. Create a document on the computer and copy all the content you need to learn. It is useful to look at it when you have time to deepen your impression. Now there are many decoration projects, and there are many types of materials and technical work. It is impossible to be proficient in everything. Pay attention to the decoration process. Don't worry about certain materials or processes, and try not to contact with those beautiful decoration magazine pictures and renderings. That will distract you more and distract you. After a month or two, we generally know the whole process of decoration, the types of work, processes and procedures involved, the main materials and auxiliary materials used, contract signing, site management and other knowledge, and then we can develop one or several preliminary plans. We should determine whether we can afford simple decoration or tasteful decoration. At the same time, family members should reach an agreement on the basic contents of decoration, such as whether to make furniture, what materials to pave the floor, and what the functions of each room are. Second: run the market frequently, and understand that market materials are the largest part of the cost of home decoration. In order to find a suitable price, we should go to several building materials markets to find the best combination of materials and prices. Try to be careful when choosing, and don't buy some products without brands, so as not to encounter smuggled goods. Before going to the market, you should fully understand the situation of the house, know the house at your fingertips, whether the washing machine can be put in a certain place, and how long the wardrobe can be done. Take a tape measure, calculator, pen and paper with you. If you see something you like is not suitable for you to buy at home, it will be too late to jump. Third: make a budget table, make sure that the decoration company knows the cost of various materials and projects, and then combine the quotation of the decoration company, pay attention to the missing items, so that a good budget table can be made. In the budget table, make statistics of the total amount of decoration and the amount of individual works, such as the total project cost of the decoration company, the total construction cost of latex paint, the total construction cost of ceramic tiles, the total cost of suspended ceilings, the price of cabinets, the price of doors, etc. This final general budget is the basis for selecting decoration companies and decoration plans. At the same time, the decoration plans will be adjusted according to this result, and unnecessary reconstruction projects will be eliminated. The cost depends on the level of family decoration. For simple decoration, wood floor, latex paint, wall and floor tiles, plywood and other foundations constitute the main part of the total cost; If it is a high-end decoration, in addition to basic projects, there is also room for designers to decorate from an aesthetic perspective. For these basic projects, the average cost of two rooms and one living room is about 30000 yuan, and the average use area is about 400 yuan per square meter. However, if all the bedrooms and living rooms use wooden floors, the choice of other materials will also rise to a higher level. In some places, imported materials will be used, which will cost about 60000 yuan for two rooms and one living room, with an average of 800 yuan/square meter. In general, the decoration cost of general rough houses accounts for about 10% of the house price. Usually, there will be overspending during the decoration process, so it is very important to make a budget according to the budget list before decoration.
  • The budget is 6W-7W. What can a 90-100 square meter house be decorated like?

    Basically, it is possible to be a simple European or pastoral. The manufacturing and installation part has a budget of about 30000 yuan. The main material part has a budget of more than 30000 yuan. The labor of the manufacturing and installation part is about 10000 yuan to 10000 yuan. The water and electricity materials are 2000. The auxiliary materials are 3000. The wood and auxiliary materials are 9000. The paint, wall paint and auxiliary materials are 3000. The main material part is ceramic tile. The floor is 10000. The marble is 3000. The sliding door is 2000. The wallpaper and glass are 3000. The lamps are 3000. The online purchase of 3000 sanitary wares, 3000 switch panels, 1000 balconies, 5000 cabinets Cabinet 5000
  • What to choose for suvs with more than 6w budget

    This budget really doesn't take SUV into consideration. The late maintenance of the new model is a problem. There are too few parts in the market, so the maintenance fees will be very high. Besides, at this price, you can only buy domestic models. At present, domestic models are very good for new cars, but after a year and a half of driving, all kinds of small problems will come out
  • What kind of car should I buy? The budget is 5-6W

    At present, domestic new energy vehicles have been given very good policies, which can be paid attention to.
  • Design a multimedia classroom scheme, the size of the classroom is 8 * 12M, and there is no decorated empty room. 1. Computer budget 25W 2. Generic cabling including floor, table

    The easiest way is to configure a computer, a LCD projector and a screen in the classroom. Other signal source equipment, switcher, audio system and terminal equipment can be selected as required
    Wiring method is shown in the figure
    1. The VGA output of the multimedia computer is connected to the IN of the distributor, one OUT of the distributor is connected to the display, and the other OUT is connected to the COMPUTER IN 1 of the projector.

    2. VIDEO OUT of video recorder is connected to VIDEO IN of VCD or DVD player, and VIDEO OUT of VCD or DVD player is connected to VIDEO IN of projector.

    3. The AUDIO OUT of the video recorder is connected to the AUDIO IN of the VCD or DVD player, and the AUDIO OUT of the VCD or DVD player is connected to one input of the mixer.

    4. The sound signal of microphone, multimedia computer, VCD or DVD player is input to the mixing console.
  • Budget: 6W, whether to buy a car with a loan or a second-hand car

    The budget is 6W. Whether you want to buy a car with a loan or a used car depends on whether you want to drive it for a short time or less than three years. After all, it is suitable to drive a used car for a short time. If you have driven it for more than three years, it is recommended to choose a new car.
  • 128 square meters, three rooms, two halls, simple decoration, 2 universal decoration?

    Then you need to be refined, simple, 3-4W, with cabinet and modeling. It is estimated that 5-6W wants to be a style 2015-10-...
  • The company needs a non editorial plan (computer+genuine software) with a budget of 5-6W. Please ask sobey, is the ocean enough, and what about EDIUS

    Mainly for what purpose? If only editing. The computer can be configured by itself, just buy a genuine software! There should be enough money! If there are other uses, it depends on the specific situation!
  • Which mall in Hong Kong has cheap diamond rings and good quality? Budget at 5,6w

    We can customize the budget here. We can customize the carat diamonds here
  • The maximum power consumption is estimated to be 146W by Master Lu. Can it be dragged reluctantly with a 120W power supply?

    90 is the rated power, and the maximum power should be about 130. It is acceptable, but it is not recommended to use the power supply that is easy to burn
  •  How to read home decoration budget table

    How to read home decoration budget table

    Decoration is a very important event for most people, so we must be very careful. However, due to the lack of decoration knowledge, many owners will blindly believe in the quotation of decoration companies. If you want to be a shrewd owner, you must be able to read and understand the decoration budget table, and avoid home decoration newspaper
  •  Budget Table for Home Decoration Water and Electricity Reconstruction

    Budget Table for Home Decoration Water and Electricity Reconstruction

    Home decoration: how to budget the quantities of hydropower project reconstruction? Recommended answer: the relative price of money will be less. I work on the basis of square. This is a common thing. If there are not too many things, there will be no extra money. I don't know where you are. It's easy to do some decoration company budget statements for things that don't go into the wall
  •  Home decoration budget table How to make home decoration budget table

    Home decoration budget table How to make home decoration budget table

    The cost of buying a house has been unbearable for many owners, who still need to spend a lot of money when decorating. Owners hope to use the least money to decorate the best home. So, the decoration budget is very important. How much is the decoration budget to reasonably control the decoration cost? How about decoration budget table
  •  How to understand the home decoration budget table

    How to understand the home decoration budget table

    In the process of home decoration, everyone will more or less encounter the problem of reviewing the decoration budget table. At this time, we often feel at a loss and don't know how to do it. So what should we do when reviewing the decoration budget table? Now let's have a detailed understanding of the decoration budget table with the decoration website
  •  6W building 82 square meters, simple home, small budget, practical and important (full text)

    6W building 82 square meters, simple home, small budget, practical and important (full text)

    The whole decoration of my home, furniture and appliances together, is about 6W, 82 square meters. Because of the limited budget, it took a lot of effort, and now it can finally show up. “ ”