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Tongrentang Liuwei Dihuang Pill
OTC OTC Class B Zhongcheng Chinese patent medicine Medic A Class A medical insurance

Approval No.: GYZZZ Z19993068

Functions and indications: Nourishing yin and tonifying kidney. It is used for kidney yin loss, dizziness and tinnitus, waist and knee tenderness, bone steaming and hot flashes, night sweating and spermatorrhea Details>>

 Diabetes _ ask the doctor quickly
How to cure prostatic hypertrophy
Prostate hypertrophy is a common disease in men, mainly manifested as dysuria, frequent urination, urgency and other symptoms. There are two main methods to treat prostatic hypertrophy: medication and surgery Details>>
How to treat penis sebum heterotopia
Heterotopic sebum of penis is a common disease of male reproductive system, which is mainly manifested by the appearance of small white or yellow particles similar to fat particles on the penis skin. This condition usually does not seriously affect the patient's health, but may Details>>
Does the dancing girl have dysmenorrhea
Girls who practice dancing may have dysmenorrhea, which is usually not directly related to whether they dance. Dysmenorrhea is mainly divided into primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea. Primary dysmenorrhea and endometrium, increased prostaglandin content Details>>
Is 11 days after menstruation a safe period
Eleven days after menstruation is generally not a safe period. At this time, it is possible to conceive without contraception, and attention should be paid. Generally, the risk period for female pregnancy is 5 days before ovulation and 5 days after ovulation, and ovulation occurs in the middle of menstruation Details>>
Can syphilitic patients soak their feet with wormwood
Unfortunately, after being infected with syphilis, you can try to use wormwood for auxiliary conditioning. Wormwood is a common material for soaking feet, which can warm menstruation, stop bleeding, detoxify, dissipate cold and relieve pain. When people with syphilis use wormwood to soak feet, they can achieve stimulation Details>>
How to use medicine for pregnant women with non gonorrhea
Non gonococcal urethritis refers to non gonococcal urethritis. Pregnant women should not be blindly treated with drugs after onset of disease. If necessary, they can be treated with antibiotics according to the doctor's advice. As pregnant women belong to a special group, they cannot blindly use therapeutic drugs after the onset Details>>
Itchy head, dandruff, what to eat more
Itchy head, dandruff, has always troubled many people. More dandruff will cause itching of our scalp, and will also damage the hair, causing hair loss and other more serious consequences. Itchy head. If you often scratch your scalp, it is easy to cause fungal infection and Details>>
How to Quickly Relieve Cold and Headache
Cold and headache are common ailments. Basically, everyone is troubled by cold and headache, which happens several times a year. Although a cold is a minor disease, sometimes it is allowed to go unchecked, which will lead to the worsening of the disease and seriously affect the daily life Details>>
The pores of male chest skin are large and rough
There are many reasons for the large and rough pores of male chest skin, and the following are some possible reasons: 1 Hereditary factors: Hereditary factors may be one of the main reasons for the enlargement of male chest skin pores. If your parents or close relatives have Details>>
Lanzhou Vitiligo Hospital will inherit vitiligo disease to children
First, we need to understand the cause of vitiligo. The pathogenesis of vitiligo is not completely clear, but it is currently believed that it is mainly related to genetic factors, autoimmune disorders, environmental factors and other factors. Hereditary factors in vitiligo Details>>
How to protect the eyes of the elderly? Five eye protection methods to restore the health of the eyes
The functions of various organs of the elderly will deteriorate with age, and the eyes are no exception. Many elderly people have presbyopia and blurred vision, so the elderly should pay attention to that they can wash their eyes with cold water at ordinary times, and can turn more Details>>
How to avoid presbyopia for the elderly Five preparations should be made in advance to prevent presbyopia
The body of middle-aged and old people is gradually aging because of cells, and various body functions are beginning to decline. After the kidney essence weakens, the vision of many old people gradually becomes blurred. Some people even feel pain in their eyes, such as glaucoma, floaters, etc Details>>
The 2024 Digital Therapy Conference was grandly opened, and Hainan accelerated to create a new paradigm of digital health
In order to further promote the development of digital therapy, build a national leading digital health innovation highland, and accelerate the construction of a higher level international health island, August 2024 Details>>
Sharing the magnificent journey of tumor immunity - I-O Asia 2024 Asia Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment and Drug Innovation Summit starts in Guangzhou in September
This is a grand gathering of the world's top scientific researchers, clinicians, pharmaceutical companies and other professionals, and a platform to jointly discuss and promote the development of tumor immunotherapy Details>>
Precautions at 38 weeks of pregnancy
At the 38th week of pregnancy, it has entered the last stage of pregnancy. At this time, pregnant women need to pay special attention to their physical conditions and the dynamics of the fetus. Here are some important considerations: 1 Monitoring fetal movement: fetal activity at this time Details>>
How long does the hair change
Hair changing period varies from person to person. Generally, the growth cycle of hair can be divided into three stages: growth period, regression period and rest period. Under normal circumstances, the growth period of hair can last for 2-6 years, during which time the hair will continue to grow Details>>

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