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Tel.: 021-51692305
Fax: 021-57745350
Mobile: 13391126359
Email: 314104987@qq.com
Address: 245, Building 2, No. 655, Gaoji Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai (Headquarters)
Factory address: No. 11, Zhonggang Road, Xinzhuang Town, Changshu, Suzhou

What are the differences between anti hanging film and hanging film?


1. Process

Reverse hanging membrane: the reverse hanging membrane is a sewage pool sealing method that uses steel structure as the support structure, and the membrane material is suspended reversely on the steel structure and fixed by bolts.

Suspension membrane: suspension membrane is a kind of structure without skeleton support, which is only suspended by flexible cables and other components.

2. Cost

The two sewage pool sealing processes are different, and there are some differences in cost. Generally, the cost of hanging cable anti hanging membrane is more cost-effective, especially for large-span sewage pool sealing.

3. Scope of application

Reverse hanging membrane: due to its supporting structure, the reverse hanging membrane can seal all types of sewage pools, with unlimited span and design of any access door and window.

Suspension membrane: the suspension membrane requires a column in the middle of the sewage pool, and because it is laid flat on the sewage pool, equipment maintenance cannot be carried out, so it is generally covered on the sewage pool without equipment.

Shanghai Shenghao Industrial Co., Ltd

Tel: 400-631-1914, 021-51692305 Fax: 021-57745350 QQ: 314104987

Mail: 314104987@qq.com Address: 245, Building 2, No. 655, Gaoji Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai (Headquarters)

Factory address: No. 11, Zhonggang Road, Xinzhuang Town, Changshu, Suzhou

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