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Dongfeng Nissan Teana Car Smart Connect can't use the abnormal noise of the fuel tank

  • Complaint No.: 【1181287】
  • Complaint time: 2024-05-21 17:26
  • Complaint brand: Dongfeng Nissan
  • Complaint vehicle series: Sounds of nature
  • Complaint model: 2020 2.0L XL Upper Smart Line

Complaint content

1. The seventh generation Tianlai promised on Dongfeng Nissan's official WeChat public account contains Nissan Zhilian function, which is still unavailable. When I bought the car, the 4S store clearly told me that the Nissan Smart Connect function was available. At that time, it could not be used when I picked up the car. The manufacturer said that it could only be used after listing the license plate. After listing the license plate, they said that they needed to wait for the system to be upgraded. My car had been upgraded three times in a row, but still could not be used. The manufacturer also told me that the hardware did not support it. The Dongfeng Nissan manufacturer was suspected of false propaganda and playing tricks on consumers. Many times, the manufacturer never actively replied. The same model is equipped with Nissan Smart Connect function, but there is no high-end configuration that has spent more money. Since April 2020, the manufacturer has complained many times, and the manufacturer has no solutions, let alone solutions. It really hurts Dongfeng Nissan. 2. The abnormal noise is serious after the oil tank is filled with oil, the abnormal noise of the central console, and the abnormal noise of the four wheels, The manufacturer is required to find out the cause of the problem and solve it as soon as possible. 3. Cracks on the central control panel.

Complaint response

Reply from the manufacturer of Dongfeng Nissan: the manufacturer has known and attached great importance to the problems fed back by customers, has arranged relevant 4S stores to connect with customers, and is actively communicating and handling, and the manufacturer will continue to pay attention to the follow-up handling results. Thank you for your support and understanding. If you have any questions, please take the initiative to call Dongfeng Nissan hotline 95027.

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