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Several parts of Geely's classic Emgrand body are rusted

  • Complaint No.: 【1181276】
  • Complaint time: 2024-05-21 17:16
  • Complaint brand: Geely Automobile
  • Complaint vehicle series: Classic regal
  • Complaint model: 2013 1.8L manual elite CNG hatchback

Complaint content

There are many rust problems on the body of Geely's classic Emgrand. The body of the Geely Classic Emgrand I bought in July 2014 was rusted in many places. I hope that the manufacturer can help solve this problem, but unfortunately, the manufacturer did not provide a positive solution, but asked me to bear part of the cost. What's more disappointing is that the attitude of the 4S store and the manufacturer seems to be the same, both of them are "no money, no repairs".

Complaint response

Reply from Geely Automobile Manufacturer: We have received your information and will coordinate relevant 4S stores to verify with you as soon as possible. The manufacturer will also continue to pay attention to the follow-up processing. Thank you for your support and understanding. If you have any questions, please call the customer service hotline of Geely Automobile: 400-886-9888.

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