• Manufacturer's guide price: 1058-135800 (2024)
  • product Cards: Great Wall Automobile
  • vehicle Department: Oula Good Cat
  • Brand attribute: autonomy
  • Model attributes: Light-Duty Vehicle
  • Energy type: Pure electric
  • Range: 401km | 501km
Complaint sales ratio (ten thousandths) The smaller the value, the better the performance of the model
Overall ranking Light-Duty Vehicle autonomy

Monthly complaint sales ratio (ten thousandths)

quality problem Service problems Other issues
Complaint time:
from to
Model Year:

Model year statistics (pcs)
Quality problem statistics (pcs)
1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-50 51-100 101-300 Above 300
Typical problems (pcs)

User complaints

Complaint No Complaint model Problem description Complaint time
【1191888】 2023 401km standard endurance comfortable lithium iron phosphate Euler Good Cat's Bluetooth key is faulty, and the car network is stuck 2024-06-12
【1190713】 2024 401km luxury model The sales staff of Oula Good Cat 4S store deliberately concealed the interest 2024-06-09
【1190602】 2022 400km standard endurance luxury lithium iron phosphate The use experience is affected by the fact that the 360 image of Oula Good Cat is not displayed 2024-06-09
【1188594】 2023 401km standard endurance luxury lithium iron phosphate Oula Haomao's car starts up and the slow reversing image is stuck 2024-06-05
【1186779】 2024 401km Zunrong Oula Good Cat's new car multimedia fails to work 2024-06-01
【1186760】 2023 401km standard endurance comfortable lithium iron phosphate Euler Good Cat's Bluetooth key is faulty, and the car network is stuck 2024-06-01

User reputation

Overall, I felt it was pretty good

Oula Oula Good Cat 2023 501km long endurance noble ternary lithium

Comprehensive evaluation: four branch


I was most satisfied with two things. One was the appearance of a good cat. On the day when the new car was first driven to work in the company, a lot of colleagues came to watch and praised it. Don't mention how happy I was. The second is 360 degree panoramic reversing image, which is very friendly to newcomers.


Forgive me, Green doesn't seem to be very resistant to dirt. You should wash the car at least twice a month. It's also troublesome.


I didn't use the gear design at first, but I found that it was also very easy to use. I didn't have to look down at the shift key frequently to avoid

2023-09-11 09:50:25