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Tel.: 021-51692305
Fax: 021-57745350
Mobile: 13391126359
Email: 314104987@qq.com
Address: 245, Building 2, No. 655, Gaoji Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai (Headquarters)
Factory address: No. 11, Zhonggang Road, Xinzhuang Town, Changshu, Suzhou

What should be paid attention to when selecting the membrane structure shed?


1. Consider the functional requirements of membrane structure shed.

At present, the basic function of the membrane structure shed project is to protect the sun and rain. In order to meet the development of automation in the future, the most important membrane structure shed project, when purchasing a large membrane structure shed, consideration should be given to the configuration of functions that can provide solar fire protection and self-cleaning.

2. Consider the foundation requirements of membrane structure shed steel structure.

Some units change the foundation of membrane structure shed to smaller embedded parts. Comprehensive stress requirements are not considered. Therefore, there may be many unpredictable risks in future use.

3. Pay attention to the selection of technical parameters of membrane materials for membrane structure shed.

Whether domestic or imported membrane materials are selected for the membrane structure shed, different technical parameters are available for the same type of membrane materials. For example, the thickness or color of domestic membrane materials can be selected, and a variety of accessories can also be selected. When ordering these membrane materials, technical parameters should be selected according to their own needs, environmental use, compression resistance and other requirements.

Shanghai Shenghao Industrial Co., Ltd

Tel: 400-631-1914, 021-51692305 Fax: 021-57745350 QQ: 314104987

Mail: 314104987@qq.com Address: 245, Building 2, No. 655, Gaoji Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai (Headquarters)

Factory address: No. 11, Zhonggang Road, Xinzhuang Town, Changshu, Suzhou

Copyright © 2018 Shanghai Shenghao Industrial Co., Ltd    HUICPB No. 18041563 HGWNAB No. 31011702007956

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