What to read about interior decoration design

As the saying goes, it's hard to start everything. If you don't fully understand the decoration before you start, you will definitely fall into the vortex of trouble. The prophase preparation topic of the online decoration has collected relevant knowledge about what to read in the interior decoration design for you, so that you can understand what to read in the interior decoration design, easily decorate and live a happy life

  • Popular _ What to read about interior decoration design
  • Recommendation_Interior decoration design
 What books should be read in interior design
  • 01 What books should be read in interior design
  • Software is just a part of decoration, and this part does not need books. The online tutorials are more useful than books. If it is a book about decoration, I recommend you to look at the Interior Design Data Set. First, ergonomics in interior design is a book about understanding space concepts, Any kind of space concept of human beings does not appear out of thin air, but is based on the corresponding reference objects. For designers, their own bodies are a basic reference object of size. You can use your half arm distance, basic walking distance, starting distance of forward leaning, and head up distance, Look up the distance to understand the rationality of a space. These belong to ergonomics, which is also based on our body size to grasp the size rationality of indoor space. For example, if the shoulder width of a man is 520 and that of a woman is 430, then when designing an aisle decoration, nothing you add will

  • label: Interior Decoration Design | Interior Design
    20370 people concerned
 What books on interior decoration design are worth recommending
  • 02 What books on interior decoration design are worth recommending
  • There are too many books related to interior design. Here are some books that you can choose to read according to your own needs.
    1. Book name: Design Criteria: Become Your Own Interior Designer
    Content introduction: This book talks about many ways of thinking and habits, and constantly challenges many of your established misconceptions. She shared the design criteria, measurement methods, coordination proportions and hard truths used by professional designers in designing each room. These secrets are hard to learn in practice.
    Comment: "You must read a book to correct your wrong residential concept"

    2. Book name: Anatomy Book of Residential Design
    Content introduction: Can your new home be very comfortable? It depends on whether it is designed according to your lifestyle. This book with pictures and texts can make you understand the value, functions and use points of every space in your home with great ease. It is like a "children's book", but full of wisdom and

  • label: What to read about interior decoration design | Interior decoration, worth, recommend, what are there, design
    39102 people concerned
 What books should I read to learn interior design?
  • 03 What books should I read to learn interior design?
  • AutoCAD, 3Dmax, and Photoshop are necessary books. They are boring, but very important. They are used to make drawings at the beginning

  • label: What books to read in interior decoration design | Interior design, books, learning
    44117 people concerned
 What books do you need to read to learn interior decoration design
  • 04 What books do you need to read to learn interior decoration design
  • As a designer, you need to know a lot. First of all, you need to know about color matching, interior design software, and certain home decoration feng shui. The following exceptions of soft decoration design are answered one by one:
    1. To be proficient in the use of interior design software (CAD, 3DMAX, VR, LP, PS, Lingtscape), which are basically used by designers, you must learn how to use them.
    2. Very sensitive to the color matching of the overall space and the concept of space. (Skilled)
    3. The ability to draw, read and read drawings is a must. (Skilled)
    4. Mechanics, material science, ergonomics, architecture and construction technology are basic knowledge that needs to be understood and applied, as well as basic knowledge of home decoration and geomancy. (understand)
    5. Comprehensive quality: language expression ability, psychology, communication ability, psychological endurance, coordination and cooperation ability. To be a real designer, self-confidence is very important and the most basic quality.

  • label: What to read about interior decoration design | Want to see, interior decoration, foundation, learning, design
    33511 people concerned
 Which books should be read in interior decoration design
  • 05 Which books should be read in interior decoration design
  • The key is still personal talent and experience in space design, as well as drawing technology. If you want to learn, we recommend the following books:
    Design Criteria: Become Your Own Interior Designer (US) Griffin
    Residential Design Anatomy Book (Japan)
    Good Space: Residential Compartment Technique to Connect Family Members by Sasakawa Xu (Taiwan Edition)
    There are also some college courses:
    Introduction to Art
    History of Foreign Art Design
    Plane Composition
    Three dimensional Composition
    Manual Painting Techniques

  • label: Interior Decoration Design | Interior Decoration, Design
    74643 people concerned
 What books should I read if I want to learn interior design by myself? Thank you very much!
  • 06 What books should I read if I want to learn interior design by myself? Thank you very much!
  • Interior design is a process of transforming ideas into reality. It can't be learned well only by reading.

    Methods for self-study of interior design:
    1、 Focusing on meeting the needs of people and interpersonal activities
    For different people and different users, consider their different requirements: space design; It is necessary to pay attention to the requirements of studying people's behavioral psychology and visual perception. Different spaces give people different feelings.

    2、 Strengthen the overall environmental outlook
    The conception, conception, style and environmental atmosphere creation of interior design need to focus on the overall environment, cultural characteristics and architectural functional characteristics.
    Macro environment; (Natural environment) sky, atmosphere; Mountains and forests, plains and grasslands; Climatic and geographical characteristics, natural scenery, local materials.
    Meso environment; (urban and rural, neighborhood and outdoor environment) urban and rural environment; Community Neighborhood Buildings and Outdoor Interior Design

  • label: What to read about interior decoration design | Thank you very much, I want to see, interior design, self-study
    92644 people concerned
 What books on interior decoration design are worth recommending
  • 07 What books on interior decoration design are worth recommending
  • There are too many books related to interior design. Here are some books that you can choose to read according to your own needs.
    1. Book name: Design Criteria: Become Your Own Interior Designer
    Content introduction: This book talks about many ways of thinking and habits, and constantly challenges many of your established misconceptions. She shared the design criteria, measurement methods, coordination proportions and hard truths used by professional designers in designing each room. These secrets are hard to learn in practice.
    Comment: "You must read a book to correct your wrong residential concept"

    2. Book name: Anatomy Book of Residential Design
    Content introduction: Can your new home be very comfortable? It depends on whether it is designed according to your lifestyle. This book with pictures and texts can make you understand the value, functions and use points of every space in your home with great ease. It is like a "children's book", but full of wisdom and

  • label: What to read about interior decoration design | Interior decoration, worth, recommend, what are there, design
    92830 people concerned
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 What books do you need to read to learn interior decoration design
  • 01 What books do you need to read to learn interior decoration design
  • As a designer, you need to know a lot. First of all, you need to know about color matching, interior design software, and certain home decoration feng shui. The following exceptions for soft decoration design are answered one by one: 1. To be proficient in the use of interior design software (CAD, 3DMAX, VR, LP, PS, Lingtscape), which are basically used by designers, you must learn how to use them. 2. Very sensitive to the color matching of the overall space and the concept of space. (Skilled) 3. The ability to draw, read and read drawings is a must. (Skilled) 4. Mechanics, material science, ergonomics, architecture, construction technology are basic knowledge, which needs to be understood and applied, as well as basic knowledge of home decoration and geomancy. (Understand) 5. Comprehensive quality: language expression ability, psychology, communication ability, psychological endurance, coordination and cooperation ability. To be a real designer, self-confidence is very important and the most basic quality. 6. As a designer, service awareness is also very important, attitude is sincere and work hard

  • label: What to read about interior decoration design | Want to see, interior decoration, foundation, learning, design
    30378 people concerned
 What books should I read for interior decoration designer certificate
  • 02 What books should I read for interior decoration designer certificate
  • I also want to take the exam. I mainly read some books about the construction and technology of decoration, but I think it is better to take the exam of registered architect!

  • label: Interior Decoration Design | Interior Decoration, Design
    88922 people concerned
 What books should I read if I want to learn interior decoration design?
  • 03 What books should I read if I want to learn interior decoration design?
  • Interior design involves many majors: 1. Ergonomics 2. Materials technology 3. CAD professional software 4. It's better to learn psychology 5. Colorology 6. Art design 7. Service etiquette 8. 3DMAX, etc. The above is for reference only.

  • label: Interior Decoration Design | Interior Decoration, Design
    81999 people concerned
 As a hobby, if you want to learn something about interior decoration design, what books or training classes are good
  • 04 As a hobby, if you want to learn something about interior decoration design, what books or training classes are good
  • For your reference, it's better to study on your own for a period of time. You can go to a larger bookstore to buy some such books. It's better to buy them from Tsinghua University or the electronic industry version. Secondly, check more on the Internet about some relevant knowledge of interior decoration design, software, popular drawing methods, etc. Because I want my sister to learn interior decoration design by herself, and I also want to learn it in the last class. But combined with my own experience, I think it is better to learn it by herself for a while, and you will change many of your previous views. In fact, everyone is not as ignorant of computer knowledge as they think. In fact, they should believe in their own abilities

  • label: Interior Decoration Design | Interior Decoration, Design
    37557 people concerned
 I strongly want to learn interior decoration by myself. What books do I need to read? I hope that in-service designers can answer.
  • 05 I strongly want to learn interior decoration by myself. What books do I need to read? I hope that in-service designers can answer.
  • I didn't want to answer. I was engaged in interior design, and I also studied electrical automation before. The above basic nonsense. Interior design should also be divided into disciplines, such as interior architecture, electricity, water supply and drainage. And according to the nature of space, tooling, home decoration. It needs to be selective and targeted. Don't do everything. Generally, it is not good to make home decoration when making tooling, and it is generally a layman to make home decoration design tooling. The content of design varies with different levels. High end hotels and yachts; Low end is low rent housing. The value of this is not disputed. If you study interior design systematically, you can refer to the following subjects: 1. Architectural history: History of Western Architecture, History of Chinese Architecture 2. Color and matching 3. Lighting 4. Building decoration materials and application 5. Construction process standard of building decoration engineering 6. Construction drawing drawing and Standard for General Drawing GB-T 50103-2001, Design Depth Drawing of Construction Drawing of Civil Building Engineering 7. GB Series National Standards and Specifications

  • label: Interior Decoration Design | Interior Decoration, Design
    80115 people concerned
 I want to learn interior decoration design, but I'm a novice. Who can tell me what books to read and what to use
  • 06 I want to learn interior decoration design, but I'm a novice. Who can tell me what books to read and what to use
  • Hello, I'm learning indoor renderings. It's the primary stage For interior decoration design, use CAD software renderings, use 3DSMAX. For books, go to the bookstore. There are many books about interior decoration design. Software can be downloaded. Software tutorials can also be downloaded or viewed online. I have video tutorials of 3DSMAX modeling basics and download addresses of some tutorials. We can learn together and wish you success in your studies QQ339158111 By the way, I just did the decoration. Please forgive me for any mistakes in my answers

  • label: Interior Decoration Design | Interior Decoration, Design
    72570 people concerned
 Excuse me, what books do students of interior design read
  • 07 Excuse me, what books do students of interior design read
  • In fact, if you want to learn interior decoration well, you need to read a lot of books. You think there are interior decoration design majors in universities now, and their courses are dozens of, including basic courses and professional courses. However, some courses are only supplementary, which means that you don't have to learn those courses. So you want to make a contribution in the area of room decoration. My suggestion is to read the books on decoration design and go to the decoration company for practice. This is the best shortcut to combine theory with practice.

  • label: Interior Decoration Design | Interior Decoration, Design
    29018 people concerned
 What is a good book for self-study of interior design?
  • 08 What is a good book for self-study of interior design?
  • Collection of Interior Design Zhang Yiman and Zheng Shuyang This is the foundation and must see. The design of Home Claims is a bit deep Color Book for Everyone and other books Construction books Just look for the China Construction Industry Press You also need to master several software, such as Excel 3D Tutorial Plane Tutorial AutoCAD Software Photoshop It's a bit difficult to learn interior design by yourself. You can take a local training class.

  • label: Interior Decoration Design | Interior Decoration, Design
    62468 people concerned
 I want to learn interior decoration design by myself. What books should I read??
  • 09 I want to learn interior decoration design by myself. What books should I read??
  • I suggest you read the Principles of Interior Design compiled by Zheng Shuyang, which is very detailed in terms of ergonomics, indoor space division, style expression, color composition, material science and construction technology. A very good book.

  • label: Interior Decoration Design | Interior Decoration, Design
    79713 people concerned
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  • What to read about interior decoration design<relevant renderings>
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    The content is very good and enlightens me
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    pretty good
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